Is Opera a botnet? Or any other reason not to use it? I'm not going to use Chrome...

Is Opera a botnet? Or any other reason not to use it? I'm not going to use Chrome, and it runs way better than Firefox for me (not to mention fuck Mozilla).

I've only installed and used to cause I absolutely despise Chrome when I needed to run a website that would only load in Chrome. Luckily it ran fine in Opera.

It's Chinese now so I wouldn't give it too much love

Why hate Mozilla?

I heard the Chinks control it, so I'd be careful on it

>Why hate Mozilla?

One because they fucked up Firefox and it blows now. Two because they went full leftist.

Looks like your only choice is Safari, which only works well on a Mac.

No reason to use Opera now that Vivaldi's a thing, really.

>falling for the "full leftist" meme


Sell me on Vivaldi

Mozilla is full of faggots

I use Brave.

It's good.

>willingly using proprietary software
You have to be kidding me

Native adblock and free unlimited VPN

Opera offers the same exact thing. Hit me harder.

>free vpn
>literally send all your data right to us to begin with, it makes it so much easier

Started by some ex Opera people. Trying to get old Opera features along with some extras, with chromium as base.

opera is stupid, how many years have they had white text on white backgrounds? the last release looks like they are about 1/2 way through development of a browser. it's like they have only forgetful pot smokers working on it

Isn't Chromium a botnet?

That's google.

Everything goes through my "trustworthy" ISP in the first place, and I'm using wangblows 10.
I'm only using the VPN to browse region-locked bestiality sites and it's bloody faster than most paid VPNs.

setting up your router

also accepting cookies and saving passwords and web notifications ect. looks like that.
and it won't play periscope videos


Pedo detected

It's fucking literally a Chrome skin, that's why it "ran fine."

opera is literally a better chrome nowadays.

hurr durr my browser is built on a browser
nice meme

Do you idiots even know what a botnet is? You call absolutely everything a botnet with 0 justification.

it's a Sup Forums meme you newfag

>he thinks it's just a meme
Get a load of this fag.

kek agreed.