Is an FX processor still worth it?
Is an FX processor still worth it?
Ryzen 3 is launching in less than a week, so no.
not at all, the only worth is the fx 8xxx
As an upgrade from a FX 4xxx, bought used and on a good deal.
only if you have a fetish for libreboot compatible hardware, they weren't good cpus when they were released outside of niche tasks
if it's cheap to free though why not
Not even for this price? Mmm
I know its not a real 8-core CPU but..
Used, sure, or if you just want to do a processor upgrade instead of an AM4 + ddr4 build
Not new, ryzen R5 and soon to be R3 as better choices
I still think the fx 9590 is a good buy for arsonists on a budget who can't afford an i9
My friend have spent 500 euros for Asus gaming mobo, fx 8320, dark rock 3 cooler and 16 gb of ram like month before ryzen was in stores so I guess they're hell of a worth
For very limited use cases, and only if it's the cheapest processor available. With Ryzen 3 launching soon there's really zero reason to consider it if you don't already own it. An R3 with a cheap A320 board will be at best only $60 more than an equivalent AM3+ system and the FX will perform worse in 99$ of tasks.
Consider it a slightly more power hungry Pentium G4560 for about 10$ less at that price
That is a "Flush all the old stock NOW" price for sure.
Not worth buying for a new build. Only consider as an upgrade for an existing system, and then only if the price is right.
eh not really. not only wasn't it not good at the time it launched against intel, it wasn't even good against amd's own previous generation of processors. phenom ii. clock for clock, bulldozer was slower than amd's very own previous phenom ii series. even a year later, in 2012 when amd updated bulldozer with piledriver, piledriver was still slower clock for clock than phenom ii. just not as much. gap closed to be around ~10%.
all that piledriver had against phenom ii was higher clocks. it was able to out overclock it because of it.
funny enough the 6 core piledriver still wasn't worth it over the 6 core phenom ii. since bulldozer was a cmt design, its 6 cores even with the higher clocks and improvments brought by piledriver still wasn't as powerful in multi-tasking as phenom ii 6 core part. single with high clocks the piledriver was faster, again with high clocks into the 4ghz range, but in multi-tasking because of the design of cmt, it was generally slower against the higher, upper 3ghz 6 core phenom's. a 3.7ghz phenom ii 6 core ran circles around a 4ghz 6 core piledriver in multi.
it was only the 8 core piledriver that was worth it over a 6 core phenom ii. as its 2 extra so called "cores" gave it a small lead.
now in #CURRENTYEAR there are just enough alternatives that makes the 8350 very unappealing. unless you get it for free really its just not worth it.
Are you paying more than $50 for it?
Yes: definitely not worth it
No: maybe worth it
Fx was released years ago and it was awful even then
FX processors were never worth it.
t. amdrone
FX-8350 is the Windows Xp of CPUs. I'm not going to switch from mine until they force me to.
The FX is the Windows ME of CPUs.
I have an pic related, honestly felt like a step down from my gen3 i-5
are the memes about 8-core processors real? I think thats why it was so cheap in the first place and I feel like I gotta go get a new intel now
Bulldozer isn't Zen. Ryzen 8 cores are way better, like a zillion times better.
Why the fuck would you downgrade from an IVB i5 to an FX processor?
sempai what the fuck are you doing
no. the socket is dead
it'll do for shitposting and csgo i guess
the memes are real but your cpu doesn't have 8 real cores
q6600 is the xp of CPUs
Only the first bulldozers are compatible with libreboot.
It might be good for VB6 coding and shit posting.
it never was
If you get it for free or cheap and all you are really doing is some gaming and maybe a couple VMs the 6 and 8 cores are still competent modern CPUs. Although if you have the money you should probably go Ryzen.
It was never worth it.
It's kind of weird that FM2+ CPU's are roughly the same prices as AM3+. I know they're a lot newer but still.
Would FX work in AM4 socket?
>Inb4 google
Pls spoon feed me...
no you goddamn fucking retarded nigger
Fuck no holy shit.
It wasn't even worth it when new except in extremely niche cases.
However, if you're upgrading from a core2 and can find one of those things used for super cheap (with motherboard) then go for it, but you would do much better off saving for a Ryzen part instead of shitting on yourself with a mediocre sidegrade.
It's not even 8 real cores. It only has 2 weaker cores and 6 hyperthread disguised as cores.
It was never worth it. Niggers who fell for bulldozer were only amd extreme fanboys
If you already have a motherboard and an FX quad core or something, sure. Otherwise, don't invest in a dead platform.
It was never worth
It's the fastest CPU without a botnet inside (Intel ME/AMD PSP)
It's only worth it if you can get like an FX-8320-8370 for $80-$100 WITH motherboard included.
At $120 or whatever they cost for the CPU normally is not worth it at all. You'd be better off getting Ryzen 3.
Okay for that price, maybe. If you can get the CPU+motherboard for $80-$100.
I still might recommend a G4560 over it if you can't get a Ryzen 3.
>seriously lacking serial performance
>multithreaded performance is now just medicore compared to desktop quad cores
>fairly power hunger
>AM3+ boars are old
>buying a 2011 desktop platform when we're headed into 2018.
Don't waste your money.
Even among the server cpus?
Why is that even a question?
Do you have a shedload of DDR3 laying about?
20GB get it.
Thank you, user.
If you're in the market for very cheap CPUs, you're probably not that interested in putting heavily multi-threaded loads on it, and have to gain from single-threaded performance. As such, get a Pentium instead. Even the cheaper ones will outperform FX processors in single-threaded programs by a large margin.
Sure, if you want to burn your house down.
If you're poor, just get an APU.
Depends on the price
Pretty great at that price
If you have it doubling as a heating solution for your neet cave, sure, why the fuck not.
I can assure you, the G4560 will eat that piece of trash for breakfast in every test but zipping files.
Is that new? Totally worth it.
For gaymen? Not really, g4560 trashes it and it's dirt cheap. But if you do something well multithreaded and can't afford a 1700 or even 1600 for some reason then it's worth considering.
FX series isn't terrible on its own if you use it for what it's effective for - but it's terrible in relation to all the hype AMD made for it pre-release and then the fact that 9/10 probably buy it for just gaming.
I'm using the 8 series.
It's not worth it.
From the thumbnail it looked like she had a huge horse cock
How disappointing
I still have a AM3+ Sabertooth 2.0 board with a FX 4170.
I'm not upgrading to Ryzen until the next revision comes out.
I mostly game and minor video editing for dvds and youtube, documentary stuff, nothing heavy.
Should I go with the FX 8320E or 8370E , or 93XX series?
Would these go even cheaper black friday/holiday season?
Thank you
Cheapest FX83xx you can find