Will my phone survive

Hi Sup Forums I dropped my phone in the toilet yesterday and peed on it bc I didn't realize it had dropped in there. I would say it was in the toilet for less than 30 seconds. Took it out of the Otterbox case it was in, wiped it down with a towel, and then placed it in a big bowl of uncooked rice. I forgot to turn it off but I think it turned itself off because I tried to turn it off about 30 minutes after putting in the rice and it was already off. This morning I moved it into a ziplock bag bc I read that was better. If I live it in the bag for 24 hours how likely will it be to work?

Give it back Jamal.

At this point, you've pissed on it. Why would you still want to use it????

No. It might be waterproof but it's not pissproof.

I'm poorfag and can't afford a new phone

The piss will ruin it. I'd imagine it's rather corrosive over time.

you have to eat the rice first

Will it work when I try to turn it on later today? I just want to back up all my files and pictures. If it dies in like a month of two I might be able to manage.

So you dropped your iPhone in the toilet and peed on it for 30 seconds? Yeah, no.

It's hard to say. I can't say I've ever pissed on anything electronic. Best of luck, though. Why weren't you doing iCloud backups?

Are you a woman? If not how did you managed to not see the phone directly in front of you while you pissed? are you retarded? were you drunk?

>Why weren't you doing iCloud backups
I'm dumb and lazy

Yes I am a woman. Still retarded though.

Stfu. piss is sexy

you know the rules. tits or gtfo

1. Post legs
2. Your phone is dead
3. No, your phone really is dead.

Did you just assume his peeing position, shitlord?

Do all women have such hairy hands?

I've read a lot of other articles and they've said that just bc it was pee water it doesn't mean a death sentence for the phone. What makes you think differently?

Its a stock pic from google

Your pee is 90% uric acid which is the hardest acid known to man. The insides of your phone will have dissolved by now.

If you've ever seen Alien, then pee is basically xenomorph blood.

Great RIP


Good, throw it in the fucking toilet and leave it there because that's where Apple products belong.

You know what that rice did? Exactly nothing. If there was water ingress at all - eg your phone no longer worked after taking it out of water, then your phone is completely fucked by now and it's far too late to save it for anything but data recovery purposes.

You may still get data off it, but if you wait any longer even that will be impossible.

what do you find sexy about it user?

Modern phones have a surprisingly good amount of water resistance for a consumer electronic.


But sadly, not piss resistance

Welcome back, pissphone

IPhone what? IPhone 7 is already water resistant.

Give it back Amos Young Jr

That's Sup Forums
Go away, summerfag

Idk I discovered my piss fetish when I was 11. (Hi mods I'm 21 now) I acquainted myself with the feel and taste and it's been the core of my sexuality ever since. I doubt pee would harm a phone any more than the additives in tap water.

That's fascinating honestly.
What do you mean by "core of my sexuality"?
Does it get you hard? The thought of it, or the smell, or the taste?
I'm honestly interested.

Also, if you have sex with another person, how would that look?

what kind of porn do you jerk it to?

So pretty much rice is a myth. Since the phone is sealed, rice is only going to absorb outside moisture.

Your best bet is to open it up and dry it out. Afterwards use a light amount of isopropyl alcohol and clean the connections. It may or may not work, but its better than nothing.

Yeah, it gets me hard. Thought,smell, taste, and feel are all fantastic. Sometimes I'll pee in a bottle and then self administer a golden shower.
Look up John thompson GGG productions on pornhub. They make good shit.


behold, the Whizzard

You should take as much of the case off as possible to expose it to the air and let it rest for 48 hours. It's probably already fucked since you never turned it off, the first thing you should do if you spill water on electronics is turn it off and unplug any power cables.

yeah or you could just hold your penis and point it into the toilet, what the fuck.

>gets me hard
who is OP?


It makes copper etc rust, makes it turn green.
My previous dog pissed my cords to the amplifier, got all green. it's the salts

>tfw I shat on my phone once
get on my level

>as a lad Id be watching tv
>no time to go to the bathroom, need to urinate
>climb behind bulky crt tv in the corner
>let it rip

anyone else do this?

>he thinks rice works

If its a 6s or newer it should be fine. Any older its 50/50.
Altho if it turned its self off, its probably ded.
Rip iphone

>Inb4 ">phone poster"

Apparently, you are not aware of the physiology of a Real Man and the Real Man's man-sized morning member as it aims to pierce the heavens.

One does not simply aim it down into the toilet!

When you grow up and/or get a bf, you will learn.

you should've left it where it belongs, applefag.
Throw it back and hang yourself

use the rice method

but can rice-fu counter pee-style?

Get fucked scrub

Thanks for the information man.
I'm not into this fetish at all (I'm really vanilla in fact), but it's always interesting to hear about other people's experiences.
