>anyone can program
>graduate with BSc in Computer Science
>still don't know how to program
>still can't make an android app
>anyone can program
>graduate with BSc in Computer Science
>still don't know how to program
>still can't make an android app
If you have a BS in CS and can't do any programming you had a shit CS program
Back to Mom's basement my dude
anyone can program if you believe in yourself and stop being retarded
>you don't need a degree to get programming job
>fall for the self-taught meme
>everyone wants a fucking degree
>you can't test out of basic programming courses
>i already know this shit
>they won't even let me enter operating systems courses without physics and other useless shit
getting a cdl and becoming a goddamn truck driver is my fallback, i dont wanna be a neet guys
>Am self taught
>Am posting from my real boi job right now
Physics proves you can do Algebra II LOL
Hmmmm i wonder who's fault that is....
Really makes you think.
Gets your gnoggin joggin.
Really fires up your nuerons.
Pro tip: git gud.
>can't make an android app
just google some easy to use framework
>>graduate with BSc in Computer Science
found the problem, you wasted money at mr shekelsteins university.
>Physics proves you can do Algebra II LOL
You've never done physics have you..?
user. This board is 18+
a believing heart is your own programming
I'm from Oxford (Brookes) University.
Actual programming is in software engineering
Computer science is just discrete maths relabeled
phew! I didn't even finish High School and yet I'm the lead java developer for real time embedded applications in my company. Since I never had to pay for college and such, I quite rich right now. Sucks to be you OP. Let me laugh at you: "Muhahahahahahahahaha!".
you have to be 18 to post here
I graduated in Chemistry in 1997, yet I program all the time.
There's nothing stopping you actually learning it yourself.
I want to lickety-lackity slippety-cummity her feet
Fuck I keep coming back to this image I want to lick her feet
I want to marry her
>not diana
>not sucy
It took me literally a day to learn enough Java to make an app that made and displayed fake bus tickets, with no prior app development / Java experience
I'm sorry but if you went to Brookes you should've chosen business or some shit, not ComSci.
>CS is a math major
Yeah, no shit. Go do read some more books ya retard
Dude Udacity has a free tutorial series on making your own Android apps. I and my friend did like the first half and he got a job right out of college basically leaning on that and only some OSU bots in his portfolio.
Go fight win!
We just fired a recent graduate from Oxford (Brookes)
You probably know >her
>We just fired a recent graduate from Oxford (Brookes)
can you give details as to why?
>Not Croix
>Engineers get paid well
As the OP said, she didn't know how to program and when she got stuck she didn't reason about things in a sensible way. Like she played move the code around as though rearranging what she wrote would somehow find the right answer by chance.
Btw she also couldn't follow information flow in an mvc webapp.