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Fuck off, Linus. Get back to koding Linux.

Linus stop making this obvius post we know its you.

Could you mention a Sup Forums meme on the next video?

Fuck off Linus

He spends more time on his YouTube videos than working on Linux kernel!
Wtf Linus???

kill yourself you beta cuck

>5 Ways to Watch 4K Content on the PC
Why not just plug in the hdmi to a 4k monitor?

>don't have a skylake+ processor
>netflix tells you to fuck off

report and sage newfriends

X299 (skylake-X and kaby lake-X) doesnt't have iGPU so it cant into netflix 4K DRM kek


So while we're here, who the hell is the Asian chick? Does she do anything at LMG other than being eyecandy for the videos?


How is it that someone who has to make videos that deal with something slightly complicated like technology can make multiple videos a day across three different channels and yet some Youtubers who make ten minute comedy videos about fucking video games take months to make?

About 30% of of that Linus time is padded by dumbass skits and advertisements, but still he makes a lot of stuff daily. How does it take Tech Nigger a week to make a video about the red iPhone and other "comedians" take months to make their 10-15 minute videos.

Is Linus super productive and other "Youtubers" are just lazy? That AngryJoe video where he said he needed a two week vacation from making D-effort vlogs about video games and movies made me hate these people hard. Linus is the only one I've seen who treats it like an actual job that was a blessing to come across.

>have new stepping 6700k
>netflix still tells you to fuck off because old GPU

I don't care if she's packing a 7 incher with a face and tits like that

Good one linux, but it's way cheaper and easier to just buy an xbox one s.

His channel is literally a 50 man crew. All he does is walk in and say his text.

He still has to organize it though, he's got a lot of helpers but he still works harder than 99% of Youtubers. Even counting the ones with more subscribers than him. He makes cringy and and awful stuff, but he's about the only real channel I know of that's not vlog bullshit that makes actual videos daily and he does it across multiple channels.

It's just weird because of what you said, he's probably more actor than anything now. Then you have AngryJoe starting a two month vacation after a hard year of doing nothing but watching movies and then talking about them with his friends. I guess I'm just pissed at how far some channels are regressing but Linus is still making stuff. Even JonTron stopped making videos about games and went on to movies instead, and even then he can't bother to upload regularly. It's just weird how most Youtubers got to where they are when they're all so fucking lazy.

giv hapa gf

I agree, having a dick can't make her nay uglier when she already looks like a total wreck.

Linus is married to an asian wife and has multiple kids. There is no way he can afford to be lazy. both in the sense that he needs money to support his family, and more importantly his wife will not let him NOT work at least 12 hours a day.

She drops things and there's are plenty of good shots of boobs in-between " product b-roll ", take a look at the cheat mechanical keyboard video and comments for time stamps

She has a thicc body ( 9/11 ) but a shitty face 6/10

But how would Linus get his shill bucks then?

>Everyone's favorite flexible multimedia player: VLC

I mean, it's flexible. It's what I recommend to normies and non-techies. It's just basic and simple and there's no bullshit involved.

Why not MPC? That works out of the box for most peoples' needs.

I'm going to fuck your wife

>rebuilding font cache intensifies

wow you're not even trying to make bait subjects anymore, you just flat out post the videos

I'm starting to wonder if this is a paid effort, there is no way mods are just ignoring this flood of spam

Fuck he didn't even show us how the NUC worked with 4k shit or how stuff like Plex would work with the NUC, instead he just hooked it up for gaming


Is Linus getting some then?

I can't imagine he actually wants to bang his bug gf

Why would you want an expensive PC just to watch 4K videos?
Just get a 4K Blu-ray player and if theirs some file format or service unsupported by the Blu-ray player just get an additional Android TV box or something else.

The real question is, why are there no Blu-ray players with Android TV OS?

It's not expensive they're like $300 and run Linux for free

Don't forget that you have to add the price of the PC 4K Blu-ray drive that costs $130.
If you don't want to play Blu-rays you can get an Android TV or something else really cheap.

IDC what you say, but the asian girl makes me super hard, she looks like she has the right amount of chub and sucks mad dick.

I don't care if she had a penis, I bet it'd be a feminine one.

linus is married and has two kids.

to another azn

Best thing to do is just play a file over Plex from a main PC where you put the disc in

> Everyone should watch videos from the command line like a pr0 1337 h4cker like myself
Please hang yourself

> that ticc
> that face
I'm not sure how I feel about this

if that's eyecandy I guess even naked Linus would have done

dead as of a few days ago
mpv would be fine though

>for 4k content
is this nigga retarded?

Yeah downloaded a 4k john wick, VLC stuttered. wtf? This is on a 7700k and a 1080 GTX

VLC is fucked up for 4k. It's fine for anything else but their 4k codec implementation is fucked

Pretty average body honestly and the face sucks. Nothing to be excited about, you really have to be desperate to see that as eyecandy.

Realistically most of Sup Forums is jealous of Linus, he makes millions per with a youtube channel while having no technical expertise.

He's a genius marketer and entertainer

>posting 3 and a half hours later
>having any idea if i saged or not
>still schooling me