Did Tox succeed?

Did Tox succeed?

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it literally died because of autism
pedophiles love it tho because they dont know better


It died, but riot is succeeding.

Tox failed because of politics and drama. Schisms formed and the project became an internal power struggle. It was sadly doomed to fail.

Honestly I still use the desktop client since it was low resource but I'll probably drop it for better programs now

Lack of documentation, autism, and drama killed Tox.

>Tox Foundation
>Proplex says sketchy shit is going on with finances
>No one believes him, heragequits
>Fast forward a few months
>Stqism was stealing money from the Tox Foundation
>Bunch of fucking drama ensues
>irungentoo was too autistic to handle anything
>Drama engulfs the project from endless GitHub shitposting
>A "non hostile" fork of Tox is formed to address the glaring fucking errors
>Schism further confuses people

Tox still exists today, probably servicing a few thousand people but it never reached its potential and original goal, which is a shame.

no it "died" because its cryptography is spaghetti and no one knows how it works

>Lack of documentation,

Did you not read my full post? irungentoo wrote nothing down and it became a shitfest to manage. It doesn't help that he's socially retarded and incapable of properly explaining himself, or responding to critique without calling out some stupid NSA conspiracy to take the project down.

That's what cracks me up. Everyone bitches about Chrome's botnet and Firefox instability/speed (though I've rarely had this issue).

Yet when it comes down to fixing the problem, no one can get shit done.


>Yet when it comes down to fixing the problem, no one can get shit done.

We are talking about /g here, even /a has done more tech related projects than /g.

Being autistic doesn't make you automtaically tech literate
That's Sup Forums for you

The wife and I use it when she's away on business.
Some times I need to send her a file too large for an email, so for us it's better than mumble.
But it has some issues that make it uninteresting as a general use VOIP service.

BitMessage is more secure.
Tox is crypto written by amateurs, for faggots.

Sup Forums is more competent at programming than Sup Forums. They've made games and game mods. What has Sup Forums made other than shit literally nobody uses?

>pedophiles love it tho because they dont know better
German-speaking ones mostly, it seems. Check out the toxme.io directory if you don't believe me.

>I am 49 and looking for a taboo-free woman (gladly also a single mom) for common family planning

Holy fuck kek Tox is truly for the mentally unstable.

One nice thing about Tox is that it has sort of a community around it, you can just go into a directory (toxme.io seems to be the only one right now though) and find friends. It used to be a bit better though, when half of the entries weren't in German.

Tox is truly for the pedophiles.

>liebe Mama von netten Mädels (6-12) / YGI
>Google Translate: Dear mama of cute girls (6-12) / YGI

>Pics / vids teens Send me and I will resend: D

>Alter Sadist sucht gleiche sado Sie oder Ihn - Paar mit gleichen Ambitionen und Möglichkeiten für 24/7 - auch bei maso. Hang zu außergewöhnlich und jung off Limits
>Google Translate: Age sadist looking like you sado or him - couple with the same ambitions and possibilities for 24/7 - even with masochistic. Penchant for exceptional and young off limits

>Submissive teenage boy with a preference for older men. USA.

>20YO single American male college student, majoring in Accounting. I'm a gamer, anime fan, and pretty much all-round nerd. I am also up for E/RPing if anyone interested. Also, I am into younger girls quite a bit... love to chat about naughty young girls / YGI (german, english)

>send me pic/vid of young girls and i will resend

If only they knew about Tox's glaring crypto errors. Such naivety.

why worry about encryption when the cia can break through everything?

It's because whenever something tries to start on Sup Forums People just throw shit at it rather than support it.