Male riverfishare displaying feminized or transgender fish traits and even producing eggs. Some have reduced sperm quality and display less aggressive and competitive behavior, which makes them less likely to breed successfully.
Contraceptive Pills Turning The Freaking Fish Transgender!
you are just reansphobic cis white bigot
Have you forgotten natural selection?
A new breed of fish will come forth that has adapted to the effects of excess estrogen in the water.
maybe in ten million years from now
>pills for females turn animals constantly exposed to them more feminine
I'm not seeing the problem here. Poor fish I guess, but why would this have an effect on humans?
Just take a look at the current world. The only masculine places left are the countries where hormone-based contraceptives aren't used... Really makes you think...
>The only masculine places left are the countries where hormone-based contraceptives aren't used.
[citation needed]
>just look at that dick sucking mouth
>not far from now everything will be feminized and ready for taking cook
>I'm ok with this
The only masculine places left are the ones poor enough that their major exports require hard manual labor.
>he still sells tangible goods
Thanks, tyrone
>display less aggressive and competitive behavior, which makes them less likely to breed successfully.
What does that have to do with the water? Yeah men in developed countries are less gruff, but that's an effect of changing social and labor climates, not chemicals in the water
I'm pretty sure natural selection works slightly faster than that.
Go to Syria & find out the hard way, faggerella.
This. Because women in those countries know their place in society... In the kitchen, barefoot & pregnant.
It has everything to do with the water. For example, Syria has no water & women aren't allowed to take birth control, even if they do have water. Then there's India where they have more shit in the water BUT estrogen & they all fuck like rabbits anyways. And then there's Africa & the only good thing going for them is their AIDS epidemic (they used to have a good thing going with ebola until a vaccine was made, though).
>It has everything to do with the water
>proceeds to describe relationship with developedness
>Missing the point
The point was that developed countries are getting faggier & faggier, while they look down on the normie countries & wage war on them for regime change.
And don't tell me promoting terrorism in Syria isn't part of the West's political agenda to help faggify the Middle East.
>The point was that developed countries are getting faggier & faggier
And it has nothing to do with the water
>Higher concentrations of estrogen in the water supply of developed countries
>Developed countries being faggier has nothing to do with estrogen in the water
Naive transfag detected
>Some have reduced sperm quality and
>display less aggressive and competitive behavior
>which makes them less likely to breed successfully.