What's her endgame?

What's her endgame?

world domination.

5GHz 7LP

To provide the best value for money.

adopting me



pls stop user, I'm on nofap

She won't stop till her person computer has Brian Krzanich tears for water cooling.

How can you be so naive?

Hire keller back, and put leash on him

She lick my wonton.

destroying intel with no survivors

someone post the meme with her and nigger

Undo the damage of Hector Ruiz.

Simultaneous multi-track drifting, obviously.


Ricing every computer in the world

>2 men cant handle 1 girl
guess feminists were right, a matriarchy is better

>realize the CEO of AMD is an asian mom
>their lack of good drivers suddenly makes sense

>tfw no Sup Forums mom




The ultimate orgasm

Nuking my stock portfolio

Leave AMD to me

doesnt his last name mean to be cucked or bitch in polish?

Lisa will one day align with KeK and anons will then know the circle is complete.

the only thing that's phonetically similiar to that is chrzanić (to), meaning more or less "fuck it" (as in I'm not washing the dishes, fuck it)


I just noticed that Lisa has KEK lips and has somewhat of a resemblance. Everything makes sense now.

>Mommy Sussie will never ever breastfeed you.

Why even live?

Another shoah.

Sticky for Lisa pls

Selling RTG to Intel



>7nm CPU
>7nm GPU
>7nm RAM (Soon?)

KeK will be on our side and in our Computers, user.

AM4 will be supported for ~4 years, when it ends it will be around the time ddr5 arrives, and it looks like ddr5 will have double the speed compared to ddr4

It had to be done now I think I'm going to bed.

10/10 user, my sides.