Void or Devuan for the best systemd-less experience. Oh...

Void or Devuan for the best systemd-less experience. Oh, please forget the Gentoo and Crux memes; I'm trying to be a functioning member of society

Are those public fleshlights behind her?

>Any desktop Linux
>I'm trying to be a functioning member of society
Contradictio in terminis.

>Not using LFS

Why do you even bother getting out of bed in the morning?

I think they're for hoses.

>Void or Devuan for the best systemd-less experience.
>I'm trying to be a functioning member of society
Then stop giving a shit about a god damned init system
Anyways, Devuan is definitely hitting the shitter when jessie hits the end of LTS. No way they'll be able to carry on afterwards.

Was considering to test it for the well testing, but this shit concern me.

That and slow updates in general, nah fixing my shit and just rerolling arch without systemd again here


That's what she said!
>High five


Just use Slackware user

>when jessie hits the end of LTS
explain to a noob this

>Oh, please forget the Gentoo and Crux memes; I'm trying to be a functioning member of society

Go suck dicks somewhere else garage faggot. Distros are all about flavor u piece of shit.

Found the socially inept neckbeard.
Anyways, I'll stay with Void. Thanks Sup Forumsents

>Still not using Slackware?

Devuan is pretty comfy indeed.

I've been exclusively using void for the last 12 months it's fucking great.

>no systemd
>functioning member of society

Good one!

>still using kde


