>everything is a botnet

>If you care about privacy you're some sort of weirdo

I feel sorry for the people that are botnet phobic. Their quality of life is worse than it should be. Worrying about stupid shit problems that aren't even real problems. I guess they don't have "real" problems to deal with so they create this dumb shit drama to stay entertained?. No idea. I'm just hypothesizing. I guess under on Sup Forums (stupidest most retarded corner of the internet that is somewhat interested in technology) it makes sense to talk about literally retarded shit whereas any other forum you have somewhat halfway coherent and intellectual people discussing shit that matters. I'm just feel sorry for halfway decent people get sucked into this meme.


>one chance at life
>born during the rise of (((THE BOTNET)))

>no idea
That's where you're right, you have no idea, because you're ignorant.

You seem like one of those people with really elaborate rationalizations for your beliefs. You're smart enough to know why everything being a botnet is dangerous/concerning but up to this point you've been too lazy to inconvenience yourself by taking any action against these circumstances.

educate me

>tfw couldn't care less about botnets
>tfw one less non-issue to worry about

>botnet is dangerous/concerning

I never said botnets aren't dangerous. Where you're confused is that data collecting services are not botnet. The term botnet is used way too loosely on this board. Data collection has been a thing ever since marketing and advertisements have been around Only difference is they're using the internet.

No one is forcing you to use the internet, or google. Get off the shit. You want to force google to forget what it's servers do?. It's their servers and their business. Quit being a faggot and disconnect your end from the net. You know what, problem SOLVED!

Botnets are actually a problem, but are beneficial to the whole of humanity.

>Botnets are responsible for big data
>big data is responsible for surge in ai
>ai will be responsible for massive job automation and unemployment in the coming decades

Botnets are good because they are the seeds of modern automation, which will benefit humanity overall, but people who lose their jobs will be suffering the most.

Thing is, you don't see larger picture.
Letting governments and specialy coorporations access your private data means giving power to them over us.
Now it's just the start.
But imagine if your employer would be able to use a search engine on all digital data you made including your browsing history, all posts made on the internet (which some could be taken out of context) all images you ever made or videos you ever filmed, locations you were and people you met, including all data about these people you met.
>inb4 this will never happen

>Letting governments and specialy coorporations access your private data

>private data

I can't disagree with you on this alone before I know what you mean by "private data". Do you mean like the information you search in Google search? or do you mean like your email that ONLY you are supposed to be able to access?.

>Sup Forums shills me into linux
>install ubuntu
>Sup Forums tells me all servers run linux
>linux literally is the botnet

What would you consider private data?
Or better yet at what point you'd feel uncormfortable?
A) Anyone can identify virtual you to physical you
B) Anyone can look up where exactly you are now

>inb4 that's not how it works lmao!
I'm talking about future, if everyone will ignore this issue eventually something like this could happen. And only high profile people will be undetectable by botnet OR you'll have to pay for your privacy.

Global rule 2

btw, do you like personalised ads?
Now imagine having ads in public just for you!
oh, you misclicked/was curious about "enlarge your penis by 10cm!" ad?
now you get enlarge your penis ads in public! Just for you! Or ads about viagra.
Hm... that would be funny though, but embaracing for other people, which is not right.

I never read the rules. Which one's that?

Private depends on the relationship between you and another entity. For the most part the relationship will stay the same but sometimes will change (example is where the government may not have the right to get your fingerprint normally but that changes when you are booked).

I would consider email to be private certainly from government AND any other public entity EXCEPT for Google. And Google I only expect them to use that email data for things like making the email system better or helping defeat spam, shit like that.

Google search I would say isn't private. It's Google's. It's not like I Google tried to make me think that I was going into a secure search. They didn't mislead me. I am searching for some shit and they know it and I know it. I didn't see any kind of sign that said "warning, your data is ours and if you don't like it you can fuck off" because I would probably use it anyways because what the fuck am I supposed to do without Google. I'd rather give them my data than have nowhere to get answers. i'm happy with the exchange.

The third one

>do you like personalised ads?

I don't like ads at all. If they're they're there then Doesn't matter if they're geared towards me or not I don't pay attention to them unless they fuck up and block my view of a website. I don't click on ads because for some reason I don't trust website ads period. If I'm looking for something the last thing I do is click on an ad. I go to Amazon, Wal-mart, Best Buy, etc. and manually search some shit and see what brands they have.

>you misclicked/was curious about "enlarge your penis by 10cm!" ad?

I mean I just clear my cookies and shit after I've gone through a "crazy" session in my browser, or I use incognito mode. Shit I even run a sandboxed version of my browser for shit like that.

Avoiding botnet doesn't mean lesser quality of life. Obviously sometimes you have to make exceptions (i.e. using newer hw with proprietary blobs if your productivity needs better hw)
Search engine: ixquick, uses google results, but goes through proxy
SmartPhone: you can use custom rom
OS: Linux with as little proprietary sw as you can live with
ISP: You can use VPN which had been proven to be trustworthy in a case (i.e. PIA)
E-mail: protonmail

No one is talking about extremes like RMS is doing. He's doing this to send a message.
Reducing botnet in your life should be considered by everyone.

p.s. you can't be invisible 100%, unless you throw away your computer, phone, TV (some samsung TV's has ability to record audio without anyone knowing about it) and other relatively new electronics.

>go in a resto with few girl in universty
>girls want a create a snapchat
>i dont put my real name
>say i care about my privicy
>every girls watch me like im autistic


you might be autistic because wtf is a resto?. Is this a mistype or is this new slang?

Rejoice you fool! Cyberpunk has been made real!

resto druid. he is picking up girls who play tank by being their personal healslut.

What do you guys mean when you say botnet?
Potential backdoors in your hardware, shady software, undetected malware or what?

they're talking about Google, Microsoft, Smart TVs, Smart Phones.

Any business associated with keeping ALL the information of your internet activities and then using that information.

I have them fight over my data, then make bets on who wins.

I like how you think they are used for that and not just putting opposition down or advertising stuff to further mindless consumerism

Just botnets! jeez, why must you overcomplicate these things.

I like how you think that they're used for such trivial things and not for training ai.

they are literally training ai to do those things
not the things you mentioned

>ai isn't being used to replace jobs

Oh boy, this is "global warming isn't real" levels of delusional

oy goy

short for restaurant in french

I assume he's Flemish because afaik only in Flanders it means a very cheap very bad cafeteria for students.

you are putting up this false dichotomy here
sure there are people doing helpful ai stuff but most if not all the botnet stuff is literally just that - botnet stuff for control and advertising.
