/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• user does another magic trick and even makes a coin disappear • user considers getting some R4 cards • Zuk Z2 Pro owner gets sent the wrong case, boy that must Zuk • Comfy shares his latest coupon finds • user takes /csg/ to Beijing • user bought the KZ ED9 • user's new plush looks slightly different than what was listed • user reviews a bunch of stuff he bought off AliExpress • user has a ton of shit that he reviews • user got some fake Oakleys • user's pruchase was wrapped in Chinese newspaper • user gets a tiny screaming chicken toy • user reviews the "ZHILAI Audio H1 USB Sound Card" bought it in hopes of it having better sound than his onboard audio, it sadly didn't • Get your $2 shark plush here • user bought a NATO strap for his calculator watch Previous thread

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What mechanical keyboard should i get for 50€?
No amazon

I have been thinking about these:
>JamesDonkey 619
>Ajazz AK33 RGB
>3LUE k751
JamesDonkey has Gateron switches Ajazz has Zorros, K751 has Outemu.

>Need a new rockbox player. Is there a chinky rockbox-capable portable music player out there?

>Xduoo X3

nearly 80€ on gearbest and ali... how much is it when its on sale? also, there doesnt seem to be any official support, just some russian site that ports it... how stable is it?

B.O. Arse Man cx98's are probably my favorite chink iems.
paid too much for the zs5, and haven't really given them too much of a shot.

Just look how much chink shit I've just ordered for one and a half euro!

Thanks for the input.

I think I have a 3.5mm splitter but either the thing doesn't work or I'm damn retarded.

The cheapest it's ever been was ~$50, currently the cheapest I can see is $79 on Aliexpress and eBay

From what I hear the port is very stable, XDuoo was assisted the guys making it

I wanted to try it once

i guess you wont see the reply. where did you get the coupon? got any more?

What's up with this meme? What's the joke here?

Any good Chink satchels? Faux leather would be tight.

the joke is that euros are too dumb to realize this question belongs in /mkg/

Does Aliexpress bully sellers who don't ship an item within processing time?

you just dispute and get a full refund if it doesn't come within guaranteed delivery time, if it still comes even after your refund you keep it

crazy horse on aliexpress

unfunny forced meme that's been going around for a couple of months, almost as good as eiaosi x6

Whats a good cheap chink blutooth mouse, i need one for about $15, I need to use it on my macbook so it doenst need to be that good.
I use it for writing and i dont wanna waste a usb port on a mouse im only going to use every few hours


>all this potentially useful stuff
Fuck off user. No one wants this shit.

Give me cheap shit to buy on gearbest, I have some money there.

In my situation this applies only to the "Citrus Opener".

hee hee

>alternative sexuality

girls can use those too

>not learning how to use a paring knife

bought me a $80 fidget spinner that I can't carry around legally
slipped past customs as "tableware", the chinaman told me he could ship it in two parts but apparently deemed it unneeded
10/10 this might become an addiction

Whats a good practice one of those,
I wanna get one eventually but id rather not cut my own fingers off learning how to use it

what is some good stuff to buy to prepare for when the PRC usurps the US as the #1 world power?

Get one of those where the blade is a comb, safe for your fingers and useful too


I bought this one:
after applying some oil and loctite it's great.
I have no idea if the ones in the $10 range are any worse.
Look into bbbarfly if you're in the US, they're supposedly good for flipping and double as bottle openers.

>want to get $4 LiitoKala charger
>spend all day cleaning up my brothers old apartment
>can't be bothered resetting my goybeast password on my phone
>come home
>coupon expired
Thanks for reading my blog.

im getting quite good at tracking planes and shit

Got it from one of those deal posting sites, seemed very relevant to /csg/ so I posted it. I don't know if there's any more codes that work but a quick Google shows you can get a bunch of codes from the Groupon.de site:

I have no idea if any of them work.

Are there any non-shitty chink balisongs?

I hear /csg/ likes fidget cubes.

So tell me, is it a common issue for the clicky wheels to get grinded away to the point they no longer work? Did I just buy a shitty cube? Or did I just use it too roughly?

you heard wrong kid
now scram

if you just want a good cheap mp3 player i recommend the ruizu x02
had mine over a year before getting a problem (sound went to shit, think its a loose connection inside the headphone jack)


What's the word on the street about chink earbuds? My xiaomi piston 2s are about to konk out on me and I'm looking for a replacement.

cafago.com/en/memory-cards-2643/p-c2894-64.html coupon C2894J
SanDisk Ultra 64GB for $15.98 or less if you use bonus points.

Just got my KZ ZSTs. Now I've only tried them with the tips they had on when they came, but so far my initial impressions are:

>bright as fuck
Ok, for a $13 earbud, they're actually not all that bright. They don't physically sound screeching like some other shitty buds I've had. But objectively speaking, the bass is really weak, and really low bass (sub-bass? like the drums around 0:30 of youtu.be/4r9S2yEiuME) is almost nonexistent. Like, it's there, somehow, and I kind of hear it, but it doesn't really add much ambience to the music - the whole song really does sound bright. After comparing some more I actually think they're deforming the sound slightly - the mids sound higher with them than using my headphones, and that's responsible for the colouration.
The clarity, however, is astounding. Almost on part with my HD558s (which aren't top-grade audiophile but, at $100 or so, are still an order of magnitude more expensive).

I know several of the KZs were memed to hell and back, but when I asked here for advice a few threads back I didn't really get any coherent answers, so I thought I might as well post my review.


Ken Fong.

Oh yeah by the way should I buy a separate tip for them (like the penis one) or are the stock ones good?


Is the bluetooth cable a meme or is it good


adding to the tip question, are spinfits worth it? might as well get some since foam only last so long before they get swapped out.
got some zs5s, rock zircons, boarseman cx98 so if it could fit in most of them, i'd be fine getting one pair at 5usd.

>Qianai Sex Toys Company
Such a cryptic name, I wonder what they could possibly be selling!

Reminds me of an estate agent I saw on Cyprus literally called BuySell


>China Top 10 dildo and anal toy brand

Are you sure you're getting a good seal? in ear headphones are reality sensitive to fitment issues. This review (thephonograph.net/kz-zst-review/) mentions using tips from the KZ ATE to get a better seal and more bass. Foam tips would probably be the easy solution.

I've heard of Ken fong BM41 clones, but I can't find one anywhere

Snibeti snab x--DD

Got a chink USB chargeable electric lighter from eBay, seems decent

Anyone know if these are good? Apparently it is a 70% discount.

up your chinkshit game, my dude

Link please

they're fine but if you honestly believe that amazon has real """deals""" then you need to leave

you should probably spend more on the pro version though, more anons have it and have reviewed it

I love those things for some reason. Just bought pic related yesterday

more deals added including a 99 cent fidget spinner and xduoo x3.

They're $27 on Aliexpress so it's not a real discount

Get these ones



I've been ordering all my stuff on banggood(fast delivery) or aliexpress (cheapa and massive selection).

is there literally any reason to order on gearbest?
if there are deals on gearbest, wont sellers on aliexpress follow suit?

Maybe not, but I've now tried all three sizes of included tips and while the small ones were noticeably worse, the large ones didn't really improve much over the default (medium) ones. I tried to wiggle them around in my ear and hold them in various positions with my fingers, changing the pressure/depth and angle, to little effect.
What tips would you recommend? I'm completely new to this. Could you also perhaps give a brief explanation on why foam?

Anyway I did get a pair that was about twice cheaper than every other listing, so I guess it's possible that I got a fake. Everything on the box and in the manual is heavy Engrish, I'd assume this is normal, right? I could always order another more expensive pair to compare, these were about $13 anyway, I could then give one pair to a family member or something.

it's good if you're in the mood to be chinked

I'm sorry senpai. I cannot find

Hope this is a real card, if not then whatever I guess.

>is there literally any reason to order on gearbest?
They offer a shipping option that lets customers in some european countries avoid import taxes and vat.

isnt that how everyone is doing it


Okay thanks I will get those ones instead then.

well, never tried.
any other reason?

Does anyone know whether the AliExpress NCR18650s are legit?


Their stock is legit, 98% of the time and their support are actually good with resolving problems. They also accept PayPal but that doesn't really matter to long time chink shit buyers.

Haven't tried foam tips myself but if you've ever used those foam ear plugs that you roll and then put in your ear, the foam tips are kind of like that. They'll give the best seal and allow the earphone's true capability to come out. Because of the small driver size compared to on-ear or over-ear headphones, in-ears are reliant on having a good seal to generate good frequency response. After all the sound you perceive is really just movement/disruption of air.


>he trusts reviews from dimitris and (((pavels)))

I have only another month left at my house before I'm moving for work. That means no more buying chink shit for the next month or two. $60 sitting here. What do I buy, /csg/?

>that post-purchase regret/anxiety
feeling it now lads, did I make a mistake buying a z2 pro?

I mean yeah but no, that logic is not necessarily true. Say if an IEM is designed to have the sound reverberate through and around the ear, if you muffle it with a foam plug it's going to completely throw off how it was intended to be worn and might make it sound like shit - because they depend on the sound waves traveling freely to sound good.

Not saying that's the case, just that your logic doesn't necessarily show anything from what I understand.
Anyway they're like $1 apiece so I'll order some and see.

Beg the chink to contact the shipping company to stop your shipment asap. Good fucking luck.

This would actually be great, my gas one is so unreliable that by now it's only used as a spark generator - and takes about 10-15 clicks to ignite the stove.

Link please?



Also, cheaper and actually has reviews:

Looks good, but how do I know the chinks won't use it to harvest me for genetic engineering samples?

That's just a risk you'll have to take.

Are these supposed to stretch? aliexpress.com/item/virgin-assholes/32256810686.html

I'm assuming so since I'm not aware of any 1.5mm earphones. Do you think they'll be fine on 5mm?

>For most of the fine sound guide tube earbud
5mm isn't fine, it's one of the biggest you can find

Woops. How about these then: aliexpress.com/item/well-fug/32479652681.html It says 4mm +- 0.5, will I be harming the sound quality by stretching them an extra 0.5mm?

more like you will have problems getting them on

sort by images
find one that tests the capacity you fucking MONG

bike light came smushed, maybe customs opened it up and were too lazy to put back how they found it.
but maybe it just got smushed in transit. it's alright, will get it a shot soon.
also finally got my ve monks plus with the ex pack. probably won't need all these damn fabric earpiece covers, too damn many i think

>sort by images

just hammer them with loud music for a week or so... i have noticed all of the kz take time for the bass to break in and the sound signature to stabilize

but everyone thinks the detail is overwhelming at first - i have a the kz ate and zst and have my zs5 on the way.... i need more sub-bass hopefully the zs5 will live up to the hype

while im here can anyone tell me the difference between the zisan z1 and z2 ? i am really tempted

okay how do I sort pictures by cigarette chargers and empty beer bottles pls halp me user

Nah mate, it's a great phone. Possibly the best value on the market right now.

That doesn't really matter to me, it's not like I will be changing my tips every day.
Anyway I'll order them and report back.

I equalized them a bit and had an orgasm. It's... different to what I'm used to, and repeatedly comparing them to my usual headphones I actually started to notice a bit of the sennheiser veil (which I never did before).

By hammering them, do you mean just leave them on my desk with loud music playing? Like a couple hours a day for a week or so I'm assuming?

Either way, I have to say I'm definitely quite happy for the price. And it's ABSOLUTELY an improvement over the default Galaxy S7 ones. Holy shit.

And just to add a bit, after some more comparisons I started really noticing a difference in the bass clarity. Sennheiser veil or no, the headphones have much better clarity and detail across all frequencies, while the ZSTs kind of mumble through any bass which is meant to be soft and subtle.

Anyway I'm going to stop blogging now, see how they break in, and for the price be happy either way.