I use nothing but Apple products so I can fit in at University and other places and so I can pretend to be the...

I use nothing but Apple products so I can fit in at University and other places and so I can pretend to be the successful healthy good looking typical Apple stereotype person......sometimes I feel fake and dead inside. :(



Here's your you now fuck off.

>successful healthy good looking typical Apple stereotype person
That's not what I think of when I think of apple products, (laptops/computers), I think of skinny virgin faggots who are $50k in debt for an art degree.

Lol poorfag basement dweller detected. What's wrong faggot, can't afford Apple products?

I had iMac and iPad but only using to watch porn or shitposting on internet.

and yet (((you))) can't show off your own apple products for the image

I unrionically love my Macbook Air. Like no memes. Picked up a refurbished one at the local computer place here when I was laptop shopping and I wanted something different (and I like to support the lil niggas instead of Best Goy). Its great. Feels so sturdy. Obviously power is missing but I'm still able to grab a couple Warcraft 3 custom games inbetween """work""". Accurate touchpad, keys that are satisfying to type on. Just a good time all around.

>let me take a picture of my phone with my phone

You fell for the trap known as capitalism. There is no hope for you now unless you renounce all your possessions and start leading a life devoid of materialistic desires.


How the fuck did you fail so hard? I used to be a Sup Forumsentleman but then I sold my stupid gaymer station and Thinkpad and got a MacBook and an iPhone. I stopped wasting my time on the internet, got back into working out, and now I'm a normal person who doesn't look like a poorfag with some plastic shitty laptop and some shitty pajeetphone. I guess you're destined to be a fucking basement dwelling faggot. Good luck OP

Apple products attract wealthy, successful, good looking people. I guess you aren't one of them, user.

Apple users are brainlets

>caring about what other people think of you more then you care about freedom
Buy a Libreboot machine and install Debian, fucking normie. It's more secure and it respects your intelligence by not holding your hand and locking you out of your own computer.

I got news for you OP, this board is full of itty bitty ballers who could never afford superior Apple products with their NEET bux. Apple is for big ballers only.


Send those Apple products to me if you don't need it. I'm too poor and can't afford it.

That's what I'd buy Apple products too desu


GNU/Linux users already have big enough balls that they don't need to compensate with fruity toys and braggy tweets. Try growing a pair, macfag.

>Muh free communism OS is good enough for me

I can't imagine being this poor.

>One of the best laptops humanity has ever made
>HURR I'm gonna call it trash so Ill be cool like the other NEETS

Fucking retard

Post yours fucking nigger

give your mom her laptop back, she has work to do, user

This has the best trackpad of all time go fuck yourself.

You probably installed Wangshaft, which fucks up the drivers.

Windows and OS X are communism.
>hides all the source code from the users (lack of governmental transparency)
>devs will never make exploits public unless they have to (government cover ups like Chernobyl)
>computers are now shipping with a special EFI to lock you into Windows only (Berlin wall)
>users are oblivious to to everything other than their own platform and will defend it even it breaks or gets horrible malware (brainwashing)
>companies literally pay people to promote the products on popular websites (propaganda)
Really activates your almonds.

Enjoy being jobless with Lelnux and non-commercial software because
>m'open source


enjoy taking dude dicks up your ass fucking fag.... LMAO

You are young, healthy, in university, and have Apple products. You are living a good life. Be happy, user.

Kek gotta admit apple's marketing is amazing, they make billions of idiots like you
Why do so many communists browse Sup Forums


you fell for it retard boy

I wonder if those with an interest in technology are more prone to communism than the general public as a whole. What about programmers? Does working mainly outside the physical world in ideas and concepts in turn affect the way they view the world?

I'm afraid I don't have the answers. It could be as simple as people being too eager to label things under communism.

Go the fuck away you stupid little Mactoddler retard. I'm glad you're stuck with your shitty Applel mistakes. Maybe this will teach you stop being a tech illiterate dipshit

conformist hipster

I'm sorry but the trackpad is shit, I've used it and maybe its because I haven't gotten used to it but the no left click meme triggers me a lot.

Being able to afford literal shit is not an achievement tbqh.

science fiction deals with post-scarcity fairly often, i.e. star trek

>I can't afford Apple products so I'm gonna call them shit cus I'm a salty little bitch

Okay, Timmy. Go play some League of Losers or something. We don't want you to have another tantrum like last time, okay?

Eh, my work MB Pro is a pretty comfy *nix dev environment. I work mostly with node.js, a bit of python, and interfacing with API endpoints.

I still have to install proprietary bullshit, so I can't go full Linux. Macbooks have definitely been going downhill, though.

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real

The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end

And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of shit
Upon my liars chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end

And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I will keep myself
I would find a way

Mac OS is a very well put together Unix-like operating system. You can use it to learn more about the *nix environment. So don't feel bad, okay?

(I'm sorry, I really don't know how to console you)

Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

Tim Cook I think. Why?

welcome to Sup Forums
where technology companies pay retards to start flamewars about their products so people buy them

you idiots fall for this every fucking time

macs are great fucking computers, they just cost too much for the level of decent specs.

apple is kind of countering this by introducing the imac air which costs fucking pennies so the poorfags can get in on the action. i just signed a 12 month lease at my apartment and they gave me a free 13" imac air just for signing. theyre so cheap nowadays that people give them out as gifts lol


>iMac Air

Hate to break it to you, user. But there's no such thing as an iMac Air. The fuck are you talking about? Did they give you some shitty chink clone of a Mac or something?

Have you tried two fingertap, option tap, edge click or btt?

doesn't matter, I want buttons not shitty gestures and other alternatives.

insecure faggot

I honestly don't understand how clicking with two fingers any more inconvenient than using an extra button to do the same thing.


-sent from my 2500$ PC

Prove that you are the same. Don't try and edit anything. Not even the file name.

macOS is good. macOS is good.

This man is actually crediting Apple products for getting his life in order. Are you for real?

>iMac Air

Nobody cares what products you use. Use whatever you want and I guarantee nothing will change.

living without food is pretty hard

FACT: Trackpoint > Apple's Trackpad

Anyone that disagrees is a shill or has never used both for a decent amount of time.

Bump test

too bad only fat laptops have trackpoint

The thinkpad in the picture is an ultrabook

You can go into system settings and easily make the bottom right or left of the trackpad do a left click you fucking idiot. Do people on here who bash on Apple even know what they're talking about?

I always turn on click lower right of the trackpad for left click and I turn off natural scrolling because its retarded. Mac trackpads are far and away the best trackpads. They blow away any other laptop.