How does Mommy do it?
She buttfucked intel, and will buttfuck nvidia in a few days.
How does Mommy do it?
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She used a strap on.
OP claiming ID.
It's the first time AMD has good management in like over 10 years.
>How does Mommy do it?
Laser-like focus and delivering everything roughly on track.
AMD is doing almost everything perfectly besides RTG marketing (but it's basically ATi in everything but name so that's given).
By being one of, if not THE best CEO in the world.
She's an electrical engineer with a talent for bean counting to cut costs where it matters, and spending money for that little extra user experience.
This and she brough right people for right jobs back into AMD.
Except for Raja. And letting a few of their Fellows walk away.
>and will buttfuck nvidia in a few days
not going to happen
What's wrong with Raja?
Raja came on board after like %60 of Vega was finished, we'll see if Raja is trash or not with Navi.
No, not exactly.
Vega is mostly his job and it looks good so far where it works.
>working game drivers arrive
>vega outperforms p6000 on games
we're in for a bright future
You know what's weird?
It's gonna perform gameworks features better than nvidia cards because it can CHEW through geometry like nothing else.
But I don't know if 64 ROPs are enough.
Anyone got sexy pics of her? Like legit ones?
They should be, ROPs are usually overkill on both AMD and Nvidia.
Man using HBM2 certainly helps to trim down die size a lot.
They pack 4k ALUs and a beefy scheduler into 484mm^2 die.
I'm totally getting the 375W watercooled version
I doubt it'll actually actively consume 375watts unless it's clocked to the moon OOTB if Vega's power gating is anything like Zen.
>amd tards think Vega will outperform Nvidia's 1080Ti
Right now it trades blows (and outperforms) full GP102 when it works, and full GP102 is more powerful than 1080ti.
Vega != Zen, not by a long shot.
It shares some IP though.
Powr gating is not exclusive to CPUs.
True, but I think there were some tests on the power draw, and they weren't phenomenal by any means.
Because power gating is disabled. It pours 1.2volts for no reason.
In fact goymennexus managed to undervolt it and hit 1600mhz at 280watts of power.
It's impressive considering its 4k ALU card.
and it performed better because there was less thermal throttling too
Butt hurt cycle amd fanboys.
New product will destroy nvidia
New product just need new drives
New product is best perf/$
New product just need fine wine drives
New product maker are retarders(here raja)
Nvidia just will launch refresh
Nvidia new arch is just renaming.
Just look this cheap AMD card in some online store.
Wait for ...
>Because power gating is disabled. It pours 1.2volts for no reason.
It maybe about first production run, they are cranking the voltage up to guarantee majority of the chips hit the necessary performance targets. Presumably they will bin consumer gaymen cards
Source? I cannot find this review on toms hardware.
If he can make multi chip card with infinity fabric work i'll forgive his prior bs
This has nothing to do with Raja?
It doesn't look like a shit bin though. At all.
Again, they hit 1600mhz at 280watts of power.
it's on the hitler version
Mommy is a trap and she fucked Intel's ass with her feminine penis. Not sure she will be able to fuck Nvidia's very tight ass with that huge feminine dick but if she does she will rip Nvidia.
>prior BS
R300 or R520 (that was late) or R700 or Evergreens were BS?
Come the fuck on.
page 6 to be exact
>It doesn't look like a shit bin though
Yeah I don't think they are doing much (or any?)binning atm, put 1.2v, test, does it work? then ship. not binning waste good chips like these
Press "W" to thank mama for giving us more cores and threads for cheaper
1 W = 1 Core
They put 1.2v to be sure it works stable because power management is absent from drivers atm.
i ended up buying a gtx 1080 ti for cuda. maybe if amd can fix their sad state of affairs for scientific libraries, i'll go back to amd again (had hd 7870 => r9 390)
Any speculation on how the interconnect is going to work in this thing? Are they adding extra i/o lanes to this thing? 24lanes would allow connections both ways across the cube and to the host/cpu. Would tie in with radeonSSD with 16x host bus and 2 4x for the two nvme drives. All running IF over pcie phy of course.
Mommy's got talent and a PHD in EE from MIT
She's also has a hidden spice.
She will be known as : MOTHER
and be instrumental to the era of KEK
You have no idea of the but buttfucking to come.
Send this to JUSTnich.
don't keep your hopes up, that thing has 4 vegas in it, it's 1200W of heat to dissipate, so we're not seeing it too soon
You can clock them conservatively.
Like any multi-GPU board ever did.
Could someone ask Otellini to get his jeezer ass back to Intel and choke JUSTnich live on the next IDF?
You'll be disappointed because those chinks at RTG China are simply no good. It's up to Lisa to hire a competent team for Raja. A leader only touches on all areas and gives high-level direction. If the team can't execute on the details then it's the team that's the problem. I can't say for certain with hardware design but on the software side of things I've been part of more than a few teams that dragged down a good leader because of problem children and getting rid of them isn't just easy when you're continuously updating an ancient, monolithic project and you need to bring a fresh recruit up to date while still delivering frequent releases.
But Vega looks good.
In fact it's the first balanced Radeon since fucking Tahiti.
So was Polaris despite only having minor tweaks to GCN.
Chinks are not the problem, time and money are.
Just look cringe fest in r/AMD
>just look at retarded whiny children at fucking karmawhoring forum
But why?
It wasn't Lisa Su or Raja Koduri who designed Zen processor architecture. It was Jim Keller named microprocessor engineer. He is probably the greatest and well known processor architect of all time. He's also co-inventor of the x86-64 processor architecture. He has also designed the ARM processors a Apple iPad's and iPhones use.
Here's some processor architectures that Jim Keller has designed:
- AMD K7
- AMD K8
- AMD K12
- AMD Zen
- Apple A4
- Apple A5
- x86-64
- HyperTransport
- Infinity Fabric (successor of HyperTransport)
>But Vega looks good.
Even if it somehow matches the 1080TI with magic drivers it's competing with a product that monopolized its performance bracket for like a year. A team that consistently delivers months late isn't going to get better without serious changes.
He's also the DEC Alpha dude and no he's not Zen designer. Mike Clark is. Keller was busy managing both teams and doing K12.
>Implying Nvidia And Intel arnt eternally double teaming Su for eternity.
Giant throbbing extreme cock edition, and Titan Cock XL in both her holes.
>somehow matches
It trades blows with full, not cutdown GP102, user.
Also is this 2002 again?
People were saying the same shit before R300 launched.
In your dreams, Brian.
enjoy getting fisted by her with both arms
she focuses on creating competitive products rather than market manipulation and laziness like krzanich does, and that alone is seemingly enough of a novel concept to turn the company's fortunes around
also rory read deserves more credit than he usually gets for recruiting a whole slew of new senior staff, including jim keller and su herself, and for implementing things like their semi-custom business to keep amd treading water before the release of zen.
Jim "keller" is a "killer" for Intel.
K i know it's a bad joke
It's almost like hiring based on skill works better than Race/gender hires.
>Really makes you think
Mt work is hiring cross dressers and Trans people now.
Kinda hard to train a person whose dressed like a girl with shitty make-up.
>Just look cringe fest in r/AMD
Don't have those fuccbois keep leaking into Sup Forums just to earn that .20 cent a post.
Read was nice and Su is even better but someone needs to hang Meyer (for greenlighting Bulldozer) and Ruinz. Especially Ruinz.
WTF I hate Jim Keller now!
>rekts Jewtel in under 4 years and then walks away without even looking back at the massacre to revolutionize autopilot cars
am I a good boy mommy
im hesitant to blame dirk meyer too much, he was dealt a very bad hand with bulldozer and did the best he could with it. semiaccurate did an interesting article about this.
people forget that he was one of the instrumental architects for the athlon so it's not like he's a complete incompetent.
Raja's biggest fault is that they keep putting him on stage. He is painful to watch.
In terms his technical feats, isn't he responsible for Evergreen? Because that was the last time AMD really threw any punches that landed.
Thanks. Have a Hitler.
Yeah it trades blows in not gaming
So it will trade blows in gaming when it's missing all of the special quadriceps sauce and somehow gain 1080ti level gaming performance? Ok buddy
You're building yourself up to get left down because it compares with the quadro in specific workloads
It's not gonna happen, it's gonna be between the 1080 and 1080ti leaks already confirm, it's done with
He's not incompetent, in fact he's a good engineer (being a co-architect of Alpha 21064 and 21264 that ja) BUT greenlighting Bulldozer was a huge mistake on his part.
He's also responsible for fucking R300, the first chip that brought us fucking good aniso and usable AA. Also an incredible performer.
I think they need to put Hallock on stage for GPUs.
No one is changing for this artisanal infinity glue® chip
The spike in sales are all neckbeards that sick to muh amd and was ages on a 3rd then suddenly upgrade like it's the second coming.
Ryzen is okay, but is a cheapo inferior product.
And don't even talk about pajeet vga That is a worse joke
That's some shitty bait.
Just grow up man, if you don't have an argument just don't waste a post
Brian this is some effortless shitposting.
Yes, this is shitty bait.
read this.
dirk meyer really was a scapegoat.
>half the internet is jizzing in their pants due to Threadripper
Fuck it's been over 10years since AMD had that kind of good publicity.
AMD switched their winnings
CPUs are good now
GPUs are lackluster
Hopefully Navi blows us out of the water
It's not a shame to use an inferior knock off product like ryzen if you are poor.
Just don't say it's the best of best because you know it's a flawed product.
Vega is far from lackluster.
Mommy's proud of you
>It's not gonna happen, it's gonna be between the *1070 and *1070 leaks already confirm, it's done with
Can someone please photoshop Mummy Su's face onto Mom from Futurama for meme purposes
Fat cunt
I didn't think the difference would be this big, or is something fishy?
>780ti drops behind a 960 because nvidia stop writing drivers for it
>poor kepler
>shitposters still think drivers won't make much difference
7700k is a corelet.
Whenever something needs cores (streaming/workstation tasks/encoding/whatever) it chockes.
FEs stellar workstation perf (and GM2xx delays) are an examples of drivers making all the difference (and fucking delays).
Jim "Wreck my shit" Keller
Jim "KikeRipper" Keller
So based
1700 has cores to spare for streaming, 7700k doesn't. it's that simple
Encoding for streaming really likes to spread itself out, but that becomes a problem when it has to compete for resources with something else on 4c/8t.
6c/12t, or even just 6c/6t works notably better.
t. recent Westmere-EP upgrade
>Not Jim "the Contract" Keller
>780ti is a beast on linux especially for tge price
It's legitimately furyX 2.0
Better than the 80, cant beat the 80ti
The fanboys are just much more potent this year around
I'm all for AMD coming out swinging, but I don't think this is going to be Evergreen 2.0.
Is mommy the perfect CEO?
>understands users and has forced change to accommodate, giving users better experience overall
>is incredibly smart
>has an abnormally long resume
>perfect balance of function and form
>literally reviving a dead company like she's Mercy
That old hag Marissa wishes she was as great as mommy.
Probably not
But it's falling EXACTLY where the furyX did
Better than the 80 can't beat the 80ti, watercooled, high wattage
Gotta wait for Navi, they'll definitely get nvidua then cause nvidua has nothing else