
Good thing I use Unity

I use Unity thing good

Third post about this today. It's already been fixed.

> The code injection vulnerability resides in "gnome-exe-thumbnailer"

Creating thumbnails of .exe files is retarded

>vulnerability in gnome for linux
>blame linux

>vulnerability in vlc for windows
>blame vlc

It's not even a GNOME's fault. This is bug in some shitty third-party tool.

>3rd party software
>vulnerability creating thumbnails for fucking Winshit .exe
Saged, keep trying Rajesh.



>using gnome

it's literally a third party plugin you autist

Interesting. This could be weaponized by delivering a file through a malicious website and the user could run code by just browsing to the Downloads folder.

Glad I switched back to Windows!

No package gnome-exe-thumbnailer available.

>GNOME Files takes the filename as an executable input
for fucks sake

Linux has flaws, windows is a flaw

Sup Forumsedditors think they're ebin trolling.

>which is not even part of gnome

only if you have this nifty tool developed by ubuntu

Is the GNOME Files thumbnailer even sandboxed in some way? k, it's 3rd party tool bug, but this is not the first thumbnailer bug out here...

What? Windows is blamed for literally everything

KDE master race

>and it krashed

I don't blame Linux, I blame GNU/Linux.

i literally never had KDE crash on me

pcmanfm >>>>>> nautilus

openbox doesn't have this problem

openbox doesnt have a file manager

who needs one when you have cd/ls/cp/rm?

It doesnt matter whose fault it is. It's insecure.

"oh, I'm gonna use an insecure os because it's not their fault"

How could there be an expoit in the thumbnails if GTK/GNOME doesn't have any?

>develop a virus for x
>has to be installed as admin because x doesn't let virii install themselves
>somehow x's fault

My thoughts,exactly.They probably meant to say KDE,instead of GNOME.

One thousand times this.

>I-its not so bad!
>There's literally nothing wrong with it!
>It's the only desktop OS that should exists!
>I-it's just telemetry to make it better!
>It's private data i don't care about anyway!
>If you give a certain piece of data to one company you must give all your private data to all companies because otherwise you're being hypocrite!
>I have nothing to hide!
>It's not mistreating, it's just a company doing company-like things.
>It's not microsoft being anti-competitive, anything goes on war, we don't need hypocrite moralfag hippies!
>Google are a buch of anti-competitive bastards because they don't support WP, competition on the mobile space against android would benefit everyone!
>It doesn't matter if supporting their practices doesn't benefits me. I defend them because my work depends on a program that only works on their platform!
>Customization is for nerds anyway!
>It doesn't matter if there exist multiple competing programs that supports your platform, if this specific program doesn't support your platform and you use that platform you must be unemployed! it's the industry fucking standard!
>No one needs that feature windows doesn't have, the average joe doesn't care!
>Android is not linux! that doesn't count as linux being successful!
>how you dare to criticize microsoft you autistic neet!
>Package managers are stupid anyway!
>Linux will never be relevant because you need to use the terminal to hack the mainframe for everything!
>Are you kidding me? you just need to run this commands and third party programs to opt out from those usage terms you don't like!
>You need to waste time editing thousands of text files just to feel you're a hacker on linux!
>Windows is not for idiots who cannot reinstall or configure their OS properly!

kek what the fuck is this even measuring

>inb4 tex

It doesn't even matter whose fault it is, the problem's already been fixed within a very short period of time after discovery. That's what matters.

>t. archfag

Say it with me:
OpenBSD master race

>using a DE at all
o im laffin m8