/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


someone edit it so that those 2 girls are naked

Stop! That's illegal!

how do i use the CLI equivalent of this? the GUI makes me want to kill myself

post obscure distros biebian.sourceforge.net/

I just installed Slackware a few hours ago. I wanted to kill myself on the very start but now I just can't fathom the idea of leaving it. It somehow mimics the responsibility of real life.

I wanted to try Debian or Devuan, but it seems I got sucked in by Slackware


Xrandr, usually but it depends on if you're on wayland or x11.
What're you using it for?

man xrandr

Have some pasta (pretty incomplete):

*** Recommended GNU/Linux distributions ***

>Apartheid Linux:
>Hannah Montana Linux
>Suicide Linux
>Ubuntu Christian Edition
>Ubuntu Muslim Edition
>Ubuntu Satanic Edition


not gnu/linux

Does Arch' version of LXQt use KWin already?

>not gnu/linux
they use their own kernel, which is impressive.

This has never actually been made.

afaik it's at the installgentoo ftp

i wanted to move my other screen a bit down but the way the two screens stick together made it really hard to move

Apartheid GNU/Llinux

>Demi Lovato Linux

It looks like it is just a re-skin of an existing project that is linked from the bottom of the page. Done by the main developer for April fools day.

no but i imagine you can easily do so

>not gnu/linux
>being this dense

>not gnu/linux
>being this dense
>PonyOS is based on ToaruOS, which is free software released under the terms of the NCSA/University of Illinois license.
>とあるOS (ToAruOS) is a hobby kernel and supporting userspace, built mostly from scratch, in development since December of 2010.

>not gnu/linux
It use custom kernel and GNU staff (?)
do its GNU/Pony

do you get it now

>Linux for Niggers
app.assembla.com/spaces/linuxforniggers/git/source + archive.is/wMUeW

any serious distributions?

I want a quick and easy (yet minimal) distro for my laptop.

>Debian (non-free) doesn't recognize trackpad or wifi interface

>Arch doesn't recognize wifi interface

>Fedora doesn't support tapping trackpad, need to click the button

What choices do I have besides Ubuntu?

by any chance do you have intel wifi?

Stop right here, retard.
Choose your favorite distro and make it work.

I'm getting mad screen tearing on a vanilla Mint+Cinnamon install. Is there a quick fix? I don't know how to switch to compton and I'm not getting any results from google

install the right drivers

I think so.

But I'm lazy and I don't use the laptop that much.

> RebeccaBlackOS


>Network installer

you'll have a working base system in minutes
>skip last step of installer (don't select additional pkg groups)
reboot and install what you want, for example:
apt install i3 lxdm lxappearance pcmanfm arc-theme breeze-icon-theme

>ib4 ubanto autistic screeching
/ ~1gb; ram usage less than 100mb

>I think so.

RIP in pieces them. Considering getting a freedums-respecting Atheros mini-pcie wifi from Ebay. They start from $5.

Try a search engine which respects your privacy.

I'd rather one that respects my question and gives me answers

>recommending amazuntu

It has worked fine with all Ubuntu derivates and on Fedora.

Enjoy your botnet.

Debian derivates*

I really prefer the behaviour of the Windows taskbar where you can pin icons to it and when you launch them instead of there being a second item down there for the newly opened window the previously pinned icon is what you would click to minimize the window.
I tried every dock application in the get-deb and default ubuntu repo and the only docks that came close couldn't also open a "start" menu or just a menu from which you could launch any program on your computer.
Any advice on how I can get this functionality?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as GNU/Linux, is in fact, C/GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, C plus GNU plus Linux. GNU/Linux is an operating system unto itself, but almost everything running on your GNU/Linux system is written in C, thus being the most important part of the GNU/Linux system. C should receive credit for this.

No, Ubuntu and its derivates. Debian and most of its derivates don't recognize the wifi interface. Except for Ubuntu, Mint etc.

b-but user
BTW DDG is better for IT staff

Ubuntu and Mint are both Debian derivates.

They all use the same trackpad and wifi handling software

Fedora is probably the easiest from those

No love for searx?

Yes. I know. Ubuntu is the only Debian derivate the laptop works it! Mint is a derivate of Ubuntu. Which part of this you don't understand?

>Debian and most of its derivates don't recognize the wifi interface

most likely the old kernel/old proprietary driver is to blame.

>its another tech illiterate spreading le debian outdated meme
can't you just move to reddit

North star os

DDG have bang syntax and some interesting instant answers like qr (on my mashine i use qrencde bot not everybody have it installed)

Alpine Linux

I was about to explain you why you are wrong, but since it's probably no use just kill yourself kid and take your ebin "memes" and "le gb2 le reddit" with you.

>I was about to explain you why you are wrong, but then I realized that I actually have no arguments so I decided to be rude

>no unity

>>Fedora doesn't support tapping trackpad, need to click the button
maybe you just need to enable it with libinput

gnome is like that by default, im willing to bet kde it too, idk what docks you tried but iirc plank was like this maybe cairo dock as well

>>>no unity
Nigger there are thousands of distros out there, why would anyone use the one that comes with spyware?
>just dont use unity
Are you 100% sure that something related wount happen in the future?

>why would anyone use the one that comes with spyware?
because it doesnt

There's a very high chance my dm-crypt USB got in the laundry machine with my jeans. Is there any way getting my laptop back without restarting from scratch?

>there are thousands of distros out there,
There aren't. The majority are forks (sometimes of forks). There's basically a few distros.

>because it doesnt
Actually it isn't just spyware, it's also insecure as fuck since the connections are made via plain http. Which means, not only go your keystrokes to ubuntu servers, amazon and get further sold to literally who, but also your neighbour can lurk what you're typing in unity and/or manipulate the connections.
Why would you use a distro that allows such malicious "features" in the first place?
I know its now opt-in in newer Ubuntu versions, but the fact that the program is still there, ready to be enabled by some beginner because why not, is just horrible.

no unity, no problem

What do you mean by "dm-crypt USB"? Was your USB stick encrypted or did you have keyfiles on it or what?

Forks are distributions.

I tried plank and cairo dock. Plank was awesome but as I said in my original post it lacked the ability to launch an application menu of any kind which meant I still needed a panel somewhere

sure that it's still just http?

not 100% correct eff.org/deeplinks/2012/10/privacy-ubuntu-1210-amazon-ads-and-data-leaks

>What does "DE" stand for?
> "Debian Edition".
Didn't expected that

But still, holy crap:
>Unless you have opted out, we will also send your keystrokes as a search term to productsearch.ubuntu.com and selected third parties so that we may complement your search results with online search results from such third parties including: Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon. Canonical and these selected third parties will collect your search terms and use them to provide you with search results while using Ubuntu.

The USB contains /boot as well as the keyfiles hidden outside a partition. A colleauge helped us setting those up so we can securely bring our laptops on construction sites. The lost wouldn't be any problem, but it'll take months to find all the blueprints and shit in the AD again

I think Aloonix is the best out of these.

fucking canonical

Unless you have backup keys/keyfiles there's not much you can do.

What are you building that you are worried about someone stealing your blueprints?

The driver I'm missing (installing Debian 9) is "iwlwifi". I should be fine if I install Debian 9, enable non-free repo after and install the driver, right?

You could also try these cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/

I am trying it and it does not have the firmware.

Actually it does but for some reason it doesn't find it during the installation.

Any programs that join babes and bash?

What exactly is your wifi chip? Type "lspci" on terminal.

Can't you just load the kernel module? Never used plebian

I'll just go with Ubuntu 16.04 server, already wasted too much time on this. Thanks though.

There, babes and bash.
curl -sSL www.asciipr0n.com/pr0n/morepr0n/pr0n$(printf '%02d' "$((RANDOM%95))").txt | grep .

[citation needed]


>ubuntu 12.10
>only affected the dash in unity

Kill yourself you meme parroter.

>got sauce
>still doesn't believe

You can literally uninstall it when you don't like it. So hard.

you da man

How can I change the gap between windows while using i3wm?

You have to use i3-gaps in order to do that, i3 itself doesn't support that

What can I do to enable screen brightness shortcuts and multimedia keys?

# Screen brightness controls
# increase screen brightness
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -inc 20

This code doesn't work for me.

hide_edge_borders smart
for_window [class="mpv"] floating enable
for_window [window_role="About"] floating enable
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%+ unmute
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set Master 1%- unmute
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set Master toggle

Have you installed xbacklight and amixer (alsa-utils IIRC)?

It's old and it only affects if you use Unity.
Kill yourself you retard if you're too retarded to understand that.

Post something that affects the latest version and isn't tied to a deprecated desktop envrionment (its feature).

Yes, I've installed them.

Go to the tty where you started i3 (probably tty1) and look if any errors appeared there.

This is a friendly thread.
Please don't suggest suicide.