Degenerate edition
Title, good job
rape is bad unless she consents
wtf do you even talk about in these threads?
anime and north american politics
>tfw still havent been to a festival
>tfw will never go to a music festival
very bad post
We talking like EDC, or?
me on the left
very bad slut
you should go and do drugs and grind up on girls at one
it sounds awesome
>his countries flag has the flag of another country on it
I wish I was making this shit up, lads, but It's simply not possible to fabricate.
me on the right
does warped tour count, I went to that like three times. Was full of scene kiddies. Someone died once cause water costs money there and it was like 100 degrees
What did he mean by this?
Nothing in particular
it's a place where you can chill and b urself
>unironically have to go to bed because work in the morning
What has happened to my life
Bonnaroo, The Hangout, Coachella, FYF fest etc
I've been to two indoor single stage fests. not really the same as those big outdoor fests, but whatever the sound quality is better and you don't have to make the terrible decision of which band you want to watch more
super fun and super tiring.
my waifu
How do we preserve the white race?
how hard would it be for you to visit me in Texas
mandatory ukrainian gf's for all white american males
best goddess
breeding camps
>mfw surrounded by baby spiders
>below average intelligence
How do i kill the Nameless King?
posted a picture of myself on /soc/ and other people who are not me have been posting it. Bit concerned now. What a devastating mistake
cuz you look like a goof or opposite?
*comes into thread and questions the meaning of this general*
That's cool
Well I got my visa and passport :)
>posting a picture of yourself on a belgian waffle simulator
Why did you ever think this was a good idea?
Don't get snobby with me, mister. That turbofaggot did it so you have no excuse.
fuck, just realized I dont have my collection of simpsons seasons on this HD
holy christ the mosquitos outside are insane
almost done with the first season of JoJo (2012), what should i watch next
>K-On 2
>Non Non 2
>Orelmo 2
I have actually killed him already i just wanted an excuse to talk with americans.
>euphonium is getting a second season
depends on who you want to win in incest simulator
K-on 2 is even better than K-on the original, NNB is good enough, Oreimo is not so good
>7(SEVEN) million views
watch more JoJo, of course
where abouts you live?
Who unironically enjoyed this trash?
why ask?
What's the best gum?
dubble bubble
>almost 8 million views
Big league chew, of course
i watched batman vs superman
it was about the same as every other capeshit movie, pretty bad
i don't know why there would be such a difference in the ratings
My buddy said the theatrical cut is a 3/10 and the extended cut is an 8/10 for whatever that's worth. I haven't seen either so I can't comment.
Excel Winterfresh
What the fuck?
i was in he other fucking thread waiting for you!
Reminder that Japan have redeemed their tastes
>there are people ITT that like pineapple on their pizza
there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza
Wasn't sure how hard it was bby
How is Aria so comfy?
blame your countrymen for inventing hawaiian pizza
Hollywood needs to make a Gundam movie to piss off all the degenerate and socially inept weebs.
Not me!
>Haifuri doing pretty good
God damn son, did not expect that. Earrings chan a best
>people put fish on pizza
nicorette or bust
the best pizza is cheese pizza
It's good, faggot. kys.
>people unironically also put mushrooms on pizza
>not ulti-meat
i-if you're a girl I can take on your offer
Jesus Christ you sick fuck
Just a reminder
>Big league chew
All wrong its
You can play tambourine in my band and be the groupie manager B/
nothing special, most people just keep posting chinese cartoon one after another, and memeing the shit out of each other. Sometimes burgerland politics are discussed, but not very often.
when you realize it's almost july
>he doesn't like a classic Canadian
>Also: muh dick
Name of this?
>«for dick»
The blondynka in the black top can have mine.
don't give them ideas, the Mexi–poster in /brit/ keeps posing meme in Spanish and is consistently shite.
I will track him down if he's using olive oil or any other that doesn't have a hi smoke–point.
Last I heard he was going to bring in more powers to online surveil, like the U.K.'s Snoopers' Charter.
>bad, very bad
hungry pussy
There is significance to this, however, mankind has yet to find it.
I'm erect now
to interact and find out stuff normally not findable,
the inane humor one can't find on normies' interwebz.
it's been loading for 10 minutes
i swear to god this game is broken