I'm sick of AdBlock.
Fuck. AdBlocking technology was a huge mistake for mankind.

Other urls found in this thread:

I run a self-hosted website. No ads. No money. No problem. It's been up for over a year now with no problems.
Why? Because I wanted a website. It's not turning a profit, and I don't expect it to. In fact, it's costing me money every month. It's well worth it.
If it's not worth it to you to deliver your message to everyone who goes to then don't do it.

>No money
You eventually pay electronic fee anyway. There's no free lunch.

Domain is not free too.

Yes, if you kept reading, you'd be able to tell from context I meant "no profit."

I respect your hipster mind but technology is for applying(= making money with it).

If people couldn't get any profit from media(including internet), Eventually, there will be only propaganda and illegal things.

i don't block ads, i block malware.

You turn off adblock when there's only good, not harmful ads then, right?

stop releasing your content for free and get a job then

or whine at your shitty Ad host and make them stop using cancer ads that make it impossible to browse a website or try to infect my computer.

fuck you

>ifs for applying(= making money with it).
If you get a call from your friend who wants to go bowling with you, chances are you'd get in a car (technology) and drive him to the bowling alley (application). Where is the "making money with it?"
If you have something you want to say to millions of people, you put it on the internet (technology) so that people can acquire it and read it (application).
If you have nothing to say, then it makes sense that you don't find that worth it. If you just want money for nothing, then it makes sense that adblock would be an issue for you.
>Eventually, there will be only propaganda and illegal things.
So which one is your post? Unless you're getting any profit from your post here (which is on the internet) then it must either be propaganda or illegal.

Think before "you've won an iPhone" days.
Or Sup Forums ad's pre An Hiro. Where they're there but don't get in the way. And may show you something you want and not redirect you to some dodgy site, or unrelated item.

>get a job
I already have a job and it's called 'web developer', faggot.

>If you have something you want to say to millions of people, you put it on the internet (technology) so that people can acquire it and read it (application).

Internet != Blog

Imagine television/movie markets where everyone pirates and adblocks. What do you expect? An utopian world filled with hobbyist? No, Only(or Mainly) state propaganda will be released.

>it must either be propaganda or illegal.
Let's not play with words. Internet is not only for communicating.

>serve 5 MB of javascript to deliver a news article a few kB in size
>muh server costs


The fact is that the adblocking problem began when the resources needed to load articles became substantially less than the ones it took to load ads. It's ridiculous

Find other ways to get money, dude

>server cost
cheap as fuck

>damage control
>Damage Control

Back to step one: get a fucking real job nigger. You are literally shitting on the internet and except to be paid for it.

>What do you expect?
A number of things:
1) For starters, people like you and me talking will still exist without either one of us getting paid.
2) Businesses who do real things for people having a place where people can go order those real things. Hey, look at that! People can get paid on the internet without ads!
>Let's not play with words.
These are your words exactly. Don't backpedal.

I don't want to be bothered by your shitty ads.

If the only options are see ads to consume your content, or not see your shit at all, then I'll choose to not see your shit.

Stop serving malicious ads. Don't pretend it's only small, shady sites with this problem. Read an article, dumb nigger.

If you make better content I will turn off adblock.

>I already have a job and it's called 'web developer', faggot.
it's not a job if you dont get paid.

if you release your shit for free you have no right to whine about not getting paid

Like Amazon? It will exist anyway, I admit it.

wow really? But most people don't btw

>for free

OP here. since It's 1:30 am here, I'm gonna sleep. goodbye

Thank you for conceding that was right.

>for free
yes, that's the fucking point of this thread, idiots complaining about not getting ad-revenue because they release shit for free

Like I give a fuck about your problems

I thought you were Indian at first, but this post points more evidence at you being Australian, if you're telling the truth. I'm not sure which is worse.

Ads were a huge mistake for mankind.

This post brought to you by Outbrain. Click here for 3 weird tips that'll really make you think.

>adblocking """"technology""""

I refuse to stop blocking ads until the advertising industry stops its immoral practices. The advertising industry tracks people, fails to check ads for malware and uses mental manipulation techniques to fuck with people heads just to make them buy shit.

Tell me your website so I can whitelist it, then.

t. Hiroshicuck

I could not possibly give less of a shit whether you make money from your website or not. Take it down if you can't afford it. Nobody will miss it.

No one fucking cares.

You want to know what was a worse invention then adblock?
Internet ads.


i agree, you stop using adblock

get eye cancer

People should avoid using adblock anyway. It only hides the ads. Use uBlock which actually blocks them.

Stop relying on a failed jewish business model. Launch a Patreon, start selling merchandise of your site, stuff like that. If your content is worth reading people will pay to support you, if it isn't then tough luck, nigger.

adblock isn't the mistake

ads are

tell your business partners to stop abusing your customers by taking away their privacy, security and mental health

mein neger

>finance me my hobby pls ;_;

You can start by by paying for my petrol

I only have adblock turned off for stack overflow. The ads are relevant to me and unobtrusive there's no bullshit. I have yet to notice another site where this is the case

Well perhaps companies should have thought there would be backlash from shitty / malicious ads being put on webpages. If ads weren't so intrusive then adblockers wouldn't have taken off.

ADBLOCK=no money=no incentive=shit tier content

Are you guys actually his retarded?

Up until recently Sup Forums was hosted on a fucking mac mini lmao. Why do you have to pay for that? Greedy bastards.

NO ADBLOCK = money = content created specifically to make money = shit tier content

See how easy it is to argue this way.

I respect your inability to read but
no wait you're just retarded

>technology is for applying
>le exchange value is the ONLY value argument of the sociopath
Get out.

>Imagine television/movie markets where everyone pirates and adblocks
More independent content coming from people in their spare time, rather than a bunch of (((hacks))) pushing their muh Calvinist liberalism on saturation mode. I see literally nothing wrong with this. Clearly your head is stuck in the hierarchical producer-consumer paradigm because your income depends on it.


If you can't afford your server, don't. 99% of sites are worthless anyway.

You got it backwards boyo.
Money = shit content.

adblock will fade away when it's got such a hold on the public that advertising companies have to make non-invasive ads for real products and services

i would happily disable adblock if 90%+ of the ads I see weren't
>clearly scams
>highly invasive (pop-ups, fake DL buttons)
>breaking site CSS
>massively increasing load times

Sup Forums hates steve jobs but there's no doubt that he was on the right track with where ads should be going. he knew that people would only grow more wary of ads if they continued to be low-effort, scummy clickbait.

make ads an actual, useful avenue to connect people to relevant products & services and people won't mind seeing them.

The user literally stated he was ok with paying the costs because he enjoys putting out his content to whoever wants it and believes the cost justifies the value of his content to other people.

If your're so sure that your content deserves a monetary reward, then set up a pay wall; make your users pay a fee to subscribe to your content. But oh wait, they probably don't value your content that much and you know that. Stop being a leach on the system user.

Then charge a fee. I'll stop using your site, and you won't have to deal with my adblocker ever again.

What's wrong with imprinting images and names on peoples minds so they instantly think of them when certain topics are brought up or cetain objects are placed in front of them? Sure it sounds kind of "false idol"ish, but what's wrong with a little flase idol worshipping?

uBlock, uMatrix, HTTPS Everywhere

Is there anything else a person needs to browse the web these days?

The web would be a better place without ad-dependent sites. Facebook, Google, etc can fuck off, as well as all blogspam and referral links. Ads basically exist to trick people into doing things they wouldn't normally do.

AdBlock is a problem created by adtech industry. You fucks got too greedy, the ads became too obnoxious and people got sick of it. Every action causes a reaction. And now it's too late. So fuck you. Internet is better with an adblock, I'm not turning it off.

they probably woudln't get autoblocked if you didn't literally label them as "ads" in your fucking web page's source code

if it was that easy don't you think that big sites would be doing it?

there's a variety of mechanisms in ad blockers for targeting elements beyond searching for a fucking attribute named "ad"

Adblock never would have been a thing if not for disrespecting bandwidth, popups, self playing flash/audio and malware vectors. Advertisers did this to themselves. They have no one else to blame.

Don't post Hatate beside such terrible bait ever again.


go away hiro

the internet is a pull technology not a push technology
when i GET the webpage it comes with the website's structure but also with ads.
i just choose not to pull/GET those ads.

HTTP/2 has push requests. Your browser is free to ignore them though.

>implying I'd actually willingly click on an ad even with adblock disabled

I bought 4 domains for 4$ (2 years).
Tell me how much cost that is motherfucker.
Anti ads/malware hosts file with 36,430 entries.

0.01 shekels just credited to your goyimbank account

Blame advertisers for making shitty, cancerous, malicious ads.

If they weren't jamming an ad in every spot on the page and making 50 pop unders, I wouldn't block them.

We need to go back to static ads, JavaScript and flash are cancer

Decentraleyes is cool, eh reduces loading times and doesn't afriad of tracking

Sorry, I don't like those auto fullscreen "INSTALL THIS ADDON TO CLOSE THE TAB" bullshits or ads in the middle of the page. I usually disable my ad block every time I'm reading or watching something interesting. When they stop using intrusive and shitty ads I'll stop using it.

>.t communist retard that fell for a meme perpetuated by big companies like apple to force autistic retards into doing things for free

i bet you think open source software is a good thing too

go ahead autistic retards, keep programming yourself and others out of jobs and further commidifying your careers

>programming yourself and others out of jobs

whats your point

I'll stop using adblock when every ad in the world is confirmed not malicious in any way

Until then, rekt I guess

But open source is good for you, user.

just use noscript and disable flash you mong


What a compelling argument, I'm switching to windows now :^)

no use in arguing with a brainwashed idiot thats so cucked he thinks oss doesnt harm programmers

I am a programmer and I like open source. It's helping me, not hurting.

Enjoy your botnet, goy.

Fuck you, I will use adblock for the rest of my internet life

I will also use adnauseum to click ads for me and make advertisers lose money