/hsg/ Home Server General

What services are you running?

Did you fall for the smb/samba meme? NFS is truly better

What are you running on pfsense/your router?

Other urls found in this thread:


Which case should I buy for a NAS build?

Define r5 (perfect except only 8 HDDs)
NZXT H440 (shitty airflow, temp and sound-dampening but can fit 11 HDDs)?

i've had my glorious tt-rss server for years

I have a dell r710 with proxmox and a few VMs. One vm is just a Ubuntu server install with a large nfs share for my media. This vm is the file server for the house. Should I use something else for better performance or am I already doing it

Just some old laptop running ssh and openvpn.

Ditch Proxmox, serve files from the iron and run your VMs under Libvirt+QEMU like everyone else.

>except only 8 HDDs
is 64TB small in todays standarts? fuq

Mainly Samba and transmission-daemon
It's an old home PC so I'm not using it for any virtualisation but I intend on putting together another server for that in the future.
And in terms of routers I'm just using a bog standard one provided by my ISP, moving soon though so I'm going to wait until then before working on a proper home network.

Who is this seminal fluid druid?

I got a work and a GF and sold my homeserver, I don't miss it at all

It appears to be NixiePixel.

>I got a work and a GF
>sold my homeserver
wtf man


sold it for more than I put into it to some dweeb on craigslist

ill use it as backup server.
on prntscr client app in alpha state

I used to use Samba but now I just use SFTP. Is it difficult to set up NFS? I'm using Ubuntu Server.

There is any pi-priced solution to have a proper rtorrent seedbox already?
And by proper I mean one that can user rtorrent+autodl at 500/500 FTTH speeds to compete against paid seedboxes
I don't even need multiple drives, just one sata HGST

what so you guys even use your servers for? im interested in learning how to set them up as a learning experience but i don't know what to do with them

also, what hardware is required? im not looking for industry-grade solutions, just enough to learn the basics. are raspberry pis actually good enough for it?

>dual 2670
>raid 6 spinners
>raid 10 ssds
>lvm-cache in writeback mode
now only need 10gbe and then install my entire steam library.

ssh and deluge lol
hmmmmm can u guess what it's for??

what is the point of samba over sftp/sshfs

Can it run Doom 3?

Sharing a network folder with your roomies windows machines.

I'm assuming the roomies have write permissions to the folder

>The lowest iq roomie downloads malware
>Track record to exploits of samba using compromised machines
>Turns your nas into spyware for people in West Africa
>Pushes malware to all connected computers

i guess that makes sense if you don't like to be autistic

i just have unique users and keypairs for my roomies and revoke read access for individual directories against other users and have a universal share folder

>implying they don't have separated accounts with read rights only

I got you, buddy.

TS3 server
apcupsd for UPS management
nginx (ruTorrent and apcupsd web UI)
6x3TB software RAID6, soon to be 9x3, thinking about ZFS though

Post more naked Nixie

obligatory sshd

on rpi1

NFS is pretty easy to setup. It only uses IPs for authentication in basi cmode though, so you might want to look into using it with kerberos if anyone else is on your network.

Running a NAS is nice for centralized storage. Also using things like rtorrent or deluge with rss feeds for autodownloading shows and podcasts is nice. Flexget is cool for autodownloading things as well.

my nigga, same here, set it up when greader was shut down

>tfw broke neet
>closest thing to home server i have is £30 c2d shitbox hooked up to unlimited botnet drive
how to save myself from this hell

c2d serves shit on botnet with samba, also running kodi plugged into my tv, replacing a shit tv box that wasnt stronk enough to playback my chinese cartoons

also have a kimsufi ks-1 thats been my seedbox for about four years, got it on special deal offer very good price

C2D is pretty decent. I've got a C2D laptop with LibreELEC for HTPC duty too, does well at 1080p, even with Hi10p. H265 is too much though, as is 4K of any fashion.

/hsg/ discord discord.gg/9vZzCYz everyon ewelcome

I use Freenas.

Community is condescending and toxic, so if not familiar with shell commands / diy learning of code, it can be a process.

Have had it running 24/7 for 2 years with no issues whatsover. Mainly use it a Plex server and in that regard it is first rate.

Unrelated to the thread, always wanted to fuck and marry Nixie

Plex, Ombi, PlexPy, Sonarr, Radarr, nZEDb, NZBGet, NZBHydra, Icinga, and Pi-hole across 2 physical hosts and 5 VMs.

my pseudo-nuc has been acting up lately, shutting down for no apparent reason and leaving no traces in the logs. i suspect electricity cuts.

what's a good UPS for a small home server? is it possible to detect power failure and shut down the server safely with one of those things?

I had a Pi 3 laying back around, so I started trying to make it as vulnerable as possible, with over 300 ports opened to date. It's running pretty much every single service I come across, from some dodgy ass chinese scraper to couchpotato.

>chinese scraper

Do they still do the thing where the router won't even allow you to have smb shares? Holy fuck do I hate them with a passion.

Yeah. It's some Chinese project that allows you to run a scraper that then submits the information back to them. Not sure what else it's doing.

Actually, it's probably trying to harvest my kidneys by now.

Samba. rtorrent. Canto. Some power management stuff. Mine craft for when friends or the gf is over.

Arch server with about 12tb of space and 8gb of ram. Not sure what else to do with it besides store Anime music games and archives and some Linux programming. Maybe a personal git server or some pc part sales notifier that texts me or something. Slap a gpu and mine some meme coins maybe and port some of my projects to Vulcan on linux. Anything else interesting I can do with it?

i have little interest in 4k, not had any problems with h265 though I dont really have much using it since most of the encodes I see are people fucking it up for muh filesize

I want to fuck her free as in freedom face

How do you guys organize your files across your drives. Do you just dedicate an entire drive to videos and one for music and games?

take your bullshit elsewhere
discordfags GET OFF MY BOARD

>Community is condescending and toxic,
i always imagined that the freenas community would be full of retards doing/recommending/saying retarded shit, probably the wrong kind of condescension anyway
freenas is shit, its users really have nothing to be self righteous about, everything is done for you already
how the hell are you having trouble with freenas

I have done anything extreme with freenas beyond a simple nfs share.
The documentation for freenas 11 is probably the best I've ever seen.
It was a pain in the ass to virtualize though since I needed it's own drive (usb in my case) and then hard drive passthrough for saving data. Maybe I'm just a dummy but getting to boot off another drive natively formatted with proxmox made my brain shut off for a while.

The new ui they are coming out with is some of the worst shit I've seen. Barely anything useful shown on screen for muh modern design

ah you were virtualising freenas
now i understand, definitely not the easiest of tasks
its much easier with a hba to passthru

there is no escape from designfags

>What are you running on pfsense/your router?
>running services on a firewall
kek literally nothing.

so you're running a firewall on your router or are you using pfsense device as dedicated firewall

ok I lied, I'm running an inside-facing sshd. Sometimes.

that really doesnt answer my question user

Not him, but what else would you run on your router/firewall? I guess OpenVPN is a valid candidate and sshd on the LAN side, some sort of intrusion detection package if it's a fancy pfsense build with sufficient grunt, not much other than that. Everything else should go on your home server, especially if you run some SOHO "router".

router and firewall are not the same thing

The same device often performs both functions in home networks though.

An old laptop i use for:
-tor node
-boinc research projects node
and was gonna add a hdd to download torrents.

>2.5GB ram
surely made me think


Could be the PSU slowly dying, or maybe drying capacitors. Check for ripple etc.

Also unnoticed static discharge when plugging things into the USB sockets can be a quiet capacitor killer, though fairly rare it is usually more dramtic with an obvious swollen top. Seen several examples over the years, be careful with synthetic clothes, carpets, chairs and dry air,

debian chroot on a synology NAS

If you get an APC UPS there's apcupsd for Linux, it's quite configurable and you can basically get it to do whatever you want on any sort of power-related event. It can also talk to other computers running apcupsd, so you can plug the UPS' USB into one computer and have any number of devices detect power outages. I use it both to shut down my server safely and to also turn it back on after mains power returns with the help of a RasPi.

Still though, if you're getting power outages surely there would be some noticeable change, maybe like a wall-powered clock not having the time set or something.

A separate user that has been looking into that stuff recently here. Can it talk to a windows PC though? I found a network card for UPS relatively cheap, does apcupsd handle communication through network as well? I could connect it to one computer and then with apcupsd chain it to the second one (if it can talk to windows), but somehow I feel that connecting a network card to it is the proper solution.

>Can it talk to a windows PC though?
It appears so, there's even a release from last month. I've never used it on Windows personally. My UPS is too tiny to handle my desktop and all the other shit I have, I basically just use it to make sure the RAID doesn't get fucked and to keep the WiFi going for a while after a power outage.
>network card for UPS relatively cheap
apcupsd just works over TCP like any regular application, over any typical network. No idea if it can talk to a smarter, network-connected UPS since I've got a cheap, low-power model which just comes with USB.

I have my UPS connected to a RasPi. The server shuts down after 2 minutes without power, the RasPi and my router stay up until the battery is almost drained, at that point the RasPi shuts down and also turns off the UPS (I don't want to drain the battery completely flat). When power comes back up the UPS powers up on its own, which turns on the RasPi which then waits 10 minutes and turns on my server.

Thank you user.

You're welcome. Had a look in the config file, apparently it supports a lot of shit, including multiple protocols to talk to networked UPS' directly. It's too long to paste in a single post, so have a screenshot.

But I like muh SMB shares

Fuck this nigger. Proxmox is amazing.

>8gb of ram

lmao your "server" has as much RAM as some cell phones

2048GB RAM master race reporting

she's so delightfully thick

and that is a disgrace to smartshit
why does a smartshit device need 8gb of memory

>nixslut when everyone knows dodger is best girl

so i can run doom better of course

>NFS is truly better
Of course it is. But there are no good NFS clients for Windows.

you compensating for something?

This is a home server with at most 5 people on it at once.
When the fuck do I need 2tb of ram.
As it is I'm looking for more shit to do just to max out the capacity of this thing. At most I only use like 256 mb of it with my current shit. Even with minecraft open

>Define r5 (perfect except only 8 HDDs)

Yeah, and except for the useless anti-vibration mounts that do fuck all, the fan controller that melts into the front panel, and the paint that chips off while you install your gear.

Reminder for those of you with WD drives

>minecraft with under 256mb ram
hope you have kids user

you realize you can set how much space the VM takes

Minecraft for 5 people doesn't need that much ram unless you got a xbox heug 40+ user server

256 mb is fine for a headless mc server

my 1GB vps runs it fine even

Dooger only knows how to suck Jesse's dick and stream shitty games.

Nixslut talks tech atleast.

>vanilla minecraft
like i said
hope you have kids

its a htpc/nas so literally just samba, transmission daemon and a dlna server

>he fills his minecraft up with fucking 500 megabytes of mods and tells all his """friends""" to also install the same mods and modify their client just so they can see your edgy Sup Forums reference mod

just for that I'm gonna have kids even harder

>playing minecraft
hope you both have kids

>actually finding vanilla minecraft fun
i dont have any friends but the people i play minecraft with usually pick the mods
or at least they think so despite me vetoing all the memeshit

what games out there support private servers anyway

I wanna host a habbo hotel server at my uni but all the server software I see on ragezone uses fucking C# or some shit

I fell for the SMB meme, but it never works on my toaster of a router. How do I fix this?

the only games i play are minecraft and eve online
source games like tf2, csgo and gmod have private servers
i dont know anything else user

>clearly hates her
>calls her dooger

you dont have the right to call her that if you are not a fan and she is a nice caring living oerson who is entertaining to watch nixi is a cold evil bitch who bores me to death with her null personality

Shits still goin, lost a PSU on it, but its got two left.

Three PSUs?

>Tf2 in current year
>Not overwatch with autistic and lesbian gfs

I would use NFS but dealing with permissions with Wincuck is a fucking nightmare from what I hear. It ain't worth the time.

That's because they are an offspring of the BSD community, because FreeNAS is just FreeBSD with a fancy webui. BSD community is super elitist.


Shit running on my Gigabyte Brix:
ssh (video streaming using sshfs)

Meiling at the top runs pfsense doing routing/fw along with DHCP, DNS and NTP

below that is Sakuya, she is a Vm host running Xenserver, so no direct services beyond whatever xencenter does.

shes not hosting much atm, couple of *nix installs for mucking around and an Everquest server for development

next is Tewi the raspiB, she just hosts a webserver for the LAN

below that is Chen, she serves out a laser printer and watches the UPS along with a seldom used external FTP for my sister

pair of microservers at the bottom are Dalian and Raziel running freenas using CIFS and NFS

everyone runs SSH as well