Today I remind them: Gopher

>Interview with the developers of Gopher
>The Hidden Internet - Gopher Protocol
>Bringing gopherspace back to modern operating systems, browsers and mobile devices

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums Gopher compatibility when

I think Sup Forums is usable without browser at all. So if there is a client, gopher compatibility isn't needed.

Still with the web dying, it worth to have another look at gopher to - SAVE THE INTERNET -.

Gopher doesn't work on Chrome v24 and above.


What is this how it is superior to its counterpart?

anyone remember veronica?

It's not about beein superiour. The web did became the main thing for reasons. However, we are reaching the point where thing are so bad you have to decide to still use the web or not. If you decide not to, then there is still gopher. Just like this. Call it the better-than-no-web-internet but gopher has it's own charme too or it wouldn't be at all still in use.

There is already a gopher chan
I don't know if it still up, was trying it a year ago

What you are doing here is trying to advertise your shitty circlejerk so you can ban anyone that comes in.

>interview with the losers of gopher

>the hidden circlejerk: gopher

>bringing some stupid hipster shit that nobody will care about to nothing

Save the internet! do not change anything from the mid 80s as it is when I gave the fuck up! muh "communication"! muh i cant have a fucking conversation unless im able to ban everyone!!!!!!!!

oh boy another 80s turd thinking that because he showed up first and dicked around for 30 odd years this gives him the right to dictate how the web should be run.

where's that loser who will say "the web needs to be for document storage and all you need is a 286", certainly up next I bet.

>finacially involved anons in web related technology, probably tracking and advertizing or some shit
of course you don't like it!
>all you need is a 286
actually in that area of performance enough ICs are avaible. people could build new "classic style" computers free of the botnet. so it's not a bad idea. since gopher and classic BBS also don't need a lot of bandwith, it's even doable over Ham and packet radio.

JavaScript web """developer""" detected

There's Gopherchan!: gopher://
and 70chan: gopher://
and my own experiment is 1436chan: gopher://

If anyone knows of any others post them here

If you want to browse Sup Forums over Gopher, try gopher:// Doesn't include posting of course, but since I don't post too often this is usually how I get my daily Sup Forums.


...but what about that ascii star on your gopher page, are you a communist or so?

No, it's just a star. One day I'll get a better logo up there.


And archie.

Ah yes, those were the days, getting the ls-lR files from funet and elsewhere.


I just tried this and it works great.

gopher actually sucks ass
there's a reason HTML (like, plain HTML, no adornments or CSS or JS or whatever) kicked its teeth in back in the day

I love SGI-style CGI.