/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice:

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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Too lewd!

i approve of this post

also /csg/ has the best headphones !

good thread

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

is the sennheiser momentum 2.0 on ear any good?

i made a meme

Stop posting pictures of cartoon women wearing little to no clothing.
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What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

Why don't we have phones with 6.35mm jacks and balanced XLR outputs? Fucking normies ruin everything

whAt iS ThE seConD bEst hEaDphoNe beHinD tHe hD6o0?

I also listen to the muses. Can I get something cheap and better than my current Hifiman RE-400?

I have an audibly transparent DAC with only .2 dB of deviation.

I'd recommend HD600, but that's much more expensive. I don't know much about cheap chink iems unfortunately.

Even aqours sound awesome on HD600, not just the ยต's.



>self-aware cancer
It's done.

How do I get a hair out of the driver of my DT 770?

Recently upgraded.

Out with the old, in with the new.

Redpill me on 6.35mm

Is there anything better than an HD598 open-back headphone I can get for cheaper than $200 CAD?

I'm going to be using it for, firstly: Videogames, so clarity of sounds, and direction of sounds, is important.
Secondly for ASMR, I like to listen to the sound of clippers
Thirdly for music, my preference is for non-vocals. The biggest selection of music I have is electronic, and second to that, rock.

Currently I have a Sony MDR-XB500, which I understand has good Bass, but sucks at everything else.

My preference would be for V or U shaped sound. I think.
I generally wear my headphones for like 8+ hours at a time, and I'd be willing to sacrifice sounds quality for comfort.

Stuff like the DT990 cost $300+ CAD
HD600 is $500+ CAD

I missed out on an HD598 sale that had it for $145 CAD a few days ago.

>Less than $200
>Plugs into computer
>Comfortable for 8+ hours
>Old 'phone: Sony MDR-XB500

fidelio x2 would fit perfectly


>HD598 for $145
It's always on sale, but what you really missed out on was Prime Day.The HD598SE was on sale for like $100 CAD. I picked up a pair of DT990s for like $190 on Prime Day, they're okay I guess.

Those are $400 CAD

pic related

Although I'll check a few other websites to see if it's just amazon being retarded on pricing

Also in terms of the HD598 I paid $280 for mine 3 years ago and while I kinda wish I would have got them on one of the ridiculously frequent Amazon sales they were still worth that price point.

i forgot y'all use monopoly money
buy used

HD579 possibly.

How much does the DT 880 costs there? I use mine for vydia all the time, it's pretty good.

He said better than HD598, not significantly inferior to HD598.

No idea. I'd think that'd be a painstaking process, maybe see if Beyer has a returns policy?


They're actually more expensive than the DT990's

He said v-shape and comfort, save your memes for when they are relevant.
Couldn't you get used ones + new pads in case the original ones aren't in good shape?

Nope; both the 990 and 880 are only available new on amazon

>He said v-shape
He said "I think," which means he actually doesn't know, which means shitty fucking headphones like DT880 shouldn't be recommended to him.

I just want headphones that work well for what I listen to. I'm just not really sure what all the different sound shapes mean.

If I sacrifice a bit of vocal quality for everything else, that's fine by me. I don't listen to people talk all that much and honestly I can't imagine any of the headphones will be worse than the xb500 I have right now.

That's a shame, i don't really know of v-shape under that price range, but maybe some user will come up with something.

>If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

>I'm going to be using it for, firstly: Videogames
HD598 rate extremely highly here.

Nice selection you've got there.
And maki-maki is good taste.

Okay, thanks for the suggestions so far guys.

It looks like it's gonna come down to either the DT990 or HD598; about a $40 difference with taxes (although the HD598 is also available 'used' that would increase the price difference to ~$60)

In other words:
Buy v-shaped DT990 for $260
Buy neutral HD598 for $220
Buy used HD598 for $200

All I have are apple earphones; should I get the Massdrop 6xx? I don't have an amp but I might get one later; I'll run it off my iPhone and desktop/laptop.

I wouldn't ever use a DT990 for FPS gaming. Gunshots will literally hurt your ears with its strongly boosted treble.

user who suggested the DT880 here, if you like V-Shape that's fine but the DT990 is a bit extreme imho.

So long as you don't mind the December 18th ship date, it's a very good deal.

Go with the HD598 new, the soundstage just feels way bigger and clearer than the 990s. Which is important for gaming and ASMR.
The biggest caveat I have is that the HD598s do not have a lot of bass. It's there and you can get just enough of it out of the headphones but if your bass is important you'll probably get more out of the 990s.

I need a headset for gaming. Is this the right place to ask?

CB-1 + BoomPro

HD800 + modmic

>closed headphones

Get SHP 9500S ($51 on newegg) and vmoda boompro

>living with more than one other person

all of these recs have the mic separate. im curious, are headsets with the mics connected inferior?

Amazon warehouse deal for an HD558 and putting the rest of your money towards and external amp+dac for a better audio source would be a good idea

>are headsets with the mics connected inferior

They are almost always a cheap shit pair of drivers with a mic attached.

My non-meme answer would be HD650's + modmic. They stick right onto the mesh, and the HD650's have great positioning for competitive games, and generally just sound great. They are also amazingly comfortable if you don't mind a tight fit.

Kind of overkill for just games though.

Seconding SHP9500S and a BoomPro.

Sennheiser and Audio Technica make gaming headsets, they are just their mid range headphones with a mic slapped in and cost $100 more, do you really want to pay more? One of the most well regarded gaming headsets, the hyperx cloud, is just some generic $45 chinese headphone.

The vmoda boom pro is just a 3.5mm adaptor that plugs into your headphone, you wont notice it.

>'vmoda boom pro is just a 3.5mm adaptor that plugs into your headphone'
>tfw it wont work with fucking proprietary sennheiser SHIT

did you paint the grill or just scribble over it with a sharpie?

You can mod the HD558 family to take a BoomPro: youtube.com/watch?v=Y_fd3PzoTeY

i see. thanks for the heads up. i always thought the quality was kinda shitty for the price for my friends' headsets. and super uncomfortable after a while.

I just pulled that pic off the internet, but yeah some people use sharpies to paint the big letters.

Hey guys I really wanna get some old headphones cause I'm a dumbass who only likes old shit. Any good ol legends that I can look for on ebay that still sound great?


AKG 240.


I hope for your sake that you just pulled that picture somewhere off the internet too

what's the difference between the sennheiser hd598 and the sr version?

How are those Sony MDR-V6 ones? Looks like you can still get them brand new.

Depends on who you ask. Some will tell you it's shit and mdr-7506 is better.
From sony I'd suggest the mdr-cd900st, which is an interesting studio monitor. It's the one chihaya uses in the idolm@ster anime.
Else, HD600 is excellent, from 1997 and still being sold. The HD580 is its predecessor and not sold anymore.

Wow really liking the cd900st you suggested. Thanks I might go with these, gonna be honest here I'm mainly buying for the styling. Really like that it only comes with a 1/4 inch jack since I only use over ear headphones at my computer and use an old ass receiver for my audio so it's perfect.

Thanks again

You're welcome.

How come anime girls have great taste in cans?

Special Edition PortaPros in Beige

Depends on the girls. IIRC somebody mentioned Beats sighted on some anime.

Tomoko wears Beats.

I'm pretty torn between the m1060's or the hd800's for positioning/soundstage which one should I get

HD800. I do not recommend the M1060 to anyone.

wtf @ that ringing.

you can usually get them for ~150 usd

And it is audible, unfortunately. Can't be EQ'd out and can be only somewhat reduced by modding. They're knock-offs after all.

From where though?

A fatally flawed headphone. Not sure why'd anybody consider buying it, knowing this.

I remember some dude a couple weeks ago was vehemently arguing that the ringing was inaudible and the peak could be fixed by EQ. I hope the poor schmuck didn't end up actually buying one of them.

just wait for a sale for the hd598

check the Trading forums over at head-fi I got a pair that way

>I'd be willing to sacrifice sounds quality for comfort.

For that price theres nothing more comfortable than the SHP9500.

I don't know exactly how noticeable it is, but it's there. I know some people do like it, but personally I think there are much better choices around that price range.

Do you not realize how shallow the earcups are on it?


Anyone tried these? Are they similar to the brainwavz pads? Amazon won't ship them to my country.

What are the best headphones for soundstage or gaming in general?


>Amazon won't ship them to my country.

Then find someone on ebay that will.


Has anyone here listened to the LCD-Xs? Should I believe the hype?

is it odd that I have to EQ my K701s unless I want the bass to Distort the rest of the Audio

Is the SMSL M6 a good desktop dac/amp combo?, I'd like to buy an Amp for my Fidelio X2's because my motherboard can't drive them at a good volume (and the quality isn't the best) so I was looking at the M6 since a guy in my town sells it for about $75.

>598 for $220

Really?, aren't the "special edition" ones the same shit but in black and sold exclusively through Amazon?, because they are in sale all the time in my country, after taxes they are around $115 all year.

80-150$ depends how much it's worth it
Will be buying from Amazon.
Connected to a pc most of the time
>Type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
I want an onear or overear that are open.
Something that not fully soundproof.
>Comfort level
Will be with them on at a maximum of 4-5 hours at a time so id prefer it if that won't Hurt me
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Had an fidelo M1MkII that I was recommended here about a year ago and their pads just fell apart now...

HD579 > HD598se/sr > HD558

And will they fall apart completely after a year even though you try to tape the earpads together like the M1MkII did?

No, they're likely to last you decades if not horribly mistreated. At most you'll have to change the pads every few years.