There is literally nothing wrong with using VLC

There is literally nothing wrong with using VLC

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That is your thread?

Yes. Nothing wrong with being a retard.

That's why we tolerate mpv users

the logo

Have fun with your NSA tapped bloatware

[citation needed]

Everyone loves candy corn tho

shitty deinterlacing






How in the world did you draw that conclusion?


I've never had that happen, except for on a old shitty avi file that was too corrupt to play in any other media player.

>The media player that removed midi support because they found security exploits in their midi library
>Being NSA spyware


I like VLC (:

Shoved in you anus

I don't like anal :( It hurts

>One revelation concerns a tool that exploits a modified old version of VLC media player.

one must be truly retarded to use some ancient version of a software obtained from some thirdy party website

Or to use Windows.

people are dumb

Fuck. This happens on my Mac when watching 1080p. What's a better Mac alternative?

>I don't like anal :( It hurts
I wouldn't know. Thanks for the heads up.

>a fucking traffic cone

Its linked mkv support is sub-par. Though it's miles ahead of mpv, which doesn't know what a linked mkv is.

Do you mean ordered chapters? If so mpv plays them without any problems.

not me

I can stand a few pieces, then it gets bad real quick.

>I'm too stupid to modify the settings in my programs so I judge everything by it's default settings

>I can't find the settings menu
Sup Forums in 2017

He said linked mkvs, you tard. Get some reading comprehension next time.

>implying could be fixed with a simple setting

A windows machine

turn off hardware decoding it actually does fix that

mpv is still better tho

to this day it ignores the beginning and end of all file formats
so it fucks up on short looping webms, or music files with sound that starts immediately

>turn off hardware decoding


use mplayer + smplayer


either IINA, which is just an mpv skin, or just straight up mkv

mpv, not mkv

I didn't know IINA was just an mpv skin. Trying it out for now, thanks.

I used Ubuntu/Xubuntu a long ass time ago and remember all the broken things and work that needed to be done. Don't get me wrong, it was fun in a frustrating/instructional way, but I don't know if I have that in me anymore. Are things "smoother" now?

MPC is superior in every way
except for being available in the Windows Store

Hi Carol

Doesn't it have a CIA backdoor or something?

No. The CIA created a modified version of VLC with malicious code in it.
You can do this to any program. VLC was just one that was chosen.


VLC is the best on mobile, period.

>Doesn't it have a CIA backdoor or something?
You are absolutely correct; it has something.
Several somethings, in fact. Too many to list.
This is where you lamely say "you know what I mean".

Been using IINA for a while on macOS and it's super comfy. I just wish there was something better than VLC for iOS. All of the other "media players" are either bloated or poorly designed.

are you for real

Is there a better alternative than VLC for looping my animated porn webms and animated porn webm playlists?

>iOS is bad
Whatever, edgelord.

there sure as fuck is if you want to play 4k video

Stop pretending that iOS is popular on Sup Forums and that everyone who doesn't like it is an edgelord, edgelord.

but i dont want to play 4k video

>Using deprecated software

a fucking roadcone

VLC is what I use on incomplete/corrupted videos because it just keeps chugging. I love both vlc and mpv. They both have a place my computers.

I agree. For the vast majority of users there is nothing wrong with using VLC. For those that actually pay attention and hate banding VLC is not a good choice.

That's just how VLC visualizes errors in the encoding eg missing frames. Some other video players will skip the frames by just showing the same frame for that duration.

That problem is caused by hardware decoding. You can go adjust your filters to try to get rid of it though. That's how some of the other video players do it.

Solus. Install it nao

But when I rewind the video, that visualization error isn't reproduced and it's smooth as normal. My laptop isn't shit either. What's up with that? I do like the idea of VLC visualizing errors though instead of skipping, so now I have to maybe reconsider IINA, or just ensure I have a good file

>*Double clicks on mkv/mp4 file*
>*Vlc crashed*
>You want to send crash log to devs?
>*Clicks ok*
>*Reporter crashed*
That's why it's so wrong to use vlc.

It's not always an error. It depends on the format the video was encoded in.
The effect in the video happens when there's a problem with either the keyframe or the deltas inbetween this keyframe and the next one. When you've already played it back once and it works fine then then it means that the error did not appear for whatever reason.

Hardware acceleration can mess a lot with this kind of stuff.

I would still recommend MPV for watching movies.

I've literally never had a problem with VLC. Sup Forums is the only place I've seen people take issue with it.

>CIA backdoor

We not talking about issues, we talking about the truth.

a thread died because of your shit

Interesting. What about IINA vs mpv on Mac?

so at the moment if i wanna listen to/watch something on vlc im using the 'open file/folder' option each time
is there a way to like associate/integrate all of my files with vlc, so i can like search WITHIN vlc for a certain file etc?


VLC is exceptionally vulnerable because it's so popular and de facto choice, namely in subtitle handling trusted repositories

I used to think this until a few months ago I tried MPC. Honestly I feel retarded having used VLC for so long, it was great in the beginning but in the past 5 years VLC has really gone down hill.

agreed, general consensus VLC went downhill and transition to 4K won't help their fate.

VLC is freakin' awesome. Everybody who says otherwise is using a old version of it.

>Newer is better.©
>t. Cuck

last time i made a thread here and asked if i should use MPC or MPV you faggots said VLC

Beacuse VLC is for retards. The thread probably got the impression you fit into this category.

> ask a legit question
> get a retarded answer

i figured i got trolled but it was uncalled for

It's not about issues, it's about an inferior product compared to the other, just as obtainable alternatives.

Being a VLC user means you are a person who is okay with eating garbage when there's a good lunch right next to it, because you've been eating garbage your entire life.

You should have asked in the Stupid Questions General, or skip the middle-man and ask in the mpv thread.

Making a thread for your mundane request will cause you to get shat on, yes. Read the sticky.

>skip the middle-man and ask in the mpv thread
because they'll be unbiased? mpv thread is for mpv users

> a million threads about intel vs amd is sacred board tradition
> a million consumerism whore threads are fine too
> a legit comparison thread between two software is a question for retards

the current state of Sup Forums

This is how I die isnt it

> a legit comparison thread between two software is a question for retards

It's not a legit comparison thread because the general consensus on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums (another board who is elitist with their media playback) is that MPC-HC with madVR and LAV filters is superior to VLC.

mpv is in another league, for other types of users.

Consumerism whore threads and intel vs amd threads are at least based on current events. MPC vs VLC was a lost battle and has been a concluded discussion since 2010.

>It's not a legit comparison thread because the general consensus on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums
> source - my ass

never seen this general consensus you speak of m'lady. there is literally a thread right now that turned into an entire shitfest over which software is the superior one

Have you read the thread? It's filled by idiots who have no idea what they're talking about.

Idiots like yourself, who does not bother lurking before posting their already answered questions.

>CIA has malware plugins for these applications
>the applications are malware

> everyone who doesn't hold my opinions or lurked here as much as i did is an idiot

It's not an opinion. The failure to recognize this is why you're an idiot.

A general misunderstanding is how hard these people press the VLC vs MPC discussion.

VLC isn't terrible. It's just not as good as MPC.
MPC is just as free as VLC. It even have one-click installers like KCP or CCCP.

So why would anyone use a sub-par application that is just as available as the other application?
Because they're idiots.

maybe you should read again

i made a thread that asked which program is better MPC or MPV, and i got told VLC by asshurt faggot that wanted attention. you are telling me why MPC is better than VLC and that never was my question to begin with

before that you said
> It's not a legit comparison thread because the general consensus on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums (another board who is elitist with their media playback) is that MPC-HC with madVR and LAV filters is superior to VLC.
> mpv is in another league, for other types of users.

which doesn't help resolve the original question

>maybe you should read again

Yes, maybe I should.

Woops, seems I got sidetracked along the way.

bravo france

I've tried a million times to just pass through ac3/dts to my optical port. of all the settings and setting combinations possible, i have yet to found a way to do this.
>inb4: god you're stupid, it should be able to do this!
yes. it should.
but it don't.

Also to solve your original question

It's up to real preference. You may be able to squeeze out some better colors using mpv, but it's an enthusiast's tweaker tool. The reason there's a constant mpv thread up is because hobbyists enjoy tweating constantly, finding new solutions and configurations to try.
If this is your thing, try MPV. If not, go for MPC.

Source on 2nd panel?