*breathes in*
*Leans back*
*breathes in*
*Leans back*
so what will they use? scratch?
do we have an indian crying wojack faces?
With what?
Dijkstra taught Haskell as introduction to programming. Maybe they are going to teach Scala?
Java is actually a pretty good introductory language. Replacing it with some scripting dynamically-typed language like Python is a terrible decision that will create meme programmers.
And don't tell me it's because java is shit. Are they being charged more to use it.
Unironically yes
They replaced it with JS
>Java is actually a pretty good introductory language.
hows that degree mill working out for you faggot?
turns out they are going to replace the introductory classes language with javascript, just to avoid having to tell students to type in "public static void"
kek, talk about a shot in the foot, even if use jslint or something to "enforce" code correctiveness (or will the teachers be spammed with "this doesnt work" about simple syntax errors and mistypes) it will still be a lot more work for the teachers to accomplish the same outcome. probably even worse, vb would have been better
>inhales twice
>In its latest update to the Programming Methodology course code CS 106J, the University replaced the difficult to master Java language that was present in CS 106A, with the more palatable language JavaScript. Even though to the layman the difference might seem arbitrary just from the namesake; but in reality, this makes programming easier to understand mainly due to the latter having less 'bloat' to contend with.
>difficult to master Java language...
Should be C.
I can confirm. I went to the Stanford campus to check it out last week and found a classroom with CS 10X level assignments in one of the rooms using JavaScript. Now that I think about it I should have taken a copy for Sup Forums, even though it was all easy shit.
This C is perfect for so many reasons
Syntax influences other langs
Ties in with an OS course and computer architecture course and a graphics course (open gl) among many other uses
C should be the language to go in this case.
>memory leaks
>hugly but not that hugly
You have to learn how to program, not how to be a fag, Java has a fancy ecosystem build around it that makes you lacy. With C you will see the true nature of coding and how painfull it is if it goes wrong.
I took the Harvard CS 101 EdX course a few years ago and it was indeed in C, with scratch as well for the brainlets. Really good class, too bad they took it down.
>Coding in C
>Any year
I can't wait until major systems are rewritten in Rust and I will never have to worry about some Rajesh coding some poorly tested payment processor and having all my personal information leaked.
>I can't wait until major systems are rewritten in Rust
not in a million years pajeet
>*breathes in*
>*Leans back*
Can we stop with this cringe-inducing trend, it's worthless and only makes you looks like a fool.
>This move is aimed at completely transition to JavaScript for the CS 106 program because of the fact that according to Roberts, it has become the 'language of the internet'.
C should be taught in a way that people are made aware of the risks. For a complete noob to programming, Python would probably be best since you can set up and run on any platform extremely quickly, and basic programs are easy to write. Once you have a basic understanding of programming, they should move on to C to see what's going on "under the hood" (pointers, data structures, compiling, linking) and experience the nasty bits like buffer overflows, stack overflows, memory leaks, and like other nasty bits in an academic environment rather than in a working product/service.
Of course, this assumes the institution can produce competent programmers.
People like you should just concentrate on developing a formal specification, so industry might take you seriously for once.
>Of course, this assumes the institution can produce competent programmers.
And sadly, this is not the case. Once you teach them OOP, they instantly turn into a low-effort machines and copy-past whatever they find on the internet and just don't give any shit anymore, even for high performance programs.
>Ditching Java
Oh ok, maybe now they'll start with something like Scala or C or maybe even..
>Fucking JavaScript
Java and Javascript are the same thing anyways
this b8 WILL get replies
Substantiate your argument. I'm bored and could use a laugh.
Fuck off tripfag
i cant tell if newfag or bad b8
be quiet, summer
Do you seriously believe the Java pajeet meme?
White people do use Java you know, check out the authors of any android app you use, dickhead
How about you fuck off, or else explain why you think Java and JavaScript have anything in common, other than the first four letters of their names?
In Brazil you have C in introductory classes, second semester is C and assembly. Why are american CS classes such a joke?
This is introductory shit that spreadsheet fucking desk jockeys will take as a requirement for their major. Higher level CS courses weed out the "i wanna make vidya gaems xd" types quite easily.
>mexican shitstain calling americans a joke
try entering the country paco then we can joke
Dude, Brasil. Go back to
>American education
>implying brazil \= mexico
you're joking right?
Ivy league teaching level
Language of internet
I bet they don't even mention what assembly is
> At least it's a kinda of code camp course? Or a full blow cs major?
Even in the shit fest of brbrbr I had 2 years c++ and assembly, Motorola and 8086x plus full data analysis.
How the hell you study binary trees and basic things like cache, threading and all sort of shit with js? It's even more cancerous on server than php
My school started with C and complimented it by teaching us about hardware. Made the concepts of memory and pointers stick better.
You probably think Brasilia is a kind of taco dip, right?
it's a waxing technique for sombreros
Brbrbr and Latin America is like oil and water we are very different culturally.
It's okay burger education is so shitty you can't even pinpoint USA on a world map
Here stuff is like radioactive decay. In the second year 1/2 isn't here anymore, in the third only 1/4 dream of actually finishing, and in the fourth year, the 1/8 of highlanders get to work for obscenely low wages.
At my university, in my CE undergrad we learned assembly -> C -> C++ -> Java, and then other electives might use Python, Haskell, etc.
It's so sad to think of people starting with Javascript...
Why would Indians care if students don't learn Java? Surely that would mean more jobs for them?
you're just niggardly pork and cheese instead of niggardly spank yards
either way you speak retarded languages, are overrun with crime, and have lives centered around finding toothless women to put yout nut butter into while they cook beans for your 11 children
Android is literally Pajeet: The Operating System. Java is one of the main reasons why Android is so bad.
Will they teach a mature modern language like python?
I had a 6 months course at uni of Pascal.
It's not awesome but at least it have all basics of a decent language.
Ja isn't even a language just throw some shit on html and it might work.
All this plus fucking endlessly browser compatibility
As if the south doesn't exist in the states...
So you would trust some dumb HR monkey who wrote a job description somewhere over, say, a heavily moderated Wikipedia article?
>Not to be confused with JavaScript
>Not to be confused with Java (programming language), Java (software platform), or Javanese script.
Or really, just try putting some Java code into a JavaScript interpreter and see what happens. Or some JavaScript code into a Java compiler.
Got bored. This is what happens when you try and tell javac to parse a .js file, and what happens when you try to tell nodejs to parse a .java file. They don't like each other.
This generation is fucked.
it's past your bedtime, gramps
JavaScript interpreters are so diverse and shit they might even half parse the shit and complete with deductions.
I remember old ie implementation doing finky things with broken html or js.
I mean there are some standards but not every interpreter honor it or do random shit. It's better now really, but still shit.
You've got a special kind of autism tripanon. Taking this b8 too far.
Did you really alias node? For what purpose?
Write a fucken compiler you CIA nigger.
>Did you really alias node?
More like I have two programs installed:
One's a legacy version of the other. Can't remember which, but package management is fucked.
Anyways, I have nothing better to do right now.
Install nvm. You're welcome.
I love how to just include agile into being a java(script) developer too.
Lets see your Redox OS desktop, then. But oh wait, it's shit and literally so unusable that even Rust shills don't use it, despite claiming to be superior to Linux (written in C).
Gonna be honest, I don't use JavaScript enough to give a shit.
kill yourself shitposting faggot
Since when do the poos study at Stanford? If anything this sounds like capitulation to the indian forces. Java is lost, so better grab some of the scraps.
They've got to adjust the difficulty level to the hordes of diversity students now.
This is going from Bad to Worse.
Instead of using a real language or even a practical one they use JavaScript.
JS should not be used as a teaching language anywhere, certainly not at an ivy-league college.
They should be on the bleeding edge and use Haskell or Lisp instead to show everyone how its done. If they do it, many others might change too, they do not lack "pull".
Its literally because java is shit.
The students could not cope with the shit and saw every student doing another language because none of them liked it. Only rajesh did. but rajesh cant recover now lmao
>Sup Forumstards keep whining about how universities cost gorillions of dollars but don't teach anything useful in industry
>Instead of using a real language or even a practical one they use JavaScript
JS is both a real language and a practical one. A JS interpreter is available for literally every computing device in the universe more powerful then an Anduino. There are multiple open source JS implementations. What more could you want for teaching?
And remember, this is for teaching how to program, not teaching marketable skills. The difference? A Programmer will be able to learn any language in a week or 2 vs the programmer will only be able to work in that one language he learned.
DICKstra was a faggot
>Java and Javascript are the same thing anyways
They share the first 4 letters of their name and their syntax is descended from C. That's literally it.
The only way to teach someone properly is:
>pseudoassembly language to make the students get the basic principles of how a computer works (without introducing any platform specific stuff)
>C, to teach basic imperative programming and also memory-related matters
>modern C++ for introduction to OOP, templates etc, and also to make the students understand that automatic memory management is possible without a garbage collector
>a modern OOP language (C#, or possibly Java)
>a meme piece of shit scripting language (most likely Python)
>a pure functional language (most likely Haskell)
>SQL, an actual assembly language and webshit languages (Javascript, HTML, CSS) somewhere along the way
This way you get the full picture, a thorough understanding, and you do it in the proper ascending order of abstraction from the hardware layer.
That's what my university did in my CS course, and it was worth it.
And this order makes retards fail quickly, so here's another upside.
>difficult to master
i learned that shit in like 2 months when i was 14 editing RS private servers, and i'm retarded. JS is even more confusing with all that dynamically typed, "0" == null, global-scoping-because-you-forgot-"var" bullshit.
just learn C first like the rest of the world.
u wot m8
$ js
> '0' == null
also, consider the following: ===
It's worse than Java
I like Java, its the comfiest language. But I wouldn't trade having my 101 class in C for anything. I believe it was a very valuable experience. Plus, it helped me with OS, Systems programming, and computer architecture later on down the road. Not teaching C just fucks students over later. Maybe it's for the best though cause ee need less JS script fags scraping out a CS degree and calling themselves developers anyway. Stallvolution will eliminate them from the equation.
>baby language for developers who need bouncy walls because they might hurt themselves.
fuck off ranjeet.
Nothing quite like learning your code is failing because the compiler decided to transform what you thought was a string into an integer and now your literal comparison is failing.
Also doesn't make it easy considering the language is asynchronous and you need to rely on callbacks. Maybe it was harder than average for me to learn because I got used to synchronous programming though.
Nah, Java is going to fade away eventually. It'll be slow since it became an enterprise standard but Javascipt is poised to replace it because of tools like Electron and NodeJS allow you to create cross-platform applications with relative easy.
>unexpected token class
>ironically js now supports classes
JS is what you use when nothing else is available. Its only ever the least-worst solution.
>pic related
>And remember, this is for teaching how to program, not teaching marketable skills. The difference? A Programmer will be able to learn any language in a week or 2 vs the programmer will only be able to work in that one language he learned.
Exactly why JS is a dumb idea.
Let them learn scheme if they want something pure but not marketable. Haskell if they want both. But JS teaches tons of horrible practices that they will have to unlearn afterwards.
>learning your code is failing because the compiler
kek. You were trying to pull JSON from a PHP script, weren't you?
>Also doesn't make it easy considering the language is asynchronous and you need to rely on callbacks.
We got promises now. They're still callbacks, but they're much easier to work with and error handling doesn't suck so badly anymore.
Also, async/await.
kek, if dated
My gf switched her major to comp sci so she just took her intro to programming class
When I took mine 2 years ago, I did Java. She did Python. Yet she still has to learn Java, they only use Python for the intro class.
>Work in sales at a major publisher
The vast majority of universities (at least in Canada) are using Liang's Java books. I've seen a few of the smaller schools using C++ or Python but literally every large institution is still on Java and probably always will be.
Also related, I'd say of every prof I deal with, 75% are brown, 20% are asian, and 5% are white. That's probably reflective in the material being used
>replaced with JavaScript
So now computer science majors won't even know how to make a program at all.
Javascript as a syntax is elegant, but as a runtime is more faggot than OP
Javascript's runtime isn't bad. The shitty parts are imo all due to W3C. It seems that programming on NeXT ruins one's taste for concise, simple APIs.
>Also doesn't make it easy considering the language is asynchronous and you need to rely on callbacks. Maybe it was harder than average for me to learn because I got used to synchronous programming though.
What the hell are you talking about? Javascript is synchronous if you want it to be.
>All this plus fucking endlessly browser compatibility
Javascript is one of the most portable languages. The compatibility issues are very minor.
>muh father's javascript reeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE
That was then. This is now. Developers got tired enough of Microsoft's shit and made them the odd one out, until they finally got it almost semi-together with IE9.
>Sup Forums thinking it matters
CS teaches CS. Not programming.
Yes, this.
Top school in canada here, we learn Java and C at the same time as part of the first year of undergrad. Python is sorta covered but we only learn it for an hour or two total. There are optional courses for C++ and functional languages (Haskell, F#, etc)
It kinda sucks because of how disgustingly ugly Java is but it's alright. THe course that teaches C (1st or second semester course) also teaches PHP and Python and CGI and a bunch of other random shit.
>i learned that shit in like 2 months when i was 14
Java is fucking massive. You certainly didn't master it. I bet you never learned more than the basic features.
it was my introductory language and I can think of a hundred languages that would be harder to learn first.
>Functional programming as intro
>90% white profs
Feels good man.