I'm on a Note 4 with Lineage OS 14.1 installed, and I am trying to use Pay.
The problem is, I've installed the app, and when I tap 'Get started' it shows a white screen with Google's little circular loading animation, and then throws me an error that says, "Can't add card right now. Please try again later. You can also try adding a different card," no matter which payment option I try to use.
I've tried clearing data, cache, and rebooting. I've tried disabling root access and rebooting, and a combination of the two. I don't know what the problem is, and there's not much help to be found by searching around for other users with similar problems.
Can any of you Sup Forumsentoomen offer me some insight into this problem?
Not the OP, but I've never been able to get Magisk hide to work for any purpose. Follow all the direction, have it set up like another anons, and yet.. no success.
Robert Miller
Alright, I've flashed Magisk 13.3, it installed and ran fine, it says it's installed and the latest version, that's no problem.
The only problem is when I click 'Check SafetyNet status' it doesn't even tell me it didn't pass or whatever, it just says
>The response is invalid
What the fuck is going on lmao
Cooper Bell
Screenshot it for us. Whenever the hide fails, the message you should see is something like "error, CTS profile mismatch", which means you failed (you didn't yield the results the test expected, hence mismatch). Of course maybe in an update the wording got changed.
Jackson Myers
Thomas Bell
Are you using a custom kernel? Also, your phone is definitely properly rooted, yes? I've had issues where magisk reported being properly rooted, yet I could not actually get it to grant root successfully. Thirdly, do you have any root apps or mods that might touch /system?
Matthew Mitchell
My phone is properly rooted, I believe. No SuperSU application or anything, but I've granted permissions and enabled root access to apps and ADB in the Settings app.
I have Viper4Android installed if that matters, as well as BusyBox and stuff from a while back.
No custom kernel, I just flashed Lineage.
Installing the SuperSU app gives some error along the lines of binary not available or something, but I do have root.
Luis Sullivan
I'm confused by you mentioning the supersu app. Why are you installing it? Magisk should be all you need. Do not install any other rooting solution, even just their apk. Now, that being said. I believe busybox modifies /system. This could make you fail safetynet. As could viper4android, unless you have that installed systemlessly through magisk.
David Smith
I'm not, I just did a while back. Don't have it installed anymore anyway.
I installed V4A without Magisk, using the official zip via TWRP. I've first installed Magisk today. My friend told me it may be Viper that's fucking my shit up.
Are Busybox and Viper reversible, or am I going to have to reflash?
Easton Wright
Also, make sure that when you flash LOS that it is not already rooted. If it is, that is quite likely to be the culprit. Magisk says it can remove your /system based root upon installation, but in my experience it always causes issues if you make it try to do that.
Isaac Hill
>Also, make sure that when you flash LOS that it is not already rooted.
Could you expand on this, please? Lineage doesn't officially support my phone, so I resort to the cleanest-looking non-Pajeet unofficial build of it that I can. I believe they've all come pre-rooted, with a system root that I can enable in the settings.
Alexander Turner
Yes, if you have busybox installed to /system (you probably do, that's where it defaults) and if you have viper4android installed by their official zip method, those both touch /system. I believe they are both reversible if you look up how to do it, but honestly to play it safe, you may want to clean flash if you are able.
Yes, that will be the issue then, besides the other items that touch /system. As said earlier, I find that magisk is generally unsuccessful in removing already present root binaries. Link me to the thread/forum that your ROM is in so I can take a look. If you're able, you should ask if the dev (or another talented individual) can create an unroot.zip for users wanting to use other root solutions with that particular ROM.
>also, that moment when the captcha asks you click on all cars, and it keeps giving you more cars for like a whole minute Damn, let me post.
Jackson Myers
>Yes, if you have busybox installed to /system (you probably do, that's where it defaults) and if you have viper4android installed by their official zip method, those both touch /system. I believe they are both reversible if you look up how to do it, but honestly to play it safe, you may want to clean flash if you are able.
Would it be dumb of me to not clear /data before I reflash? I'm creating a backup onto my MicroSD card on TWRP as I type this, just in case, but it would be nice not to have to manually move all of my media and whatnot.
>Yes, that will be the issue then, besides the other items that touch /system. As said earlier, I find that magisk is generally unsuccessful in removing already present root binaries. Link me to the thread/forum that your ROM is in so I can take a look. If you're able, you should ask if the dev (or another talented individual) can create an unroot.zip for users wanting to use other root solutions with that particular ROM.
So, I'm fucked with my current ROM?
The plan was to back up my boot, system, data partitions in case something fucks up and I need to revert, and then wipe all but /data and flash the same ROM zip over that, flash Magisk, and see what happens.
Would that not be wise?
Jordan James
try to find an unrooted version of LOS and use magisk to root after install. Or, alternatively, a version that uses magisk for root from the get go and not superSU
>Q: What will some of the differences be between unofficial and official builds? A: The following technical changes will take effect: - Built-in su root will be removed: You will have to download and install the su addon from LineageOS Extras. - Phone status > LineageOS updates will be activated, allowing for the OTA downloading of official builds. - The official builds will be digitally signed by Lineage to prove that they do not contain malicious source code and are able to pass the Play Store's SafetyNet check.
Jason Bell
No, make sure you wipe /data too. Wiping data is not the same as erasing all storage. If you see a checkbox for wiping USB-OTG or something along those lines, that would be your internal storage aka your music and shit. Don't wipe that unless you wanna get rid of all that for some reason. And even then, I don't recommend it. If you accidentally do that and erase the ROM, Gapps, etc. you can be stuck with an expensive paperweight until you ADB sideload it back to life. Wipe everything else though, after you back up. And yes, as long as the ROM you're downloading has the built-in root removed, you should be fine. Magisk should work for you. Don't install busybox, you can install v4a systemlessly through magisk if you want.
Gabriel Davis
I don't have gapps so no. My card has NFC as well, I don't need botnet for that.
Benjamin Williams
Yeah that one might work. Looks like RR uses magisk by default so that's an option too since the link you posted was technically an unofficial build of LOS
I've accidentally done this before and was able to flash from a USB drive, assuming you have the dongle
Camden Kelly
I'm not going to read the whole thread but go into settings in magisk manager and make sure magisk hide is enabled (I think it's off by default). If it is, then turn it off and back on and check safetynet again.
Nicholas Wilson
I've downloaded ripee's latest ROM from that thread for my specific variant. I read after searching the thread that SafetyNet passed at least once before with their ROM, so it couldn't hurt to try.
RR looked good, but if you search the thread for 'Android Pay', you get only a handful of posts, all of which claim it's a no-go.
BRB buying an iPhone.
Leo Bennett
Tell me more about this, you plugged a flash drive into your smartphone via some sort of dongle? That's definitely an option haha. In the past I've just sideloaded the shit I need onto there. Gets complicated because sideloading is not the same as flashing, so you can't just sideload your gapps and shit on like you might expect. I had to sideload on the actual ROM, but since I couldn't get gapps, I was stuck with no package installer, and no web browser either lol. I also had to send out for a new USB-C to USB 3.0 adapter since my other one went missing, so for days my phone was literally text and call only. Camera too.
Jack Lewis
OP here with a quick question.
The battery currently inside my phone is a Powerbear. On the Amazon page for the exact battery I bought, the company explicitly states that this battery is not NFC-friendly.
So, with that being said, even if I got Android Pay up and running all whoopsie daisy on my phone, ROMs and Magisk and a pain in the ass and all, transactions wouldn't work, right?
pic related is me at this point
Austin Robinson
What do you mean with sideload? I once mistakenly wiped the whole phone in TWRP, including the internal storage with the ROM zip I wanted to install, so I ended up with a phone without a ROM to boot into and nothing to install. No MicroSD slot on this phone which would have been the easiest solution. But this wasn't that difficult to fix in the end, I used the "push" command to move a ROM zip on to the phone to flash.
Robert Murphy
I had no idea batteries could impact NFC. Guess if it gives you a problem your ass is buying another battery lol.
Sideloading is a feature in ADB that you can use with TWRP. Basically, when in recovery, you can click adb sideload, and your phone will wait for a connection from your PC. On the computer side, simply executing "adb sideload foo" will send foo to your phone, where it is flashed upon full arrival. The problem is that it seems to wipe the partition before flashing, and I see no way to tell it not to do that. So you can sideload the ROM, but if you try to sideload gapps after that, it will literally wipe /system and then flash gapps onto an empty partition. So when I did what I did, I sideloaded my ROM, then booted into my ROM so I could connect via USB and transfer over gapps, kernel, etc. I've actually always had push commands fail when in recovery in the past, which is why I had to sideload, so it's lucky they worked for you.
Bentley Anderson
Ok, gotcha. Good to know.
Noah Long
Why join an additional botnet when you could just use a contactless card?