What is the point of Firefox Focus. I can't download anything and the catalog doesn't work on Sup Forums.
What is the point of Firefox Focus. I can't download anything and the catalog doesn't work on Sup Forums
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You have to focus
It helps u focus on what's important in life instead of browsing Sup Forums :)
But I like browsing Sup Forums
It's concept is retarded
Only thing in it's favor is apparence. You should rather use Firefox Nightly
Then don't use Focus
It was initially a type of adblock when iOS 9(?) allowed the use of third party blockers in Safari. A later update added a [not so]-full-fledged browser feature.
>using Sup Forums in a mobile browser
That's not an optimal experience. There's something better.
Not a fan of the new themes
The old ones are still there.
I know but i was hoping for better
There's no point to using a browser at all on mobile. The goddamn things are so unusable that the entire fucking mobile industry is dedicated to reinventing fucking websites as standalone applications just to make them semi-usable.
Of course, mobile is absolute garbage to begin with, as it rapes your privacy. We have got to regress as a society back to a time when these fucking little government/big business-controlled botnet devices didn't dominate the fucking world.
I guess the main idea is if you lose your mobile, then whomever has it won't know your history. It's also built-in privacy gives you added protection. Download from a mobile? Dear god, why?
I've had zero issues on both my galaxy tablet/phone browsing. Granted, websites that really lay on the shit-ton of privacy raping spyware have issues, but they're apps for those.
As far as privacy, just don't register it under your name when you buy it and use VPN. Yeah, I know I'm being recorded, but as long as they don't know who, who fucking cares? Just don't use apps that link together like Chrome/gmail and you'll be fine.
Spoiler does'nt work properly on them
I actually use Overchan since you can use other chans at the same time.
Clover is battery draining trash. Dashchan is superior.
It's fucking great. I don't need my browser to remember random pleb links I click on leddit all day long and sync it to "the cloud."
Fucking browse and close that's all I need
>Mozilla literally admits to selling your data to Google
>privacy browser
Were you morons dropped on your head as children? And if yes how many times?
Just download Clover.
What's that browser that Sup Forums spams ?
Focus on me!
it's just another sign of mozilla being lost
they are investing efforts to bring firefox closer to people instead of connecting with tech people and build for them
people don't download browsers and switch etc.. they mostly don't even know what they use
it's the tech people that install browsers
I actually like it since you can click links in Clover and tell it to open it with Focus. I don't want to have every damn link some user posted here in my browser history.
An alternative would be to have the option to open links automatically in incognito mode but the option simply isn't there.