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This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (pantsu.cat), a free (FOSS) torrent indexer, and other nyaa alternatives.
The aim of this project is to write a fully featured nyaa.se replacement in golang that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely.



>Why is Pantsu down/error 502?
Most likely because the team is deploying changes. Wait for a bit and refresh the page. It should be mostly stable now.

General updates on the site
>Torznab api
>RSS feeds fixed
>Performance issues fixed
>Python uploading script
>Torrent file generation
>Scrapers fixed
>Stats fixed
>More frontend fixes
>Editing and deleting torrents
>Public mod log
>Filesize searching
>Audio captcha
>Language flags like anidex
>Mobile app
>Customizable mascots by URL
>DB clean up
>Text board

As for the coming weeks
>Improve scrapers to scrape more sites
>Move db dumps to just nginx to prevent any issues/corruption
>Optimize the code
>Anidb integration
>Add in the nyaazi and anidex scapers into the main program
>Focus on stability and speed
>Refactoring, introduce proper testing and code review procedure
>Purge all unnecessary code as well

Dev live server:

Database dumps:

Local Client:
>An user made a local client in case the online sources are down: instructions and download at
qBittorrent plugin for Pantsu.

Development roadmap:

NyaaPantsu Status:
>Copyrighters wall of shame

Development and discussion channel:
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Other urls found in this thread:

nyaa.pantsu.cat/feed?c=_&s=0&limit=50&userID=0&q=centaur no nayami horrible
nyaa.pantsu.cat/feed/magnet?c=_&s=0&limit=50&userID=0&q=centaur no nayami horrible
nyaa.pantsu.cat/feed?c=_&s=0&limit=50&userID=0&q=[RH] Kakegurui

live update soon!
akuma, fix the bugs you created already!

I wish this website was good.

when will pantsufags fuck off this board and die?
you're worse than Sup Forumseddit winfag gaymurs. Infact, you probably are by extension Sup Forumseddit winfag gaymurs and don't know the first thing about technology

>the first thing about technology
And it is? Also pls name the second and the third one - just to be shure you yourself are competent enough.


You said this yesterday.

not my fault if ewhal is slow at updating dev and akuma is slow at fixing his bugs

Blaming others for your own faults...

i didn't cause this bug

It still won't display # of seeders.

works fine on my end

>stats scraper dead
Goddamnit ewhal.

Werks on my machine.


Fuck yeah, Lana Del Rey

I just noticed my RSS feeds are broken, they always say the file can't be found in the server.
How to fix?

>Scraped From: nyaa.si/view/940615

Take your RSS url with whatever filters you want to use, say :
nyaa.pantsu.cat/feed?c=_&s=0&limit=50&userID=0&q=centaur no nayami horrible

And add "/magnet" after where it says feed. Example would then look like this:
nyaa.pantsu.cat/feed/magnet?c=_&s=0&limit=50&userID=0&q=centaur no nayami horrible

It still won't work.
Tried downloading the second file using your second link and got this error:

Cannot download 'nyaa.pantsu.cat/download/F2B2311030DD189603EDD14D475AB44092C355CD': The remote content was not found at the server (404)

No clue then.

kilo, you here?

Give up retards
Nazi won

im here user

Houston, we have a problem


should be in sukebei I suppose
all scraped from anidex


and this one

woah, that's a lot of seeders

it's also in there but it's all 0 seeders/leechers/downloads
well done ewhal, well done

i should note that it's the user uploading manually to sukebei

Why don't scraped torrents from Nyaazi include their tracker?

This one for instance:

Nyaazi magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:FO7EGWYQ2V3YOTACCN7RV6TNUR5RKSWH&dn=%5BFreakCrSuBuS%5D+Katsugeki+Touken+Ranbu+-+03+%5B720%5D.mkv&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fnyaa.tracker.wf%3A7777%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.doko.moe%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.zer0day.to%3A1337%2Fannounce

Pantsu magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2BBE435B10D577874C02137F1AFA6DA47B154AC7&dn=%5BFreakCrSuBuS%5D+Katsugeki+Touken+Ranbu+-+03+%5B720%5D.mkv&tr=udp://tracker.doko.moe:6969&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969&tr=udp://tracker.zer0day.to:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969&tr=udp://explodie.org:6969&tr=udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337&tr=udp://tracker.internetwarriors.net:1337/announce&tr=mgtracker.org:6969/announce&tr=udp://ipv6.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce

nyaa.tracker.wf:7777/announce is missing and that's the case with all the torrents scraped from Nyaazi.

Why is ur tracker so shit in comparison to nyaa.si by the way ?

Is there any reason to don't use over yours other than the 'muh cartel' meme reason

I think that is bug, I upload a torrent from nyaa.si last week, Pantsu will add tracker.doko.moe but still keep nyaa.tracker.wf

>try to upload torrent
>502 Bad Gateway

It's a feature.

dont use megnet, it's buggy lol. I tried a few times with no success. (502)
upload a torrent file should be ok.

How do I add trackers to a torrent file then?

add them at creation

I want to upload an existing torrent, I don't want to change the hash.

can't you add to client > ad trackers > upload torrent from temp files? or do clients only store the original torrent?

Only the original.

torrent editor, you can add tracker here

I've got the same problem.

Seems to work for some torrents

For instance:
nyaa.pantsu.cat/feed?c=_&s=0&limit=50&userID=0&q=[RH] Kakegurui

Looks like here torrents from July 2 and earlier work as intended.

If adding "/magnet" it seems like the magnet link in the title works, but you get a 404 when going to the download link the attached media field.

why is this still here?


>Also could you reference the users without their id? I hate to see I failed to be in the 50 first ones.
you mean completely remove IDs? showing user profile / torrents from username only would be possible, but i don't think anyone would agree on removing ids completely because of how practical they are
if that can recomfort you i also failed at being in the 50 first ones ;-;


>tfw you're in first 15

Scraped Sukebei torrents are missing their descriptions.



Yeah was talking to access accounts by /user/username rather than /user/id/-, of course ids are necessary.

>tfw I'm 12 on nyaazi

>tfw you don't have an account on nyaazi bc you only upload to pantsu + anidex

it doesn't have any flag, it cannot be an user-uploaded torrent.

Well, these for instance.


meant for

Thank you user
Evangelion DVDs, before they fucked up the colors by "correcting" them to hell and back:

But it doesn't say scraped from.

so those scrapped from anidex specifically
i wouldn't be surprised if they had changed their html recently or something as the scraper also upload some of the hentai in non-sukebei

it doesn't mean it's not scraped user
at the time being user cannot upload without selecting a language

>10457 users registered on anidex
>13375 on pantsu
>there's still more uploaders on anidex than pantsu
Should we make a coalition with them?

> nyaa.si/view/940615
> i love lana del rey
He's alive! On the wrong channel though.

The same thing seems to be happening with Anidex torrents.


anidex.moe:6969/announce is missing from Pantsu's magnet.

What channel is that?

> nyaa.si/view/940615
> i love lana del rey
> you know there's a report button right

>kipukun defected to Nyaazi

Wow, what a faggot.


I'm not creating a Github account

lol you are still posting this shit...

>This faggot is back

I don't think he's awake yet.

he is

Tell him to fix it pls
Or fix it yourself. Whatever works.

I'll fix it.
The torrent files include the nyaa.si tracker but haven't added it to magnet links yet.

he's aware of it
probably need to just straight up disable the "other" category on the scraper

Good morning and thanks.

>tfw I already filtered all posts from nrg tripfags


kiloutre plz put on a trip so I can filter you too

>kiloutre plz put on a trip so I can filter you too
not happening

You're no fun, at least stop shitposting here and go make another retarded commit to piss off pantsucuck and akumeme.

What's the point of filtering devs?

if i'm not making commits it means that i have nothing to work on

There's already github and irc, no need to have the devs shitpost here and tell their blatant lies and false promises.

Come on kiloutre, there's always something to fix or improve, don't deceive me.

ewhal4 assuming there's no more bug left when are you gonna roll out the update on live?
To actually answer your question probably later today assuming everything works fine



>[00:31] (+kilo) dev.pantsu.cat/search?c=1_&userID=0&q= niceee
>[00:32] (@ilikecats) scraper still not fixed
>[00:32] (+kilo) fix it


Just adding my moral support.

>>kipukun defected to Nyaazi
Not defected but handed over as a part of the war indemnity that allowed scraping nyaa.si again.

Hi, PantsuDev.
preview torrent on dev, zh-tw flag display as a question mark

working on it!

I am the one and only one

i'm here user

Has full scrape been done yet?
Stats scraper on sukebei is completely dead.
Refine needs a direct date input for searching, something like yyyymmdd which is jp style.

>no avaiable connection: no Elasticsearch node available



devs are asleep, use nyaazi

Haven't done a full scrape yet.
Scraper dies after 7k torrents due to invalid json.
Need to fix sukebei stats.
Should be backup and we'll be permanently fixing that in 3 days hopefully.

Please fix sukebei stats, I like staring at my uploads s/l/d.

Yay, it's kinda comfy.

refactor when?

Scraped hentai from Anidex is being added as Games.

Why does anidex have such shit categories.

Refactor never.


Why is this shit still going?
It was formed as a fucking replacement general, yet now it's just a thread to suck off some lazy aussie fag.

Face it, anything that stems of Sup Forums inevitably gets taken over by some lazy shits and abandoned, or gets stolen by the normies.
Both happened.