/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General

Back to the regular programming, but still shilling. All text is a WIP.

>A not very serious compilation of trailers demonstrating current VR

>I'm not sure I believe the hype.
The only way to truly understand VR is to experience it (and not only that, but the good headsets with the good software). If you're skeptical, try a live demo and make up your own mind. Or keep reading for a comprehensive overview.

>Where can I try it?

>Overview of VR
>Should be a REQUIRED reading, even if you know about VR


>Hardware purchasing guide with deals/discounts

>User guides, requirements, setup, and resources

>Recommended games and applications (includes NSFW)

>Last thread
Better formatted and expanded apps list.
PSVR guide and more PSVR info.
More tips and resources for the headset guides.
Better/more info for everything.

Other urls found in this thread:


can someone tell me how multiplayer rooms in bigscreen works?

can other people see your desktop windows? can they interact with it?

just seems like a huge privacy problem

>PSVR guide and more PSVR info.

Here I made a guide.


>you have the chance of scratching the headset's own lenses.

Vive really has little risk of scratching the lens with glasses and is far more accommodating than the Rift. You have options to extend the lens distance and use thicker foam. They should fit inside as long as you don't have hipster frames but of course it will vary. The sacrifice is less field of view.

>The sacrifice is less field of view.

Then you're sort of wasting one of the advantages of the Vive because it has slightly larger FOV than all the other headsets. I already have trouble enough trying to get the max FOV by using thinner third party foams.

So when's that Sup Forums VRchat fuckfest

You're sacrificing one advantage for another one, your choice to make. I go for the FoV route personally but it's really handy when I demo it for friends that want to use glasses.

How can this tech claim to be VR when I can't even touch or feel any objects in this new "reality" I enter? Like say you have a VR video of stonehenge. You cant feel the fucking stones m8s even if you move around your goddamn virtual environment you have set up in your flat.

are you all marketers or am I missing something here?

i'm not touching AR shit either until we get hardlights

>Small movements to the sensors can affect tracking, so make sure you have a way to mount them stably.

You mention this for both the Rift and the Vive but you should mention that the Vive Basestations vibrate (they literally use hard drive motors after all) so using 3M tape to mount them might give you worse tracking. Something you can get away with on the Oculus sensors.

The new Valve branded Basestations might vibrate less as they use a single motor but they will be incompatible with the Vive. Something else that should be mentioned in case anyone was looking to buy them for a second room set up. Something that really bums me out since the HTC ones are $135 EACH, fucking ridiculous. You're 2/3 of the way to a Rift + Touch just buying an extra set.

The vibrations shouldn't really do anything. I keep mine basically just sitting on a shelf. I'd be more afraid of the tape potentially failing in a few weeks and having the base stations drop.

Can I take the shitty on ear headphones off the Oculus and use my own over ear ones?

probably in 5 years when we get good face tracking

it's no fun if you can't see the ahegao

Just finished Lucky's Tale, my first full VR game.

Thought Dead and Buried was going to be my next, but apparently it's multiplayer. I guess it's time for Robo Recall, then!

>Just finished Lucky's Tale, my first full VR game.

It's shit, you literally should have tried RR first. at least you're doing that now. After RR try Echo Arena which is free.

Fuck I can imagine someone's going to do that the day it comes out.

Yeah if you look in the box you should find this tiny black rod thing. It's a screw driver and you use it on the big notable screws on the strap opposite the headphones.

But the integrated headphones are pretty good for what they are. I think they're a lot more preferable to having to go to the inconvenience of using separate headphones.

I don't own a headset yet. I am considering getting one, but the on ear headphones are a turnoff. I can't stand them.
My next question: How many games have been modded to give the player independent head movement and weapon aim? I'm not talking about games made for the Oculus. I mean previously released FPS titles. 90% of the existing Oculus library looks like garbage to me, so I'd like to play the FPS I already own.

If 90% looks bad then you should see what's on Steam. Not sure about mods, but I know Doom 3 BFG has one.

>The vibrations shouldn't really do anything

It's minor but they can effect tracking. You can use this to test it out. Also good for seeing if whatever reflective surfaces in the room are an issue or not.


The problem I have with most VR games is that they're practically on-rails shooters. The player has to teleport around in order to move. I'd like to play with my mouse and keyboard, but it seems like almost no one else wants that.

i thought the touch controllers would fix that being they are MOTHERFUCKING ANALOG STICKS

FUCK was i wrong... i have 3 days to return i think i might because of this

M/KB with FPS games is basically asking for a headache is why. Try looking at VorpX or Vireio Perception if you really want to try it out though.

I think Dying Light has support now too.

It's too bad that GTA V mod died though. Shit was great even without 3D support.

Nah. I don't get the headache meme. I've tried it with a regular controller and I don't see how it's any different from using a keyboard.
Motion controls are garbage for shooters.

>Motion controls are garbage for shooters.

That's bull. You can't pull off the same shit in SPT with a single aiming point. Maybe current FPS games don't translate well to VR because you're basically running at 100mph but that doesn't mean motion controls are bad for aim, they're as fucking accurate as real life ffs.

>I don't see how it's any different from using a keyboard.

It has more to do with the mouse and it is a big difference.

We could always hold hands you know

This. The idea of using mouse and keyboard for fucking VR is actually laughable though. Tell me when I can use a mouse and keyboard, without a ridiculous amounts of hacks, key bindings, and/or scripted animations, to throw a gun in the air, catch it with my other hand, and shoot it immediately upon catching it, while aiming down the sights, while using my other hand to reach for my hip to grab a clip so that I can immediately reload in a second.

>Tell me when I can use a mouse and keyboard, without a ridiculous amounts of hacks, key bindings, and/or scripted animations, to throw a gun in the air, catch it with my other hand, and shoot it immediately upon catching it, while aiming down the sights, while using my other hand to reach for my hip to grab a clip so that I can immediately reload in a second.
I don't want to do that shit. I just want to play CS with head tracking. Goofy arcade games like Onward are fine, but it's fucking boring when they're the only thing available.

I would love to see someone trying to play Echo Arena on a flat screen with a mouse and keyboard setup and see how "competitive" they are against VR players.

>I just want to play CS with head tracking.

You think you do but you really don't. Look into Pavlov though, people say it's the CS of VR but I haven't tried it personally.

Echo Arena isn't an FPS you dunce. It wouldn't make sense to play a game like that with M+KB.

>you don't know what you want
Nah. I played Quake VR and it was a blast.

I just built a really powerful gaming PC and I've been thinking of getting VR. Should I get a vive or occulus? I don't have much space to move around in. Or what about Microsoft's new mixed reality headset?

Not him but the only thing about those games I hesitant about is that they're low budget indie titles. To be fair, a VR CS doesn't really exist yet, but it should soon enough. We'll probably see it in a year or two.

>>Just finished Lucky's Tale, my first full VR game.
>It's shit, you literally should have tried RR first. at least you're doing that now. After RR try Echo Arena which is free.

Nah, it wasn't so bad. Not super VR heavy, but I really enjoy platformers so it was nice to see it in a new medium. Lady friend's playing through it now.

Tried Echo Arena, liked it a lot. Was absolute shit at it. After I finish Robo Recall I'll move over to the stuff on Steam.

Whatever control method they come up for how the cross hair mouse control and head tracking mix always is shit though, I've tried them

I'm retarded and cannot respond well, apparently. Look here :

So I guess people like you exist. It's going to be weird when the year 2030+ rolls around where everyone is playing VR games with fully replicated physical hand movements and gun handling while you're still playing these old FPS games with very little immersion.

>I played Quake VR and it was a blast.

In the default mode right? It's basically what all translated FPS games do and make you aim and turn with your head. Problem is this is a worse way to aim over a mouse or motion controls and gives you neck strain.

Trust me I tried all the different modes there are to try back when TF2 had support. It's just inferior all around.

what's wrong with standard mouse and keyboard controls with head decoupled from the z-axis?

Btw is lucky's tale free or something? I never check the oculus app cause I have a vive and it says I have it purchased?

Because you can't turn around normally. You can make it so that it turns automatically when your mouse hits near the edge of the screen but it's both slow and immersion breaking.

Feels like going back years ago talking about this stuff again.

So adjust your turning speed in the settings.

>Because you can't turn around normally.
yes you can. it works exactly the same as normal mouse and keyboard controls only when you aim up your view doesn't follow the weapon unless you tilt your head.

>Feels like going back years ago talking about this stuff again.

The eternal september never ends bruh. Also it's clear this guy doesn't necessarily get that much immersion, or else he wouldn't be acting this way. VR tech just isn't compatible with his physiology just yet, and that's fine.

> VR tech just isn't compatible with his physiology just yet, and that's fine.
You're the one complaining about "headaches" from using anything other than motion controls. I didn't have those problems.

Yo I got a Rift because I've had a PC capable of VR for a while and have just been waiting for one of these fuckers to drop price. Well it's pretty damn cool, the touch controllers kick ass, the tracking works fine, the games are fun. I guess internet haters were wrong just like they are about pretty much everything as usual. Y'all keep typing a bunch of words and repeating what every other hater says, I'm gonna finish this beer and go play Lone Echo and do a few races in Project Cars before it gets much later.

(not directed at those who actually bought a headset, y'all know what's up)

PS it's worth getting a driving wheel and flightstick if you wanna get into this

That post wasn't mine.

It's jarring regardless. When you move your vision with controls that aren't your own head it basically isn't even VR anymore. It's a giant 3D monitor that fills your view.

I think you're basically talking about tank controls which is even more off putting since you don't get a sense of what direction you're going in until you're already moving unless you have a cockpit view somehow. I remember the first HLVR mod did this and it was the sickest I had ever gotten in VR ever. Felt it for hours after playing for 30mins. Mind you I have no problem playing the Doom BFG mod to give you an idea on my tolerance.

>It's a giant 3D monitor that fills your view.
This is what he doesn't get, there is zero immersion which is the whole point of VR, but if it floats your boat do it I guess.

I'm thinking about getting into vr development but I don't have any ideas for any games. It seems like almost everything is a first person shooter or puzzle game tech demo and I don't want to do that. For the platform to evolve it can't get stuck in that paradigm. Who's got some good ideas?

Make a game that doesn't suck. There's very few on the market.

Stuff like Climbey and Lucid Trips use different control methods that aren't too explored

I'm trying to figure out what doesn't suck.
Or I might just make a vore-based VR game and soak in patreon bucks.

>This is what he doesn't get
I've tried the Oculus you fag. I get it. I just don't like motion controls.

I actually don't get headaches with controllers or even KB/M, I just get zero immersion. Like I said, it basically isn't VR anymore. It really is a screen strapped to your face, which I guess if that's what you want, fine. I just don't see the point when you're getting inferior control schemes.

Yeah, I think it's just people that some how get this idea of VR in their head like it's just a display that they can't get out of.

Custom Waifu Simulator 2018


>you don't get a sense of what direction you're going in until you're already moving
you go in the direction your weapon is facing.

>tank controls
what? do you mean like resident evil? it's nothing like that. i don't know how much more simply i can explain it. it's literally just standard mouse and keyboard controls but you can look around freely. the mouse controls the pitch and yaw of your body/weapon like normal, but it only affects the yaw of your view and not the the pitch. the direction you're looking also won't affect your movement.


> the direction you're looking also won't affect your movement.

This is the problem. You can aim your weapon behind you and all this will do is make you walk backwards since your in game body thinks this is the new "forwards". You can't actually turn your head to the same way because you're stuck using a mouse, well unless you want to bend your neck the whole time. You can get away with this configuration with a controller and a swivel chair and plenty of people have done it but it's still shit.

I mean honestly, do you not realize this stuff has been tried before? For 2 years M/KB and controllers were the only options. People tried.

>You can aim your weapon behind you and all this will do is make you walk backwards since your in game body thinks this is the new "forwards".
you could do that if you really wanted to but it's not likely to occur without special effort on your part. it's really a pretty simple and intuitive control scheme and i don't understand why you're having such a hard time grasping it.

I'm not keen on controller-orientated movement. Onward has it and it's awkward. Head-orientated makes more sense because the directions remain constant.

I like artificial locomotion better when it moves you forward based off your VR body and you just turn physically or use another turn button. In onward it's based off where your controller is pointed which is kinda weird.

I don't need to grasp it, I've been through it. Have you? You're basically saying you never have a need to turn 360 degrees.

>I've been through it. Have you?
yes. i've only played two games with mouse/keyboard controls in vr and they both used this control scheme and it worked great.

>You're basically saying you never have a need to turn 360 degrees.
you turn with the mouse. you can turn as many degrees as you want but your view is independent of this. it's analogous to real life. you turn with your body and the direction you turn your body affects your head but you can still move your head independently of your body.

>you can turn as many degrees as you want
>it's analogous to real life.

Are you being serious right now? I honestly can't tell.

the mouse turns you body.

I guess the pic didn't make it clear enough for you?

>buy Sairento VR
>friend gifts me Raw Data
>try both

>limited on mission choices
>makes up for how smooth it plays
>loot/customization/RPG mechanics makes it feel cozy
>customise weapon colors
>augmentation relics
>slice and dice and feel satisfied with the different approaches you can have to various missions
>difficulty beacons
>risk and reward balancing
>little story, but you can make your own if you have a brain
>regularly being updated

>Raw Data
>slow, clunky
>glorified tower defense bullshittery
>loaded to the brim with cliches
>every character has only one weapon
>bullet sponges up the ass
>she offers no real dialogue and states the obvious
>gameplay is reliant on meme ultimates and weak turrets
>main menu often bugs out, leaving you stranded
>missions are often buggy and synths will remain in spawn or clip into walls as you wonder why nothing's happening
>infinite lives (reduces mission score) is boring
>progressing one character up the skill tree requires you to replay missions multiple times, offering little replayability
>standing on a turret as it deploys will occasionally launch you into the sky and kill you from fall damage
>nobody plays co-op
>don't even want to try PvP after seeing a video on it, instant kill memes everywhere
>the game is $40 compared to Sairento's $25

How can they even get away with a mess like this?

it made it clear that you don't understand how this control scheme works. you would never end up in that situation unless you faced away from your desk, which you're not going to do because then you wouldn't be able to use your keyboard or mouse.

How many VR shooters on steam use mouse and keyboard? I'll wait

I found Raw Data to be really overrated. They're supposed to come out with a major overhaul soon though apparently.

It's coming to the PSVR so I'm sure they're polishing everything for that

Then you're saying your mouse movement does move your vision which has already been gone over.

How about you just post the games you played so we can get over this clusterfuck of poor explanations on your part.

i didn't say they were shooters. the games were minecraft and janus vr.

>Then you're saying your mouse movement does
yes, i already explicitly said this in this post: >the mouse controls the pitch and yaw of your body/weapon like normal, but it only affects the yaw of your view and not the the pitch.

the mouse controls the yaw of your view but not the pitch. the mouse rotates your body and your head is attached to your body. moving the mouse up affects the pitch of your weapon but not the pitch of your view. maybe i'm just not explaining this very well. please tell me which parts you don't understand.

I've got them setup with wobbly ass lightstands but use Blue tack to fasten the base stations to rigid surfaces like the bookshelf and ceiling.
Works fine so far don't notice any tracking issues, the bluetack might dampen the vibration a bit.

I want to buy VR, but atm I can only afford the price cut rift. My computer room is smallish and I would probably only use it for flight sims and being a space trucker. Should I wait for Vive to drop in price or convince my gf and pull the trigger on the Oculus?

That's not looking around freely. You have mouse controlling your vision. Went over this already.

Tell me about it, tried to give Raw data a shot again after they added some more content but it is so bland and dry, there is little joy in the way skills and weapons are used.

I find H3VR gun mechanics far more entertaining but it has no multiplayer or interesting AI.
Pavlov comes close but looks a little clunky tempted to try Sairento BAM and onward since they have singleplayer so you can still get some use out of them when the community dies out.

no, you still don't understand. while rotating you body with the mouse will rotate your view just like in real life, you can still move your head independently of your body, again just like in real life.

Oculus would probably be better for sims anyways, Vive for better room-scale.

English obviously isn't your first language. I give up.

FOV/Clarity tradeoff is not significant enough on either rift or Vive for it to matter. Fine text will still look like shit on both.

I'm just saying its more comfy out of the box for playing a sim longer, vive would need the extra headstrap to be similar and it's already more money.

english is my first and only language. i'm going to resort to an analogy and if you still don't understand then i will also give up.

imaging you are piloting a mech using a mouse and keyboard and you are sitting in the mech's head. the yaw of the cockpit you are sitting in is tied to the yaw of the mech's body/weapon but you are still able to look anywhere you want with your own head, and the pitch of the cockpit isn't affect by the pitch of the mech's body/weapon.

My response to that would just lead us into the same circle because what I said is an issue with this scheme you said wouldn't be a problem.

I'll load up Janus VR with KB/M and whatever Minecraft mod if you link it (since there's like 5 different versions) tomorrow. Not that it matters anyway since the subject was about FPS which leads into more issues bout aiming precision and aren't even examples. Also work on your grammar bud.

>imaging you are piloting


comfier I'd agree, have the old vive with the audio deluxe and it is fairly heavy. The newer vive is on par with rift without the deluxe audio strap.

Regardless I'd find both uncomfy for seated due to the cable, TPcast might make seated more comfortable overall since you don't have to wrestle with the cable and can swivel and fidget in your chair freely.

>Tabletop Simulator finally got Touch support.

>My response to that would just lead us into the same circle because what I said is an issue with this scheme you said wouldn't be a problem.
which problem was that?

>and whatever Minecraft mod if you link it
it was just the free demo of minecraft windows 10 edition.

>Not that it matters anyway since the subject was about FPS which leads into more issues bout aiming precision and aren't even examples.
that's irrelevant because this is quite literally just standard fps controls but with an additional layer of head tracking. this is such a simple concept. i honestly think you might be retarded.

How's Lone Echo? Worth the 40 eur to run through Revive?

I like it so far. It's mainly 'fly here, fix this' with some puzzle/gizmo elements but they keep it in tune with what you're doing. Like pulling a crank to pump water, using sliders and dials to balance O2/CO2 and messing with fuses to reconnect power.

I guess some where see that as 'job simulator in spaaaace' but the story and style is nice. You also have the whole area to explore.

I'll look into pirating it rather

Feel like having given Oculus 30 eur for Robot Recall I shouldn't feel bad about that

I'm thinking of doing a game too, but don't think I can commit and see it to the end.

Yeah, Robo Recall had nice combat but felt way too arcade.

This is extremely pessimistic and "safely-written."
I played Arizona Sunshine for 30 minutes on the Vive and had an absolutely amazing experience. There was literally nothing that felt bad about it (no hiccups in performance or anything like that), and I see no reason to say that "modern games are still on their way." Fuck off with that bullshit.
VR is already good. Prove me the fuck wrong.

Has anyone else thought of applying for an SBA or a similar line of credit to start a local VR arcade?

It's only $600 per machine, and $800 per vive, so a total of $4300 in startup costs for materials, and then the rental of the space (should not be more than $400-$500 a month).

With this in mind, charge people $1 a minute to play (with gradual discounts, $25 for 30 minutes, $50 for an hour, etc). The average person wants to play for 10-15 minutes, I presuppose, and if only two people come in per day, you're still shitting sparkles and paying the bills.


>that piece of shit


so lone echofag, is it worth the 40usd?

Not the guy in the thread, but for me yes, but it depends on your taste. It's not the kind of FPS shooter game or even puzzler you might want to play, but it's a fantastic narrative "adventure" game with stuff to explore and do. The graphics, mechanics, UI/UX, and NPC interactivity is some of the best I've seen in VR or even just the best yet.

an arcade in my area has a VR section. seems like a better idea to have a full blown arcade with VR on the side. you'd get more business probably.

anyways, if i recall correctly they charged $50 for 20 minutes of play time. they had 3 vives with a few different games to play.

yeah that's what i hear. think i may pull the trigger

just checked, i was way off. they charge $11 for 15 minutes, $20 for 30 minutes, and $38 for an hour.