All the icons on your desktop refresh

>All the icons on your desktop refresh

>he has icons on his desktop

>he has a desktop

Why is called a desktop and not a deskbottom? The desktop is literally underneath everything else.

>doesn't have a desk at home

when you put papers on your desk do you put them on the bottom?

But then the desktop is on the bottom.

still the top of the desk tho

Elsa is based.

and is still a desk-top

You don't consider your monitors, keyboard etc as part of your desk? I mean, I guess that makes it more of a deskmiddle, but idk.

because gravity

thats the desk itself

No, a desk and deskmiddle are not the same. A desk is made up of multiple components. The flat piece is the desktop, but if you also consider your monitors etc as part of your desk then that desktop becomes a deskmiddle.

>when windows is starting and stopping process like crazy and the hard drive is spinning up and down and icons are refreshing and the start menu is broken and you're not even sure if it's malware or not because windows is just like this now


>the cmd open then close for no reason

>no reason


1. Click "Always use https" in Sup Forums settings.
2. Save Sup Forums settings.
3. Click export settings.
4. Copypaste exported url in Sup Forums bookmark properties.
5. Clear browser cache/cookies.
6. Click bookmark.
7 or whatever number we're on now. "Always use https" unchecked.

it doesnt works

Sauce on her senpai?

Seems to save everything but "use https".
filters, custom css...

whited dot cum


> Gif without movement
Are you retard or something?


No nudity you dumb newfag scum.
Learn to report, then fuck off back to Sup Forums and stay.

Is a desk still a desk if you take your monitors etc off? Of course it is. The desk becomes a deskmiddle in the context of having equipment place onto it (desktop) and a user's legs or other stuff underneath it (deskbottom)

>command prompt appears and disappears within .2 seconds

it's really easy to dual boot linux and windows nowadays

implied nudity is still nudity


I can't wait for summer to end.
When the fuck will it end? It's been constant for over a decade now. PLS

What are you even saying?

The long summer will end. Winter is coming.

Sadly winter is too hot to handle.
I think we need to nuke the seasons, they are clearly causing proxy wars.


You're a deskbottom, I'm a desktop


I've got a desk-innie.

I haven't seen a season change since I moved to southern California, so I wouldn't know.

Windows users


I'm in Scotland.
Our weather is basically some of the wildest and unpredictable "calm" weather now.
The past 15 years have been chaotic as fuck man. The weather used to be fairly stable before that.

One minute it can be near heat-wave, next minute, thunderstorm. (this literally just happened today)
It also snowed in summer during a heat-wave once.
Fucking weather, how does it work?

It will likely get worse and worse with time.
It was only just recently within the past couple years that a whole new weather system started smashing in to others above the UK.
That's now 6 distinct weather systems all influencing our wacky weather.
Come on you seveeeen.

sounds ligit

its the murricans with their weather machine

we used to have snow around here during the winter for weeks or months