What is Sup Forums opinion on these guys


They made the mistake of making the perfect mouse and now just rebrand it every year to keep the prices high.

I buy their stuff on sale. Works well for my minuscule needs.

Best mice, everything else they have is meh, and they can't make proper headphoness to save their lives.

overpriced garbage these days

k120 best keyboard ever

they are literally the only good mouse manufacturers in existence

not ever, but for a non-mechanical keyboard for $5 on Amazon it's fantastic

my 9 year old mx518 is still going

G710+ Blue master race.

I thought they changed they're name to logi or something like that months ago.

meme switch, use browns

Tried browns, almost felt like rubberdome switches.

They turned to shit with the MX 518. Before that their mice had the perfect shape.

the new logo sucks
all new logos suck

>perfect mouse
>not G9X

They killed it because it was killing them

browns are the ultimate meme switch

MX Master is on sale, should I get it?

>perfect balance of everything
blues are literally babby's 1st mech keyboard for "WOW MUH CLICKY CLACKS!!!!"

>"what is Sup Forums opinion"
kill yourself

Best mouse is corsair m65 tho

It's a kino mouse user

Try to type
>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
while holding down both shift keys. You will get a result like
instead of the text you typed.
This shit doesn't happen with Microsoft or IBM keyboards.

this guy knows

just bought it today haha

A kino mouse? Is it durable and precise, that's what interests me?

of coursh
