Windows 7 obsolete?

Besides not having DX12
Is Windows 7 obsolete when compared to Windows 10?


It's about as obsolete as XP was in 2010. Not totally just yet, but we're already seeing the beginning of software/hardware dropping support for it. You won't get away with using it as a daily driver for much longer if you intend on using up to date software/modern hardware, not to mention the gaping security holes that will be exposed (and remain unfixed) after EoS. If you want an alternative to 10 you're better off installing 8.1 with some start menu replacement program.

>using windows 7 since forever
>still haven't encountered any of these bugs, incompatibilities or security issues the shills keep reporting


not if you use it on the same pc you installed it
windows upgrade makes sense only if you get new unsuported hardware because thats how microsoft is

windows 7 is a direct upgrade from windows 10

Yes. It doesn't have lxss.

>using windows 10 since it came out
>still haven't encountered any forced ads, forced restarts or settings returning to their defaults

gpedit -> User Configuration -> Windows Components -> Cloud Content -> Turn off all Windows spotlight features

Where are the ads supposed to be in Win10? I can't find any, I haven't done any registry tweaks or changed any group policy settings, I just have not seen any. I'm using Pro if that affects anything.


When it becomes obsolete, people will finally switch to KDE Plasma.

It's talking about the ads you see on websites you fucking retard.

t. absolute spastic
it means ads in windows store ""apps"", if you dont use those then you won't see ads

What software not made by Microsoft doesn't support Windows 7?


>What software not made by Microsoft doesn't support Windows 7
There's probably none right now but Visual Studio 2012 (first preview released in 2011) did not work on XP.
XP was released in 2001. Support ended in 2014.

It's now 2017.
Windows 7 was released in 2009, support ends in 2020.

DirectX12 is a complete failure as well, offers no performance boost and only a handful of games are exclusive DX12 titles (all made by Microsoft).

DX12 will be abandoned in the next few years and they will move on to DX13/14.

DX12 on Windows 7 when?

Windows 7

Not yet. I will be at some point, kinda like XP is now but its still alive and all. The only reason Im using Windows 10 right now is because I had to make clean OS install, otherwise I would be running my old, 6 years old Win7 installation instead.

But slowly more and more software will be compatible only with newest Windows, some even refusing to be installed at all. But thats how it work.

Never. Why you even ask this question? Vulkan on 7, sure, but MS wont add DX12 to 7 just like they didnt add 10/11 to XP.

2017 and still using mechanical drives on your desktop?

>he thinks someone wont bootleg it onto windows 7

>she fills the second word with calle to fuck the botnet

And did anybody provided DX10/11 to XP? Why somebody would even want to deal with that in case of DX12? Especially since games utilizing it are rare and there is Vulkan as well?

You are the one dumb here.

DX12 is pointless.

I can only think of one game I want to try that utilizes it (I would think) and it's Crackdown 3 and really, it ain't worth it. Fuck, I remember trying it on Deus Ex: MD and it was worse.


lol newfags when will they learn

Windows 10 right now isn't anywhere near as popular as 7 was this far into it's lifespan. Not everyone wants to use Windows 7 as their main OS then boot into Windows 10 just to play the handful of DX12 games, it's a hassle.

Someone will make it work.

i wanna fuck u femanon

I imagine most men want to irl :^)

Ikr, fuck the botnet

Windows 7 acts and behaves like trash when compared to 10. Sorry fanboys.

Idk, 7 doesn't have this problem


There's no more updates, it's not supported.

Here's a better question. Why did you bother making a fucking retarded thread? Did you really think Sup Forums would enjoy talking about a subject that wasn't worth responding to the first thousand times it's been made?

7 is supported until October 2021


Never encountered that problem. Nice try though.

Idk, 7 doesn't have this problem

I use Windows 7 for work, and it's beginning to show it's age.


>It's new, so it must be good xD

Not really that, I just find that the newer applications "clash" with it. Also, I think WSL works better than cygwin or msys, and I'd like to use those.

>"clash" with it

I think they look fucky. It really annoys me when applications don't take hints from the host environment.

Idk, they look good to me.

>ywn spend all day waiting for a windows thread to appear so you can dump your folder of webms/images

why do you pretend to be a female for internet points

laughs in linux user

>Search for "paint"
>'paint' and 'mspaint' return as results
Windows 7 doesn't have two paints. Check and mate.