Sup Forums, show us your desktop

Sup Forums, show us your desktop

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what is Sup Forums

it's Sup Forums on caps desu

> wincuck
go fuck yourself

What's so bad about windows? when you disable telemetry and cortana, it's pretty good

Bit too much shit on there for my liking. Would look better with just the clock

it's Sup ForumsURO

you cant really disable all the telemetry bullshit on windows 10

Hello fellow lainlovers

>2 clocks, the oldest rule in the book
Man OP, are you sure you're at least 18 years of age?

this board is +18

What do you think?

Gtfo desktop niggers

Any proofs?
*another guy*

so, what's the best linux distro? I want to try it out


yes, we know you are the classic fag that uses Mac



my cute gf's

why are you posting my gf

she's cute



Are you retarded?

Fucking hate phoneposting sometimes

owo what is this

>mismatched icons
>kernel still 4.8

its nothing special

Attack ships on fire of the shoulder of Orion...

>Second Life



I'm new to Linux, don kill me ;_;

I want to FUCK 2B


Because faggots like you think they know shit about computers because they can "next next install"

She's dead so good luck with that

looks nice

delet this rn

>repeat this rn
I want to FUCK 2B

Looks pretty good for a first shot. Better than the first timers who try to clone Mac OS







Its a fun game user

woah how big is your skyrim modlist?


You're Still a Bitch Jordan. Just because you say "nigger" it still make's you a try-hard autist.

hi isac

what is #cutegang

trying to get this fscking esp8266 to work, it's not having it

Could you post your wallpaper?


hi alexandre

mhhhh ._.

I'd suggest Fedora for baby's first GNU/Linux, but if you don't want telemetry at all (no systemd, no pulseaudio) go for Void Linux or FreeBSD.

Can you please share your wallpaper? Thank you.


Why is this shit thread not deleted yet?


>be a neckbeard
>jizz pants over a generic gentoo desktop
>someone has windows installed
>they are inferior to my open source install errors
>they must be ended
>grab katana from sheath, im not a neckbeard but i have one
>it's an open source katana
>step outside of my cardboard box, it's open source too
>waddle out of the woods, they're open source as well
>its hard walking around when you're a /fit/ 400lbs
>get to windows users house
>they have a home security system
>pussy, can't handle my katana
>hurl myself through the window
>energy depleted
>pant, pant, pant
>muster enough energy from my fat rolls to take a swing at op
>taps op's shoulder
>shits self
>dies before op can react

owo...But you could do better.

Are you the guy with the ugly firefox theme and uses old 2007 tier programs like winamp and vlc?


Anyone pretending this is a Sup Forums meme deserves to be shot.




>windows 10

Just kys


who cares about >muh telemetry? are you a tinfoil retard?



i'm new to loonix pls don't hurt me ;_;

>recycle bin in desktop
>honeycomb rainmeter shit

i want underage to leave

haha why?

absolutely haram

u know why

post wallpaper please

post Sup Forums css please

I thought this shit was banned

there are no gaymen on linux

wow cute wallpaper (。>﹏


What do you mean?

Why would it be? It's tech related

I just finished playing CS:GO on my Debian setup, wtf are you talking about?

Share the wallpaper?

I'm 6', 145lbs, WASP. I'm a network security analyst and Linux systems administrator. You're a salty idiot who can't do anything but run a wizard, and when shit breaks you have to escalate to a real man, like me.

are there open source katanas with easily available "blueprints"? obviously you aren't going to be 3d printing a usable sword but still, FLOSS katanas would be neat

top fucking kek

you "help" people who can't into google, I don't go to a shitty sysadmin who'll charge me out the ass

Also, I'm not salty, hence I wasn't the one who judges windows users like there's some sort of os hierarchy

I don't run windows at all, in fact. But I don't feel superior to windows users, that's fucking retarded

go back

>back peddling
Get a job.

does it look ancient for you

But I'm not autistic

r8 pls

nothing hotter than a girl who uses GNU/Linux

Get back to lainchan you fucking autistic faggots

anime website