hello Sup Forumsentlemen i have a modem in my parent's house(i live apart) and recently i discover some niggers are stealing internet and im gonna stay in the house for a couple of days i could just change the password and the configuration to make it more secure but i thinked if could have some fun, somebody knows some tools or exploits to have fun with devices(smartphones) connected to the modem?
almost all the devices are android and only nigger uses a iphone
Niggers steal my wifi
back to Sup Forums, underage b&
Try to get them to plug it into your laptop and walk away.
macadress spoof and mitm with wireshark / tcpdump
Kys you unwanted numale faggit
Google upsidedownternet
But judging from your post it's probably over your head
but im not a nigger
obvious thing to do would be mitm them. they'll go on an unsecured site eventually. If you cant figure iut how to do that just change your password brainlet.
Please don't call your siblings niggers, Jim.
>disable WPS (busload of exploits)
>set up long password
>install HTTPS MITM
>replace each connection certificate with your cert (they will need to confirm it though)
>dump traffic
install Foss firmware on your router, then xss their accounts until the cows go home
R u new?
first of all, learn to linux.
perform a layer 2 MITM attack targeting their devices (see example code here: cyberian.me
After you have successfully poisoned their ARP cache here is where the fun begins.
You can monitor and store all their traffic, which is boring if you dont know how to analyze binary network packets. So instead, find some tools to perform packet injection. For example, when they are visiting websites (via your device since you have them MITM'ed) you can easily replace images with other images of your choosing. See an example here: irongeek.com
Take a picture of your dick and replace every picture they try and load with that picture of your penis. It will be hours of good fun, trust me
type in your ip address then it should have a pop up saying user and password. Login then change your user and passoword if im correct this should work.
this sounds iffy, user
It's illegal to intercept traffic and steal http request data. Doesn't mattee if you own the network. It's illegal for them to use your network without your permission but since your nigger iq couldn't figure out how to set a password you had it coming.
Just put a password on, ban their mac adress, and forget about it
Or if you don't give a fuck
Change your dns to point like facebook.com to a phising website on your home server or another computer on the network and steal their cookies and get their pass. Or just sniff it but they will have to accept ssl certificate probably will
Call the police
>It's illegal to intercept traffic and steal http request data
I believe that you own the data while it is being transmitted across your network.
Also, if you happen to be sniffing all of the traffic on your wifi and injecting packets into http streams, such as by substituting every image with images of penises, there is nothing illegal about this.
The neighbors would just happen to be stealing wifi at an inopportune time when every returns penis.jpg
>I believe that you own the data while it is being transmitted across your network.
Make them download cp
Call cops and suspect them of having cp
No, just like how you don't own the contents of every letter that arrives at your doorstep if they weren't sent to you specifically.
> somebody knows some tools or exploits to have fun with devices(smartphones) connected to the modem?
OK, try to do this: shortround.net
This article is very old though, the syntax of squid.conf is different today.
le niggers xddd
steal their Ethereum
Here you go, have fun!
You could also say they were using your internet without your permission
Chill, bro. Your wifi has a weak password anyways.
Reroute all image requests to a photo of goatse. All of them. Do it.
Bruh, like every site uses https now.
If you're the access point, you're the man in the middle. YOU ARE THE SSL-CERT. Make them accept your bogus cert and see clearly what they're doing.
dead niggers can't steal wifi OP
force all their traffic over tor
>It's illegal to intercept traffic and steal http request data. Doesn't mattee if you own the network.
Illegal my ass. Many companies do this on their own network for filtering.
You know what you have to do OP.
Anything mildly interesting will be over your head and you'll probably just brick your modem/get in a shitload of legal trouble