If I was his puppy I'd be afraid he would kill me
I heard this is their 3rd dog in 5 years because they keep disappearing
Somebody's doing the raping.
Kek. Is this true?
>yfw the CIA niggers have evolved in to CIA dogs
someone please tell terry this
Shouldn't it be a bull dog then?
I don't know but in one video Terry was showing some "spooky" bones between their house and their neighbor's fence
He killed two of his birds, one I think was by accident it got stuck according to him. He heard some noise and two hours later he found him stuck he said. The other he killed and admits to it.
A shitty bird is one thing, but I don't think he is fit to have a dog tbqh
He keeps beating the poor fucking dog throughout the video, and he keeps telling him "fuck you" and "pussy".
Okay, I get it that you're a schizo and all, but that poor puppy did nothing wrong to deserve this shit.
>inb4 the puppy ends up like the bird.
>A shitty bird is one thing, but I don't think he is fit to have a dog tbqh
birds are smarter than dogs, dumb cia nigger.
I was wondering if the bird was a cia nigger, I don't remember
>terry gets a pupper
>dog is god backwards
this might be a good thing, instead of going outside saying hello to niggers he will take the dog instead
pls no kill dogo
He's had the dog for a long long time you fucking newfag.
It's all the Metokur underage faggots coming here. Dog (now called Puppy since Terry started drinking) has been a long time member of the Davis family.
this brings me genuine joy
wut? ive been watching "terrys work" since before he even streamed, cant recall any interaction with that doge
do it nigger
only nigbulls and similar breeds
>mom, the dog got stuck can i get another
>look up the youtube comments under the video
>"i hope terry gets a knife and cuts that CIA nigger up into pieces. cook that shit and eat it up so he doesn't have to go to the store"
mfw these days youtube comments are way better than what most imageboards can offer
the guy forgot though to add that terry should also skin that fucker and make a nice templeOS hat
>youtube comments are way better than what most imageboards can offer
Most comments are made by Sup Forums regulars I believe
Is he driving drunk?
that entire vid is fucking comical
He screams at his mother, possibly father as well, killed his bird, berates people in public he suspects to be "CIA", and now displays signs of abuser behavior toward his puppy. Time to put him in a sanatorium.
>signs of abuser behavior toward his puppy
First step towards becoming a serial killer. Soon he's gonna kill people at random because he believes they're CIA niggers out to get him.
>muh common serial killer traits meme
You know that is fucking pop-sci bullshit, according to those idiotic """"traits"""" everyone who hunts animals and camps is a serial killer, kill yourself normalfag fucking choke on your guts.
yeah anyone who doesn't kill one of their own pets is a fucking normie
You shouldn't get a pet in the first place you normalfag. If there was anything people should take from Terry's wisdom is that pets are homo, if it's not feeding you or helping you in hunting then you're a faggot. Getting rid of the bird was a brilliant move by Terry, he has a clean room. Now he needs to get rid of the furball.
Everyone whomst've hunts is a serial killer. They are able to control themselves or are a ticking time bomb waiting to explode bigly.
>his dad only responds with "by whom?"
Let's enjoy Terry's videos while we can lads because I think Terry is going to be locked up in a psych ward soon
>Filming yourself drink driving
It's either the psych ward or prison
Terry probably is. His old site had blogs about how he did degenerate sexual shit like sucking off his brother as a kid and molesting a little black girl at 30
legit sad. he needs to get off the booze
pupper probably just needed a hug ;_;
AAAAAAAAND he's out driving again. At least he's getting soda
fucking saved
driving drunk now. Are we seeing the final chapter of terry davis?
>sister act was a fucked up movie
Guys, is Terry going to be okay?
you can see the horror
Why'd he delete his YT channel?
He got banned
For what?
I dont remember
The CIA finally tracked down the man who ran over one of their agents in 1999.
he got banned because Sup Forumstards were sending him porn
Easy on the doggo Terry, easy.
Just reported to ASPCA for animal cruelty
>psych ward
Probably not, it's Vegas. Terry having a few road beers and talking about how he doesn't like Sister Act is the least of their worries.
Fug off I wanna see Terry murder that dog
I wrote a tool to patch the jump tables in AOT modules, and now we get our first exception thrown by the Compiler! Time to stub out the rest of BlkDev so I can keep things moving along.
i refuse to watch terry videos because in my head he sounds like kirk van houten and imagining an off-meds schizo like terry sleeping in a racing car is funny to me
>in my head he sounds like kirk van houten
I think he sounds like Bill Nye the (((science))) goy
Pug party!
>ywn be this happy
can confirm, that was me
lmfao goes to the store shirtless to buy beer
also forgets to close the garage door
I'm starting to believe when he says "entertain god an you ass will follow" means entertain people on YT
How many people like him are allowed to drive in the US?
Does he only know how to reach that store and back?
guise anyone has a link for Terry's video where he talks shit about the OSDev forums?
all of them until they get someone killed, unless they can afford a good lawyer.
Why hasn't this shell of a man been put down yet? His dad should do the right thing and bring out the shotgun.
I think Terry might die of alcohol poisoning
Not from beers he won't
Terry loses his mind!
i will literally call the police if he touch that dog ever again
At least not on that shitty, watered down American beer anyway.
>A shitty bird
Pleb taste you have, user.
go back to plebbit you underage cum guzzling faggot
>he doesn't want to see the dog getting rape
kys newfag
why dislikes?
>tfw you will never be an alpha neet like Terry
How long until he gets kicked out?
Another video featuring his parents. The way in which he switches from anger to remorse is quite bizarre.
so anyway
i dunno
seeing schizophrenia and senility come head to head is hilarious
she looks like the living dead. it's disturbing.
Holy shit. Terry tells his mom he loves her. He realizes he's having an anger episode and snaps himself out of it. Amazing. Choked me up a little to hear him tell his mom he loves her. ;(
Edit: well, kinda says he loves her. He says he needs to figure out why he loves her. Then says she's the best mom in the world. ;(
I wish we had a cure for schizophrenia.
Terry to his mom: "I...forgive me, I have to try and figure out why I remember that I love you. Cuz mom, mom is the best mom in the world."
terry needs to lay off the carbs. he lives off of spaghetti, chips, and beer. no wonder he doesn't have any energy.
I think she has Alzheimer's.
Confirms what I said in an earlier thread: his mom never made fun of Terry, she once said the dog is friendly because he's castrated and Terry lost his mind over it.
you forgot diet shasta
This turned into Chris Chandler drama level faggotry and has literally nothing to do with Sup Forums anymore.
Slapping the dog is also a massive faggot move and shows how damaged he really is.
He's also obviously spiralin downwards really quickly now and you guys do nothing but gawk at it all day every day.
The dog is fine.
>He's also obviously spiralin downwards really quickly now and you guys do nothing but gawk at it all day every day.
And what are you doing? Get off your high horse faggot.
>Forgive me, I've to try and figure out why I remembered that I love you
That was heatbreaking. Shit Terry. He's struggling hard with his sick self.