The lock tab of my microsd adapter broke.
I want to fix it. Any ideas? I tried puttin a top on top of it, but it wouldn't fit the reader.
Can I fix it by messing around with the inside of the card?
Microsd adapter lock
Just glue it back on.
those things are insanely cheap, user
Not in my country. Well, they may be cheap, but hard to find.
Buy apple products. You cant even put sd card into them.
I'm trying to use the microsd so I can use homebrew on my Wii U.
Buy a new one.
Check this out Isn't there anything I can do to fix it?
When i need to read sd card, i put it into my phone and then i either enable ftp server on the phone or simply connect it to the pc.
First post, you mouthbreather.
They're less than $1 USD on eBay.
Buy a new one.
If your country is too shitty, move to a better one (America doesn't count).
yeah, but i want to put it on my wii u
i lost the thing.
>They're less than $1 USD on eBay.
I don't live in the US, tho. It would take too long :/
Come on, their must be some way.
>If your country is too shitty, move to a better one (America doesn't count).
do you really want third-world brown people like myself to move to 1st world countries?
It'll take him a month to get it.
You can fix it with tape, there's a few guides on youtube.
I have an adapter thingy too but never used the lock switch before. What does it do? I assume lock the microsd card in place, but the thing is the fit is so snug anyway why would you ever care about using the lock.
It makes it READ ONLY.
this, and once you break it off it's not supposed to go back on usually. buy a new one
And the locking itself is actually implemented in the SD reader. That lock switch is just a piece of plastic.
Oh ok thanks I didn't know that, still not sure why you need it though. Does windows/whatever system ever write data without your permission?
Insert sd card into your machine
Try fo detect filesystem, if anything what it knows (ntsf, fat), creates desktop.ini, bin folder, boosttest file and folder with random id and other cia stuff in it.
Creates 3 files instantly or tries to format it if unknown filesystem
So yes, some os just cant keep itself from shitting anythibg it touches. Also viruses likes to write to any insertable media.
any idea on how to fix my problem?