/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for:
musl c

Which distro is it?

probably arch or f'dora

>I hate GNU because that's all the cool kids do today

fuck off

>sending people to an off topic board
>not sending them to so they can enjoy the outdoors and exercise a little.

Do 'we' like Source Mage?

I dont believe in your false prophet stallman.
I dont agree with his communist views on the tech industry.
I dont agree with pedophiles
I dont agree with people who partake in beastiatliy
I dont agree with someone who has poor hygeine and eats his dirty foot skin
I dont agree with this all or nothing political nonsense freetards spout out like acid
I dont support,supporting a clearly mentally ill persons poor personality and social actions(pic related)

Free Pasta:
>YouTube without pulseaudio
>Better fonts thanks to bohoomil
>Arch without systemd

He has been MIA for over a year and all the patches have been absorbed in to font config upstream.

Did you post this from a mac?

>not agreeing with any of that
>browsing Sup Forums

You neo gfags can get the fuck out

and here i thought all you linux fags were pedos

did you even read the pasta?

I don't support, superfluous punctuation.

Ok guys, which are the best KDE distros? OpenSUSE Tumbleweed is out of question, I've ran Arch for the longest time and am currently using KDE Neon. Anyone here has any experience of Fedora KDE or Mageia?

KDE Neon is probably the KDE'st KDE experience. Also based on ubuntu LTS which is a solid foundation for desktop OS'.

I tried Fedora KDE and I'd rather OpenSUSE. It crashed quite a bit. Had less trouble with Kubuntu

One day when Open Source won, when GNU/Linux is yet another macOS, when DRM deleted your files, when the botnet rapes your ass everyday, when the agency records the act, when the company sells the recording to the highest bidder and you're in jail for sharing something with a friend, you'll taste the bitter taste on the tongue which says "Stallman was right."

Is Ubuntu a good OS for privacy as well for new users? If not is there a to get rid of the spying?

yes it is, no there is nothing to get rid of or need to
there was a thing with amazon but only in unity so use ubantu gnome or whatever else you want

or he'll be like "Fuck GNU!"

why not just install a distro which doesnt have spyware in the first place?

that said, the amazon thing is still in ubuntu, but it's now disabled

install xubuntu

I'm using manjaro and I have several hundred fonts (yes) from a windows machine that I want to install.

the arch wiki suggests that one should take the time to package each font/font set for management purposes. however, given the number of fonts I have, this seems absurd. is there any strong reason I shouldn't just dump them all in /usr/share/fonts?

or just .local/share/fonts/ ?
anyway why do you need those, the bohomils settings with liberation work fine

>seems absurd
Have you even looked up how to do it?
You would literally copy paste the command and then bring in an ls of the fonts

So I want to install openSUSE alongside windows on a 128gb drive.

I noticed the default setup leaves only 22gb for the root volume and 33gb for /home. Think that's an ok setup ir maybe I should not use a separate /home partition? Also how worse off am I with this btrfs+xfs setup than the ext4 setup other distros do?

I actually dump my fonts in a special directory (makes more sense since I copy paste them from OS to OS anyway and most of them aren't from the repos). That said, I wouldn't dump them in /usr/, but in ~. You can add any directory you with with
xset +fp directory
xset fp rehash
Or just use the standard font directory in home.

Underage filesystem that still randomly corrupts without notice
Xfs is more suited for larger files,such as a media server.
Use ext4 for everything but /boot,which you should use ext2.

So it's only in unity. Good
Because I heard it's easy to use.

Aight, ext4 it is. It's just that I don't understand why this os there by default

What is the best distro to keep around in an USB for fixing fuckups?

Is dns supposed to connect to a remote server or can it be done entirely in the router before leaving or both?

Just some installation medium for a distro, that's enough for fixing things

I've been already doing that, but I should have been more specific.

Something that will have the right tools without relying on an internet connection, or that has propietary wireless drivers.

I've been stuck in the past while trying to scavenge data from the hdd of a laptop with broadcom wireless, and it was a pita, and had to use tethering in the end to finally download testdisk/photorec

XFCE or KDE? Can't decide which one I'd rather use.

Are you short on resources


low spec hardware/concerned about battery life in a laptop -> xfeces

better resources and more functions out of the box -> kde

Using a thinkpad t420, so not particularly no.
That being said, I'd like to use something efficient or easy on battery life as I use this machine for school.

Something minimal like Arch would work

What functions out of the box does KDE offer over XFCE? I thought the biggest difference was that one was lighter on resources than the other.
Don't really have an interest to rice out my system, just want something that looks nice and lets me get to work.

I won't mention no gui.

The desktop that will suck the least battery would be a basic window manager, either a stacking (openbox, fluxbox, etc) that are closer to what you are used to in windows, gnome, kde, xfce, mate, etc; or a tiling wm (the beloved i3, dwm, and others).

But these requiere extensive manual configurations. So, the desktop environments that strike a good balance between out of the box functionality and performance are mainly xfce, and maybe mate and lxde/lxqt (these two if you are very low on specs).

So, tl;dr: you can run kde fine but it'll suck more battery

>lets me get to work.
Fluxbox does this.
You dont have to rice anything,its fully functional with the default install.

go see a youtube video

i3 requires zero configuration

>be using linux
>use firefox
>"innocent" chat using flash
>get owned by reptilian hackers
mfw forgot to firejail, even then it's not enough half of the time

Search engine, best graphical file explorer ever made, partial wayland support, good high dpi support, and other shit.

But mainly, goodies. XFCE is very nice and feature packed, but is slightly lacking behind gnome and kde. Not that you will miss those programs, and if you really want some functionality there are tons of third party options.

I keep hearing that x distro (I'm thinking of debian right now, but it could apply to others) could have shipped with a newer version of the kernel, because it won't support ryzen threadripper, cannonlake or whatever the new processor is.

I'm kinda confused. I guess the graphics drivers for the igpu might not be released yet, and it may have to fall back on generic vesa drivers. But to the extent it won't run??

I hadn't honestly considered gnome due to Sup Forums memes telling me it was bad.

I've got a 9-cell in right now which used to last like a day on full charge with windows. I can't imagine KDE is that much more bloated than windows when it comes to battery life. R-right?

KDE is a full suite of software that runs in the background and most likely you wont use 90% of said services.Wasting resources

>got a new laptop
>immediately installed GNU on it
>boot up Windows 10 for the second time since I got it because I needed to run a software for university
>it's already as slow to load and unresponsive as a 14 years old XP install

What the fuck Sup Forums. Can dual booting actually slow down your Windows install?

>KDE is a full suite of software
>that runs in the background
Only the basic utilities like the Plasma shell, KWin etc run in the background all the time.


No, Windows is just slow but if you use Windows daily you will be used to it. After being used to GNU, Windows will feel slow.

After being used to GNU, Windows feels like a bicycle with training wheels, or even better like one of those small battery powered plastic cars they make for children they can hop into and putter around the neighborhood

All of the major distributions have KDE Plasma in their repositories.

All of your fonts can be part of one package, idiot.

You can install any software you want on your USB flash drive distribution while you have an internet connection.

I don't like gnome but everyone has their preferences. I don't like it because it is kinda tablet-y, but you might like it, but beware that it isn't a traditional looking desktop.

Nothing is more bloated than Windows.

I'd say try out the different de's in a virtual machine or on a live usb. If you happen to like multiple of them, why not install them side by side and switch your desktop on your sesion manager every now and then until you find the one you like the most.

If you'd like to hear my biased opinion, kde is great and I run it on everything except on very old hardware like my t60, where I run xfce. But on my dankpad I run kde

KDE Neon and openSUSe are the ones that ship with the prettiest implementation and best tailored out of the box. But you can achieve that with any other distro, and it's not a tiresome tinkering, anyone could do that with ease

Is Leap any good? Everyone seems to be talking about Tumbleweed these days.

You love asking questions. You won't use any of those distributions. You just like to feel cool about showing off your "knowledge" about something "technical".
Because if you actually were in a position to use it or needed it, you'd know how to find out your answers and you'd try it. You wouldn't be asking these ridiculous, meaningless and subjective questions

>I hadn't honestly considered gnome due to Sup Forums memes telling me it was bad.
well it does not crash (im using wayland) its polished it just works and has excellent workflow
it can work for tablets but is not a tablet de
the only tablet looking part of it is the applicatios list but you can have a classic menu instead
imo its the best de because kde is funky atm

Leap is like Debian Stable.

Slightly outdated but it just werks™

Tumbleweed is rolling release distro but way easier to install than the other popular rolling distros

Gnome 1gb or more
KDE 500mb

gnome uses 500mb can work normal with 2g ram
but can use moar maybe if you have more

For a 100 gb hdd, just using 2 partitions, one for / and another for /home, which ratio do I use to distribute the space between the 2?

I probably will use it, why else would I ask? Why would I want to feel "cool" on an anonymous board are you retarded or something? OpenSUSE has an awful documentation and everything I find seems to be about Tumbleweed, rarely anyone ever mentions Leap. However, I can't use Tumbleweed so I'm curious about Leap. Fuck you.

Thanks, sounds good as I'm looking for something that "just werks". Last time I tried Tumbleweed, my experience was the opposite of that though.

Why do you need two partitions?

That depends but usually /home will have to be much bigger if you put all your pics, music, videos etc on there. Programs don't take up that much storage, especially if you fall for the TUI / CLI meme.

>OpenSUSE has an awful documentation
You have your man page for a package manager. Everything else has the same documentation as on any distribution.

What do you expect people to tell you? Memes and anecdotal evidence? You're an idiot if you believe those things or even consider them.

maybe he want to set noexec bit on /home to prevent clickbaits.?
maybe he want to use diffren file systems?

im not user, but I tend to agree.

I dont mean it's man pages are awful, I mean the the documentation for the OpenSUSE distro itself is awful when compared with some other distros such as Fedora or Archlinux

imho its dumb not to use multiple partitions.

If you ever want to rebuild the machine its very convenient having your home folder on its own partition.

Why? What does it change?

Yes, and all the cache files in .cache, potentially useless files in .local and leftover files in .config for programs you don't use or old/new versions of config files that don't work or cause problems with a different version of the software.

why does what change?
if you reinstall linux as part of the install likely the filing table will be rewritten on the partition you choose to install the OS on.

when the filing table is rewritten the references to your files will be rewritten as well.

when you use a separate partition for /home the filing tables are untouched during a reinstall

Filing table?

>when you use a separate partition for /home the filing tables are untouched during a reinstall
excuse me, when you use a separate partition for /home the filing tables on that /home partition are untouched during a reinstall

>cant into linux this hard

Do you really need it to be untouched? What does it change?

If I minimal install Ubuntu without install Unity does this mean I'm out of Amazons telemetry?

I'm trade ng to get conky to work, but it doesn't even display. On obvious errors in terminal either as far as I know. Anything I can do to troubleshoot or something?

*trying *no fuck autocorrect

yes, but Canonical have to fell some pain after putting spyware into GNU/Linux, there are many other distros

Dual booting here. I have a secondary drive that I'll use for pretty much everything that is not the OS and programs.

Should I just format as NTFS and use it with both Linux and Windows or make 2 partitions?

They'd feel more pain from you using Ubuntu (and with that theier servers) than from you not using Ubuntu.

You are welcome, man.

Also, openSUSE in both of its branches uses by default btrfs. I think they are the only distro among the most popular to use it by default. People have mixed opinions about btrfs, since it isn't finished yet, but I never encountered a problem when I have used it.

I don't think the ntfs driver handles permissions well
other than that everything should be fine

This is really cute

What do you mean by pain?

it was only present in unity and I think it's gone now anyways

Well, experience tells me that I never deal with that anyways with my secondary hard drive, so no problems there.

I'm searching for a way to pick a random item in POSIX sh, like I can do with shuf:
$ printf 'foo\nbar\nbaz\n' | shuf -n 1

Any ideas?

what file managers do you use?

Still, it feels weird for what's basically a fresh install to behave like that. I only installed Firefox, 7zip and this software for uni on Windows and it already lags like a tortoise on startup, wtf.

GNU Emacs.
