So, it looks like Google's the main reason why Firefox is dead.
How do you feel about an advertising company and an Internet monopolist killing off the only private web browser?
So, it looks like Google's the main reason why Firefox is dead.
How do you feel about an advertising company and an Internet monopolist killing off the only private web browser?
Other urls found in this thread:
Firefox killed themselves by trying to appeal to the mass market retards instead of their poweruser and prosumer userbase.
That's not the whole story. Chrome appeals to the same demographics and yet they're growing.
FF went bonkers when they went anti-free speech against their founder and forced him to resign
ff gained popularity because ie sucked. it lost popularity because it started to suck.
Just because google has all the market share doesn't mean Mozilla can't develop firefox. If firefox dies, it's nobody's fault but Mozilla's.
Firefox died because the former CEO decided the web browser was good enough and then they went on to other projects that failed miserably (e.g. Firefox OS). Now that Firefox actually is good they probably won't get any market share back because it's not significantly better than Chrome nor does Mozilla have the same capability to market their browser as Google does.
>le epin advertising company may may
Man you firefox shills are either getting paid well to post this tripe or really are just completely detached from reality.
So it's worse to fail in dominating a larger demographic, even if the 'failed' share still results in a larger install base than owning a niche?
>implying people switched from Firefox to Chrome because pop-ups told them to do so
That might work for retarded IE users. People abandoned Firefox because it started to suck.
Whoops, was meant for
Firefox like most Sup Forums recommended software is a result of baby duck syndrome. Same goes for VLC.
Firefox was good when IE was the second best option, and while Chrome has been better for 6 years now, Sup Forums continues to use Firefox for stupid shit like ricing or the pure ignorance that superior software exists.
Winning the browser wars is very easy. Just make your browser faster than other browsers. That's literally the only reason why people went from Firefox to Chrome. Now that Chrome has all the market they don't care about speed anymore so you can notice that it's becoming a resource hog. It's the best time for Firefox to invest in optimizations and strike back.
I personally dropped FF because it got slower and slower over a few years despite my computer getting faster during that time. The slow as fuck startup and closing with a lot of tabs were especially annoying for me, not to mention that sometimes the entire browser would stutter when a single tab was loading and scrolling was never consistently smooth. Then they announced they would kill support for their old extensions and that was the last straw, I cut my losses and switched to a Chromium build without all the Google account bullshit.
I actually still use FF at work, scrolling still stutters both on Windows and on Linux and when you try to close the browser it still hangs around in the background after the window is gone in order to save the session to disk. That's fine and all but if for instance FF is closing because the system is shutting down its session gets fucked. Shit with a lot of heavy JS also tends to stutter and doesn't animate smoothly, such as online maps. It's not as good as it used to be a few years ago and it still seems to be heading in the wrong direction.
>Firecucks are this mad at Google for advertising their own services through their own website
l m a o
use brave and sleipnir instead
Well Microsoft got fined a whole ton for doing this with IE and had to add a neutral-looking browser choice. I don't see why Google would be less innocent than Microsoft when they're basically doing the same thing.
>fireshit complaining about google after they aggressively shilled for them by making google search the default homepage for firefox for years
lmao they don't deserve and won't get my pity
>Chrome appeals to the same demographics and yet they're growing.
The only decent thing in Chrome for devs is the element inspector and task manager so you can see memory use of your site in total.
The browser is horribly anti-user beyond that.
It's for literal dumb-fucks.
It's strict as fuck, prevents you from doing anything all because some autistic cunt on the developer forums (Ben) decided homogeneity was better than customization.
One Chrome to rule them all.
Then they hacked in that shitty themeing system as a compromise. (and even tried to make money off it)
Reminds me of black people blaming every bad thing they've done on whites
You're both fucking stupid. Firefox is the only thing limiting Google Chrome in arbitrarily deciding which [privacy] W3C standards worldwide users will have access to.
If you believe yourself as being a power user and if you don't care about that, better create a Steam/Netflix handle right now.
i think it's time Mozilla dies
Firefox will be retaken by the masses
by masses i mean 4 or 5 people, but it will be worth
Firefox + Thunderbird 4 lyfe, yo
I tried other combos, like Chromium + Claws Mail, xombrero (now dead), Seamonkey (stillborn), and others, but FF+TB is the internet suite for me
The only thing I miss is Chromium Signal app, but not really because getting multiple notifications for each text just stressed me out
Fuck the haters. I'd even use Pale Moon if I ran Windows/was a furry
>there are people who use firefox post-3.5
Firefox has already been taken by the masses and forked dozens of times, and they all suck ass
How's Thunderbird with Gmail? I've put off from Thunderbird for a long time because I heard it acts weird with Gmail, for example, no archive folder.
yeah, it has notihing to do with firefox being SJW cucks...
Mozilla should incorporate something that blocks browser "recommendations" for Chrome and Edge, it's simply fair for them to do so. Having uBlock Origin installed already blocks Chrome recommendations whenever you visit Google.
Does anyone remember the last time Firefox actually improved? Electrolysis (multi-process) took fucking years to work, and killed XUL extensions in the process; Gecko is outdated and Servo is vaporware made to shill Rust; the memory usage became bigger and bigger with each update (this can be due to websites getting shittier, but the lack of optimization is also a problem); and, instead of trying to work on its strengths (customization, dev friendliness, etc), it tried to become a second Chrome.
Google didn't kill Firefox, Firefox killed itself.
Firefox is losing because it's shit. They literally stopped developing it and started making a shitty mobile OS for shitty phones. Meanwhile Google improved browser technology to the point where it's miles ahead.
I think Google deserves to be sued for that annoying Chrome pushing. Same reason Microsoft got sued. But you people are kidding yourselves if you think Firefox is better than Chrome. Unlike IE, Chrome is actually a state of the art browser.
Works pretty good out of the box, just set it up today
Wrong. Firefox killed themselves by turning into a bloated, slow, awful mess instead of being fast and agile.
It got to the point where I had to restart my Firefox browser twice a day to combat the slowdown. I have no such problems with Chrome.
That's why I left, and that's why many people left. Firefox is just shit. Maybe they are fixing it now with some of the recent updates but I don't believe it for a second. Maybe it will be quicker in the first few hours of use but I expect it will bog down just like before.
SJW are the main reason Firefox is dead.
firefox killed themselves by being retarded. google just picked the corpse apart
Boo hoo, Google made a product that's actually good. If Firefox were better, people wouldn't have kept using Chrome, even if they decided to give it a try after seeing one of those ads.
I advertised Firefox to my normie friends by using it in front of them and made some of them actually prefer it over Chrome. Use your social outreach to fight the botnet, retards.
Piss off SJW.
The world hates you.
>implying microsoft advertising edge isn't literally the same thing
it's their product. google does not have any monopolies, people choose to use them because they are better than everyone else AND they don't have to sign up with a phone #
what killed firefox is that firefox stagnated
chrome shot ahead in performance
then they got extensions and unlike firefox at the time, you didnt have to restart with any extension installs
so mozilla tried to copy google
they created an abomination of a UI that only looked meh with full aero effects, otherwise it was trash
and although you could get the old look back, not many people bothered figuring out how
because chrome ran better, looked better, and was the "hip" new browser
oddly enough, what originally pushed me to chrome (back in the v2.0 days) was the fact that i could move tabs between windows. firefox let you remove tabs and make new windows out of them, but you couldn't put them back in the original window, which sucked.
Switched to Chrome after I had issues with Firefox being slow and occasionally crashing. Chrome is kinda shit now with concern to customization though. Trying out Brave right now, if that doesn't pan out will probably switch back to a Firefox clone.
Like always someone new will rise from the ashes and make a new browser. There use to be only Internet explorer and Safari. Then Firefox came in and then Chrome did as well.
This. This this this.
I switched to FF for performance and customization.
But FF got slow, or at least, its slowness became apparent as soon as I touched Chrome.
I tried Chrome when they first got theme support (I think version 2 or 3?), but immediately noticed I could drag tabs out and back into the same window. Firefox had nothing like this, you could pop tabs out, but they weren't going back, and I accidentally did that way too many times.
Firefox tried to catch up, but it was too late. Also, the redesign looked pretty good with Aero on 7, but a lot of PCs had shitty iGPUs that had to use the basic theme, so it looked like shit by comparison to Chrome.
It's a common story in tech - companies stop innovating and get overtaken by newcomers. Happened to IE, now Firefox.
So use chrome then?
yep, the performance just isnt up to par
i remember becoming frustrated because a clean install of ff would stutter on a fresh windows install with less than 10 tabs open
and that was on websites that didnt use any plugins
now, it's better, but if a website uses NPAPI plugins, it tends to be ridiculously slow. chrome's custom flash was a genius idea
chrome might be a resource hog, but feels smoother
it also never implemented that "smooth scrolling" BS that made me feel like i didnt actually have control over my scroll wheel
Rule of thumb: don't trust stuff you didn't compile yourself.
I'll strongly suggest to NOT FF flavours.
If you really need a Gecko based browser (for requestPolicy, cookieMonster, uBlockOrigin and NoScript, lets say), your best bet is recompiling Iceweasel (from Debian sources) yourself.
If you just want something not-100%-Google, check Midori (
The thing is tho, not a single browser will protect you from the massive tracking and drag net happening today (check superCookies).
The only way to dodge it is by not using it.
Be mindful of the websites you visit, use a VPN if you can afford , if you can't, consider a Tor, but don't trust it. Use as many resources to avoid browsing as possible
(videos/media/streaming via mplayer directly; news with RSS and newsbeuter; chat with irssi or tox).
Peace suckas
Firefox (well Waterfox) has kept me for a couple reasons.
1: Tree Style Tabs
2: The address bar search functionality is considerably better in my experience
I do use Chrome.
I've been using it since they introduced themes. I remember when all of the themes were on 1 page, all made by Google, way before the Chrome web store.
Even Nightly?
Waterfox didn't have stuttering issues which I experienced with Firefox.
Has Sup Forums already given up on making its own browser?
both are shit
Sometimes their shit only works in chrome properly.
Install Waterfox
Implying Jewoogle isn't the most powerful SJW in the world.
>Firefox killed themselves by turning into a bloated, slow, awful mess instead of being fast and agile.
Thank Rust for that.
Convince me.
Why would I use Firefox if it's just a Chrome imitation?
Rather use the original that the shitty copy.
>People unironically believe this
Their CEO got kicked in April 2014 and Firefox marketshare started dropping in 2010.
The picture in the OP is one of the only, if not the only reason for why Firefox lost market share because Google plastered the sites normies use 90% of the time they're at a computer, Youtube and Google, with ads for Chrome about how it's faster and normies only care about how fast a browser is.
Using speed as the only reason for using one browser over the other in 2017 is retarded unless you're using a PC and internet connection from 2008
>FF finally beats IE
>after Chrome has won
lol, it will be below 5% in 3 years tops...
RIP in piece Firecuxx
so glad I use pale moon
>thinks he can escape botnets while having an internet connection
All of the data being sent to mozilla is disabled, allows unsigned extensions, it's made by one guy who takes community input and fixes the things that are wrong with firefox.
Imo ff is quite fast ( or I have a decent rig don't know). On a cheapo laptop I was using at a project on a customer it was horrible to use chrome.
I always hated chrome due to how it spawns endless threads like hell, now Mozilla is going same route.
There is another reason I don't want use a shit so riddled with telemetry.
Also I hate how chrome render some sites.
What the fuck is UC browser?
>People in this thread unironically believe Firefox are bigger SJWs than Google
Ho boy do I have some news for you people
>I think Google deserves to be sued for that annoying Chrome pushing. Same reason Microsoft got sued
It was shortly after chrome became a thing that the EU sued microsoft for the anti-competitive thing. I remember google also insisting the list of browsers displayed should be in alphabetical order, chrome being first for that reason.
Then there's a malware dier distribution methods of just bundling opt-out chrome into every software installer under the sun. This alone is probably the main reason I don't use chrome.
Then again I've never found FF slow, it's always been network connection that's been the limiting factor. Only time it's slow is on my phone or atom laptop, devices which are slow regardless of what they're doing.
Sincerely between using chrome and edge if I had to choose it would be edge. It's faster and less bloated than chrome, while I hate both
I'm surprised IE is so low, I know a lot of government computers use it as default and I'd imagine a lot of businesses use it as well.
Or maybe it's because Chrome is the fastest browser on the market and supports most standards?
>blaming Rust
If nobody generates content that works on Firefox, why bother?
>Firefox is the only thing limiting Google Chrome in arbitrarily deciding which [privacy] W3C standards worldwide users will have access to.
Really, now. Any sad sack programmer can cobble together a browser using Electron, even Brendan Eich.
>There use to be only Internet explorer and Safari
Nah dog, I switched to Chrome because Firefox was a bloated piece of shit.
Things normies don't care about
> muh performance
> muh firefox pandering to sjw's
> muh botnet
Things normies care about
> muh brand recognition: "I know who google is I'll just use them"
Chrome is just the better browser. If I want to watch something on the side while playing a game, Firefox kills my performance where Chrome doesn't.
> muh performance
>Implying normies don't care about an ad that literally says "this website works better on Chrome" when they go on Youtube
>Go to McDonalds
>They have all of their menu items displayed above the counter
>WOOOOOW somebody sue McDonalds for making me choose their fries!
I've been using Firefox since I started using the internet like 14 years ago and I have no reason to change since it works exactly in the way I expect it to do. Chrome is fucking AIDS to use if you have lots of tabs open since it just squishes them together and makes it impossible to even see the icons after a certain point.
Why would a normie ever install a new browser?
If it was written in C and C++ that shit would fly.
>fucking AIDS
>having 20+ tabs open
Pot meet kettle
>Firefox was good when IE was the second best option, and while Chrome has been better for 6 years now, Sup Forums continues to use Firefox for stupid shit like ricing or the pure ignorance that superior software exists.
Firefox is currently faster and less of a resource hog. Chrome is also a privacy nightmare.
>use brave and sleipnir instead
Aside from being too lazy to install an adblocker and/or participating in the "muh Brendan Eich" memes, what is the point of using Brave? I'm asking as someone who is currently posting this via Brave.
google software hugboxing
actively shilling for a botnet
"lmao SJW cuck" / "SJW ruined it", very reminiscent of Apple's "People will think less of you professionally" / "Pajeet scum" shill technique
firefox is working great on my 4gb of ram + 120gb SSD, regardless of how bloated the web gets
They fail to bring up palememe or waterfox, despite solving all issues in two different ways, almost like they don't lurk here often
using arguments about how chrome whooped firefox's ass 8 years ago and how they objectively lost and still are losing, glancing over the fact it is a viable solution over using a fucking botnet
5 seconds of boot time really make me want to switch to an omnipresent botnet
actively shilling for a botnet
actively shilling for a botnet
Something just isn't sitting right with me on this thread for a board comprised of a large amount of privacy and security enthusiasts
These are both legitimate criticisms.
>Firefox is currently faster and less of a resource hog
it was originally and it still ran like garbage.
You guys shall check firefox nightly with new sjw 'photon' interface that replaced (((australis))). It got much faster. But still not as fast as palemoon is.
Using performance as the main reason for deciding what browser to use is retarded unless you're using a 10 year old PC and dial up internet
>even if the 'failed' share still results in a larger install base than owning a niche?
when did that happen
firefox barely has any rust code and had none until ~6 months ago
haha it's a Chinese botnet browser that gets installed by malware
can be a pain to remove
>You guys shall check firefox nightly with new sjw 'photon' interface that replaced (((australis))). It got much faster. But still not as fast as palemoon is.
Can this Firefox = SJW meme die already? Photon is fucking awesome.
it's not a meme ...
The Microsoft thing happened in Europe.
Yeah, it is. They shitcanned Eich years ago, and he moved on. One firing over Prop 8 doesn't make them the fucking Tumblr of web browsers.
>implying that google is the web
Remind me why did they bully talanted computer genius, creator of javascropt out of company, again?