Sup Forumsents, I know about the sticky and whatnot but I'm desperate...

Sup Forumsents, I know about the sticky and whatnot but I'm desperate. Windows 10 crashed and I shrugged it off and booted into GNU/Linux, now both OS' are having kernel panics. Even Live ones

i love all the information you provided about your issue to make up for the fact that you are posting this in the wrong place after acknowledging that you are posting this in the wrong place

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

Your computer fucked m8


One or more of the following are hosed : CPU, motherboard, RAM.

Firstly, inspect your motherboard for blown caps. This is the most likely cause of failure.

Second mostly likely cause is your PSU fried your mobo and maybe your CPU and RAM too.

Try booting a live OS after doing the following :
- Lower CPU speed
- Only one stick of RAM
- Lower RAM speed
- Can you get spare RAM? If yes, then try with different RAM
- Can you get a spare CPU ? If yes, then try with that other CPU
- Can you get a spare mobo? If yes, then try moving parts to that and see if it boots.

It's got an i3 4170 on an H81 ECS MoBo

There isn't any blown caps perceivbly. Windows threw an error and fucked it completely

By the way I have no spare parts. Windows throws KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK failed and Linux throws a fit as well. I can't boot Live media either



bump, hope you get help user.

>Sup Forumsents, I know about the sticky and whatnot but I'm desperate. Windows 10 crashed and I shrugged it off and booted into GNU/Linux, now both OS' are having kernel panics. Even Live ones

bumping for OP because I'm a kind man


you have a hardware problem. why is this a thread?

remove all ram except 1 stick. remove gpu if you have onboard video. remove all peripherals, even mouse. you get the same problem? good now you have a pile of parts you know arent the problem

you dont need spare parts to remove all ram except 1 stick

also, re-seat cpu and clean it and apply fresh thermal grease. the 1 stick of ram youre leaving in, reseat that too

Sounds like a hardware failure, sorry lad.

OP, how long does it take to remove a couple of RAM sticks and post back? for fuck sake

It's the night time my guy, the ram isn't faulty. I ran two memtests while downloading windows.I know for sure this ain't a hardware problem. I'll try again tomorrow.

Thank you friendly traveler

OP here, everything sounds normal inside the case. Could this have happened since I didn't disable fastboot in Windows?!

its a hardware problem. probably one of your ram sticks is bad or needs to be reseated. of course it would literally take you 25 seconds to verify this, but yea nah, fuck doing something for 25 whole seconds

Mate, I'd be down to doing it right now but the lighting is trash in here.

>my phone doesn't have a flashlight

You've brought this upon yourself

Got windows to recovery and now it's doing something
disregard that I might be able to pull it off

>op asks for help
>receives help
>no fuck off i cant be bothered
>actually no my lighting kek
OP can fuck off and deal with his problem by himself now.

Appreciate the bump user kun. The problem seems to be on its way out, I will open the PC up if winkek fails to boot again.

>windows will not attempt to repair your faulty hardware

good luck windows, you retarded bastard


Quick question about that, could this be because windows threw a fit and left the HDD fucked? I didn't uninstall my old pc part drivers or disable fastboot

Assuming they are on different partitions there isn't too much it could have done. (Assuming semi modern hardware)


thanks a lot mate it fixed itself apparently.

Reporting in from the booted machine, problem fixed itself after unplugging the PSU for roughly 5 minutes.

You really need to run a memtest.

I did, twice while I was waiting for my windows ISO to finish downloading. Both came in clean.

>let failing component cool down
>machine temporarily works until warm

have fun

>problem fixed itself after unplugging the PSU for roughly 5 minutes.

OP, you have a failing power supply

>OPs computer crashes again
>OP is too embarrassed to admit hes a retard
bye OP, enjoy your faulty hardware

Alright cya! Mods, tear it down.

Your ram is fucked (maybe, you should run a tester or try individual sticks).

a thread die for this