>Stop programming in C, we need to get more Rust programmers in tech.
This is what happens when you support Mozilla products in any form.
>Stop programming in C, we need to get more Rust programmers in tech.
This is what happens when you support Mozilla products in any form.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Death to C++
I'm on board
Ferris is the best girl.
>source isn't lewd
Stop this.
Death to java
how employable are you if you know Rust?
so do we like ferris or what?
i am in love with her (male)
Who cares?
C and C++ will literally never die. It can't
We like her because she is a sexy and cute girl can't have kids.
I wouldn't say never, but they'll both outlast everyone in this thread. Not to mention rust (lol).
im in Seattle and i search on CL "rust" got no results for seattle area, but got some c++ results
explain yourself.
No one here is programming C, Sup Forums is just a bunch of pajeets and juniors who are writing hello-worlds in C and Haskell because it's cool.
I was joking
I regularly program in C - nothing else comes close in terms of performance when writing simulation software (t. Physicist).
Rust is a meme language which will die out within a few years. C isn't going anywhere, it will outlive everyone here and probably our grandchildren too.
Have you written in rust? Have you benchmarked perf difference?
I'm not about to convert my entire code-base from C to rust. Even if I had the time I wouldn't do it, rust syntax is horrible and the language is not as reputable (and not as reliable) as C.
Where is the source?
A cute(male) girl still a girl.
Babby tier, real programmers code in Assembly. Yeah, in 1s and 0s
>The C programming language is terrible. I mean, magnificent, too.
Yeah that about sums up this meaningless shill article.
People who don't know the SystemV ABI shouldn't be allowed to blog like retards about C.
I too love Ferris.
Wait, so you don't really have any basis for saying C is faster in most cases, but you still feel like sharing your opinions. I bet you're into string theory :^)
Rust is already beating C and C++ in performance in pretty much everything that's been ported to it. It's the future. Only amateurs from Sup Forums who are too dumb to learn it will refuse to use it, everyone else can plainly see it's a superior alternative with no downsides.
Get out of here, C is faster than rust. I'm not going to change my code-base to a slower language which has disgusting syntax costing me valuable time and money. And, no, I'm not a particle physicist.
Did you know that felix is not gay?
He gets more pussy than you.
They should take their meme language and fuck off.
you mean dicks
Pretty much anyone who puts C and C++ on the same sentence like they're interchangeable doesn't know what they're talking about.
Never programmed C or hardly anything but now theres 20 credits mandated in curriculum
What am I in for?
you'll live
There's plenty out there. Do you want me to hold your hand too?
Maybe you should stop polluting the internet with your gut feeling evidence-less posts? You'd think someone working as a physicist would be a little more into the whole proof thing, but seems not.
That said I also believe C is the correct choice for many applications, but I also think there's a huge cargo-cult mentality surrounding it and it is most definitely used a lot of places where it shouldn't, leading to avoidable bugs.
Rust wins in most benchmarks desu
Usually when you make a claim, you back it up with some evidence.
>Maybe you should stop polluting the internet with your gut feeling evidence-less posts?
I don't have time to compile a good, varied list of benchmarks for C compared to rust. Why are there always so many fucking rust shills whenever a C/rust thread appears? I stick to my position that rust will die out whilst C will still be going strong within a few years time.
In benchmarks tailored for that 'language' to win.
All I ask is that you stop spreading unfounded bullshit opinions unless you've bothered to benchmark. I would imagine this shouldn't be news to a fellow scientist, but apparently it has escaped you.
Alright you show me a consistent and varied set of benchmark data which implies Rust is faster than C then. Most benchmarks I've seen show the exact opposite except for a few very specific situations.
Nobody uses C for "efficiency" anymore kiddo. Nobody actually cares about bugs either. People use it because you can actually interoperate with C programs. C and SystemV ABI are pretty much designed around each other.
Use something as simple as function overloading in C++ and your program is no longer guaranteed to be interoperable with even C++ code. Java and C# are 100% virtualized, meaning you'll have to bring the entire xboxhueg VM into your process if you want to talk to a program. The only way out it I/O, which means system calls.
There's a reason people wrote things like libgit2 in C. They wanted everyone to be able to use it.
Undefined behavior.
The thing is as much I love Rust and dislike C, which I get paid to write, IMO you need to understand C to what makes Rust great and why C should be avoided if possible. Ifeel like if I first started learning systems programming on Rust I'd be hella confused.
What's your source, NSA shill?
Daily reminder that NSA regularly shills C because they want people to write vulnerable code in critical systems.
>(and not as reliable) as C
toppest of the keks
>is asked evidence for his claims
>"rust shills"
Speed of the program can be increased by hundreds of times when writing code that utilizes your hardware properly (multi-core CPUs and GPUs) and doing general optimization. The performance difference between Rust and C (~1.2) is meaningless, especially considering what features you gain from it.
good, I like Rust better
Rust usually gets beaten by C, I'm not arguing that fact. It's just that I sincerely doubt you've run any real benchmarks on the difference between them, and I also believe if you used a language such as rust or nim for the less hot code it would give you more time to optimize the hot parts of your program.
Mostly I think your attitude is really childish, as if you believe C would fall out of prominence if not for people like you defending it whenever someone dares to suggest it's not the perfect language.
ferris is a qt trap not a girl (male)
Has the purging of C/C++ developers from FOSS finally begun?
I told you people this would happen.
now you just want to turn it on us
> Assembly
> 1s 0s
autism ™
Segmentation fault
please don't post degenerate anime characters in my board.
bus error
page fault
reference counting
cache lines
pointer math
into the wild
trial by fire
caring about security vulnerabilities is extremely autistic
This is what is called sponsored article.
Why are fags so fucking dumb?
> rust
gas yourself
Does it pass tests on BSDs reliably?
source: news.ycombinator.com
Is there a reason to give a shit about Rust for portable prorgams then?
literally no reason to give a shit about non-OSX BSD for that matter
Isn't BSD dead?
Yes, let's use a language without a stable ABI for systems programming. That'll be great.
Wait ferris is a crab and a trap now??
Daily reminder + operator in rust might malloc whitout freeing, try to run hdparm on your storage or even send info about your system to some 3rd party server and you wouldn't know about it because rust is even less readable than perl.
Meanwhile the + operator in C is safe.
Is C the white cis male of programing languages?
best girl (male)
>decide to try rust in 2015
>download into wangblows VM
>huge MSI installer
>sees Mozilla logo and 3000 deps
Didn't make it past the installer agreement
Stupid FUD. Once you write low-level code, Rust is as unsafe as C (or even worse, because you have to redeclare all the prototypes yourself). If you only write high-level code, there's no reason to use Rust.
>Mozilla products
Multiple best girls (male) can exist and can live in peace
Wtf?? Source? What are you smoking?
>operation overloading
>Adding support for the functional paradigm
>Better memory safety while maintaining performance.
Sounds like healthy design choices.
I imagine that C/C++ is alive because of
>Better support and tools
>Amount of experts in C/C++ >> Rust
If not for those two, why would anyone pick C/C++ over Rust?
Like you said, experience and legacy software.
Found your problem :^)
There is literally no reason to port something that doesn't receive external input to a """safe""" language.
fucking cute, i'm 100% str8 and i'd still deepthroat that
>[C] gives its users far too much artillery with which to shoot their feet off
>Buffer overflows and dangling pointers lead to catastrophic security holes, again and again and again, just like yesteryear, just like all the years of yore.
So his complaint is that people are too stupid to do a simple bounds check or run their shit through a leak checker, and that "codebases with these languages always have security holes!" without neglecting to take into consideration that perhaps its because for the last 40 fucking years all the important shit has been written in these languages, which of course means they're going to have the highest rate of "big" security problems since they're the languages all the "big" shit was written in.
Or to summarize it: Programmers shouldn't be trusted to program
Rust is only good when you execute unsafe code anyways, making it a moot point.
>Rust wins in most benchmarks
But that's outright false?
fucking lemeo, compared to what language? swift? top zozzle my nozzle
>Sounds like healthy design choices.
They would be if every other design choice wasnt hand-picked from the bottom of the dumpster of "bad design paradigms" from every other language.
Also as most people have already said, in order to really make Rust as fast as it needs to be you have to disregard the safety anyways
Rust is a faggot language that nobody cares about. There are no jobs for it either.
>Tranny cat with tranny language
Teacher getting confused by his own pointer-pointer-pointer.
Oh and , lots of this.
just say language for fucks sake, my ocd is having a hissyfit.
Daily reminder of the things written in C/C++:
All OSs desktop and mobile, and the new ones like Fuchsia.
All firmware on billions of embedded devices, from civilian applications to military.
Pretty much most of the scientific research software.
All performance critical software from simulations, CAD, rendering both photorealistic and real time like game engines.
The fucking INTERNET.
All security software, like encryption, firewalls etc.
All drivers.
All the good books that I've read on CS, networking, cybsec, only mention C and Linux, other languages and OSs don't even fucking exist.
Daily reminder that if you removed all the Java,C#,Rust,Go... code out there, not much would happen.
Daily reminder that if you removed all the C/C++ code, we would be back in the middle ages.
Daily reminder that only koders use Java,JS,C# and that they know nothing about CS.
Daily reminder that Rust,Go... are just fucking memes no serious programmer gives a shit about.
Daily reminder Rustfags care more about their crazy political ideologies and Rust is just a way for them to spread their filth.
Daily reminder that C/C++ will outlive you.
Daily reminder that koders like sucking dick.
>Daily reminder that koders like sucking dick.
Behold the world through the eyes of an ISTP
>writing code that doesn't buffer overflow is hard
Not really... You just need to use containers that do the checking for you, there's plenty of libraries that provide such containers. Also it's easy to design your library in such way that it never gives the user raw pointer.
Do these people think that just because the standard library doesn't provide vector implementation or input reader you have implement them yourself?