Linux is a meme

In 2017, why are so many people falling for "Linux is more secure" meme?

What do you think is more secure?

1. A Linux system that you don't even know how to update/maintain properly

2. A Windows system that is updated often and works

Big brother stores some of your meta data from your computer and typing info. So what? They are able to intercept all of your online data anyway through tcp/ip anyway. Unless you are a terrorist, planning attacks, or doing some other shady and illegal shit, what is the problem? Your data is probably more safe in the hands of a large corporation than on your shitty Linux installation where you download from something like the AUR and generally have no clue what you're doing.

But, no, go on... keeping spreading the idea that Linux is more secure, better for your privacy, etc., even though this is likely not true. It could be for people that have been using it for many years and actually know what they are doing but for 95% of the users here it isn't.

Prove me wrong...

P.S. I am dual booting Windows and Linux. I am learning learning but I have realistic expectations about my security.

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Nobody cares.
Please fuck off.

Great contribution to this thread.

Maybe you don't care but I don't like seeing people being misinformed by faggots such as yourself.

I know how to update/maintain my system properly.

Nice try rajesh

Oh come on, your thread is titled " Linux is a meme"

Sanjay please go away

>Prove me wrong...

>Prove me wrong...
>something happened™

Windows does NOT work. As a tech support for my family, I have installed windows in countless machines and let me tell you, windows does NOT just work

A typical installation takes one hour and most of the times drivers are not installed. Then I have to download wireless drivers among with other very common software and install them, this process takes several reboots along with product activation which takes one more hour

Whereas I have installed Linux in those machines and the system is usable within 25 minutes, with no problem whatsoever

Please stop spreading FUDs

If you don't know how to update/maintain your Linux system you shouldn't be using computers. Not even Windows.

You might want to look into buying an iPhone since it's locked down enough to save your stupid ass.

>windows is more secure
>you see because they work around the clock to make sure that no nasty black-hoodie wearing haxors steal your megabytes
>its ok that they are constantly pinging you for telemetry data
>its ok that its built on legacy crap that real hackers have secret exploits that they are not disclosing
>its ok that even they actually break as many things as they fix in every update
>its ok that the individual development teams don't communicate and randomly push random shit to prod without ever consulting each other
>its ok that so many random cryptic processes and frameworks are constantly starting up, your cpu temp fluctuates wildly, icons are refreshing, to the point where you're not even sure if you have malware or not because windows infested with malware runs just as poorly as clean windows now

go home to your loo ranjeesh

>Update windows
>Shit gets crippled
Yeah no, nice try M@#%oft

ok i'm taking the bait

What's the most dangerous?
>A fucking hispter in his basement who try to learn how to make artisanal weapons
>A conglomerate who sell military weapons to countries who are in perpetual war

i just don't know dude

Another retarded pajeet poo in the loo windows shill thinking he is shitting on linux but also attempting to defend himself with
>i am dual booting
Nice try pajeet.
Just because you can't use Linux doesn't mean the rest of the board can't, Grow up and don't bother trying to dual boot or attempt using Linux again, Suck on microsoft's cock and throw away privacy , stay in the botnet and enjoy your buggy broken slow operating system.
>but my gaming
The more people that use linux the more demand there is going to be to have games ported over to linux and there is still at least half your steam libary that is supported.
Stop trying to shill microsoft pajeet.

>your shitty Linux installation where you download from something like the AUR and generally have no clue what you're doing.

>It works

Shut up pajeet pic related

What version of Windows are you using?

Windows 8.1, 10 enterprise LTSB mostly

I've said this before and I'll say this again.

Linux users has been mentally conditioned to think continually re-installing an OS is part and parcel of using an OS, due to its massive number of buggy distros and DEs to choose from. As such people like you think that the installation process is a metric to judge whether an OS "just works" or not.

The fact is that Windows takes longer to set up, but after that it can be used for 2-6 years until the next upgrade, and 1 hour/2-6years is hardly a good metric to judge whether an OS is "just works" or not.

> A Linux system that you don't even know how to update/maintain properly
Where the hell do you think you are.
> They are able to intercept all of your online data anyway through tcp/ip anyway
Nope, only unencrypted connections.
> Unless you are a terrorist
Good ol' "nothing to hide" argument. Don't even have to discuss it, been discussed before.
> keeping spreading the idea that Linux is more secure
"Nothing to hide" does not disprove OS security. Come back with working unpatched "remote privilege escalation" CVEs for Linux if you have them. Else BTFO.

Tfw to intelligent to give a proper reply

To those calling me Indian names...

I am using Linux. The only difference is that I'm using it to learn, not for privacy reasons.

If you are using Linux for privacy reasons you are doing it wrong.


>I have no mouth and I must scream

That's a pasta, right? It's sad that you ran out of arguments and resorted to shitposting like that

Nice long bait post.

>he doesn't use macOS, GNU/Linux and Windows for each their strengths

>PAJEETWARE dingdongs

It's not a pasta. Using the installation process as a "doesn't just work" argument is a fucking joke.

However the installation process is important to Linux users who continually reinstall distros because it eats up a considerable chunk of their time using an OS.

Windows is "just works" after installation.

Try to refute my points instead of calling me a shitposter.

>but after that it can be used for 2-6 years until the next upgrade
Picture taken in my work before switching to Oracle Linux this year

Yes, this is a forced upgrade, no one touches the machine and all the employee hours got lost thanks to MS
"Enterprise OS"

What a fucking lie. I've been using windows since 95 came out. I've always had to do fresh installs every 1-2 years if I wanted everything to run smoothly. Windows will fuck itself up over time. Cleaning the registry or defraying might be a decent quick fix, but it doesn't solve the problem. And reinstalling Linux is an option, not a requirement if you're using a LTS distro like 16.04.

Tell me how I can get Windows working on my Raspberry PI.

>who continually reinstall distros because it eats up a considerable chunk of their time using an OS.
Family tech guy again,
why exactly do you think I was required to install windows in those machines?

You are responding to copypasta....

>Windows is "just works" after installation.

OP believes he's just as secure using windows.
He also believes the rest of us are misguided.



You just compared a 25 year old OS to year-old OS. Congratulations, you have some form of cognitive dissonance. Try using the newest "telemetry botnet" OS for a while that you'll never touch.

Because you don't know how to fix Windows because you use Linux all the time, and your family are stupid users who install malware.

>Something went wrong
>Doent tell you anything about what went wrong

What the absolute fuck, windows?

Great counter-argument, proving me wrong!


Awesome argument! You are probably the type of faggot hat installs Ubuntu for a month because Sup Forums tells you Linux is more secure.


>Rajesh thinks he's worthy of debating with
POO IN THE LOO you sub-human waste

>Because you don't know how to fix Windows
Windows can be irreversably damaged, want to bet?

>You just compared a 25 year old OS to year-old OS

No I didn't. Read it again. I've had to do it with every version of Windows since then.

>your family are stupid users who install malware.
I agree, windows is a malware

>you don't know how to fix Windows because you use Linux all the time
I have used windows since windows 95

Meanwhile 100% of all ransomware attacks in 2017 were Windows only.

Makes you think.

And don't play the "just update" card because installing an update literally every week to just stay ahead of the malware isn't secure, and can still lead to outbrake, ontop of that it's annoying that your OS shuts off your system whenever it pleases, even when you're trying to get work done.



Linux has never been 'more secure'. Especially now that GrSec/PaX is a private patch and not even test patches are available anymore.

The state of the Linux kernel in 2017 is the same state of Windows XP in terms of stack protection and other mitigations. That's why Grsec guys stopped releasing patches, to force to get out of the 1990s.

However updates, you can script Linux to fully update itself and that's exactly what Chromebooks do if IIRC

you should kill yourself and stop shitting this board with your mindless shilling attempts, in no specific order
soon windows will only be a linux de and there is nothing you can do to stop it

Nobody gives a damn about attacking Linux.

Linux has KASLR and stuff like Apparmor and SELinux along with Tomoyo. Meanwhile Windows has gotten rid of EMET.

Enjoy your vulnerabilities

Not true

Plenty of bitcoin malware targets Linux too, and BSD. Not to mention all the Android ransomware

Windows is usually targeted because it's assumed those users are clueless and will just pay to release their shit, and a Linux user would have some clue of backups so wouldn't be worried.

>2. A Windows system that is updated often and works
It completely locks you out when it's updating and you have no idea how long it will take.

If you use Windows, you do not own your computer anymore.

Data servers are run on Linux,
Literally all mainframes and supercomputers run on Linux

>windows update

>Windows is an OS for retards
Who knew

I use GuixSD, I don't use Windows.

However I fully recognize the deficiencies of junk. Windows has all the kernel mitigations that OpenBSD has added to their own project. They also formally verified their drivers, a monumental task that took about 6 years.

>Windows has all the kernel mitigations that OpenBSD has added to their own project
SInce when did Windows get KARL?

>free bait

Can't prove (You) wrong right now.
Laughing too hard.
Gimmee a minute.

Teo de raadt gives yearly BSDcon presentations on the state of kernel security mitigations, he always points out how Microsoft has implemented virtually everything they are doing.

FreeBSD half ass implements, and has most off by default whereas Microsoft turns on all protections by default. Fact is if you run a patched Windows system, and you run Chromium as a browser, and you use gmail and not Outlook, nobody is getting into your system.

Spender uses Windows for example (the grsec guy) and also talks about this.

I don't like Windows because it's proprietary, but that doesn't mean it's insecure. Linux is insecure these days, they abandoned security for features years ago which is why Grsec is now a private patch

Further, to add insult to injury, the horrible, terrible Google led project to replace Grsec/PaX utterly failed and has gone nowhere. All they did was cut and paste some old Grsec test patches and propagated errors, making the kernel even less secure. Project is now pretty much abandoned so nobody is working on security

You actually didn't answer my question

I like how these privacy arguments always boil down to
>I mean you're already being stabbed in one kidney
>What's wrong with getting stabbed in your stomach as well?

Also don't know what you're on about how people who use linux have no idea what they're doing

anyways, reminder to sage b8 otherwise we'll get a thousand of these threads a day because ez (You)'s

>thinking keylogging and screenshots are metadata
You are worse than a pajeet. At least they work hard, not just shitpost random things.

Linux relies on security through obscurity to remain "secure". In Linuxland, the "obscurity" comes from the fact that no-one – not even Linus Sebastian himself – bothers to look at the code being added.

Epic denial.

They're replacing KASLR with it as I write this. They always add OpenBSD protections, see this old presentation

Should also note Linux just added KASLR as default a few months ago, whereas Windows ran it for years as default.

Linux has good enough security if you build your own kernel and turn on all these protections, because by default they aren't enabled

If that's so insecure, there is a bounty for you for cracking Pixel. Of course you are simply retard for fuzzy testing too, not to mention the many tools used for Linux testing you never heard.

>Windows ran it for years as default.
So you think all randomization is the same...

The problem is that GNU/Linux users like you blame their ineptitude with anything other than GNU/Linux on the OS rather than laying blame where it really belongs on themselves.

It's kind of funny seeing so many of these supposedly really "technically adept" "family tech support" types go all apeshit over people using Windows or OSX. My experience is that it's usually just their ego telling them that "No, you can't be bad at something relating to computers, so it has to be something other than you" to avoid having to admit that they only know how to use GNU/Linux.

Personally I dumped GNU/Linux for Windows around 2007 after a lot of torture and mental gymnastics tinkering with UNIX stuff in GNU/Linux, all my desktops have since then have run Windows.

At this point GNU/Linux has to me become "That OS the clueless, kids who want to play pretend sysadmin and those who think uploading their dotfiles to github makes them a 1337 programmer" use. Pretty much all the software I run into, even the obscure stuff like AVR Studio, Matlab, Quartus II, etc., run on Windows and many that are "Linux-only" can be used with cygwin/msys, VM or even built for Windows natively with a cross compiler.

No one is falling for anything. Linux still has less users than fucking windows XP LMAO

You could have just said:

>I had a hard time getting my wifi working on Linux back in 2007 so I dumped it for a malware OS.

>Another pasta
You are becoming increasingly nervous. Is Micros**t threatening to cut your pays?

Delete this, sir

Amazing how M@!#!soft shills hoard a bunch of nonsense wall of text to "correct the record" and deflect any arguments.

It's like they are trained by the same guy

>literally too autistic to understand the meme
as expected from linuxfags

>What do you think is more secure?
False dichotomy is false.

What is more secure :
1- a Linux system that I know very well how to update/maintain
2- an OS from a company with a track record of massive security holes that take years to fix.


>That damage control

>The "I was pretending to be dumb" excuse

Looks like this guy just let the cat out of your bag, OP

>Days without Microsoft shilling
>still 0

What do you expect, those guys follow a fat autistic fuck who likes to eat dirt from his feet.

> I don't know how to maintain a Linux distro. therefore, neither do you.

1/10 made me reply

>I am learning learning
Something tells me you have a long way to go.

The wangblows cancer spreads.

Huh? I noted KASLR (different from KARL) has been on by default in the Shitblows kernel for years, whereas decided to make it default a few months ago. Windows will now implement KARL in their system, by default, too.

I don't know how anybody can defend Linux security considering Spender and Pipacs have absolutely shit on developers, and that joke of a Google led security project for about 6 months now relentlessly for their failure to even default primitive mitigations.

Keep windows contained in a VM, that's where it belongs

What the OP question? I don't understand because there is too many combinations of software with linux kernel. I like when i can choose what software to use. When it come to windows there is no choice. You can't delete some shit from it, it updates without permission and you cant configure it - after update some settings are set to what microsoft wants.

>Windows will now implement KARL in their system, by default, too.

but user, op is dual booting and is learning learning
can't you see this means he knows what the fuck he's talking about

OP (you) is just here to shill Microsoft, see his "responses" and how he got exposed

And thanks to your nonexistent backup strategy

Backup is performed every midnight, what's your point?
