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I'm trying to get a set up for a large Apt for 2 PCs to be able to game together, one directly line in into the modem and the other over power adapters. I've got 100 Mbps from Xfinity so here is the set up i'm looking at

TP-Link DOCSIS 3.0 (16x4) High Speed Cable Modem, Max Download Speeds of 686Mbps, [$70 on amazon]

(Router for everything else)
D-Link Wireless AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Gigabit Router (DIR-880L) [$98 on amazon]

(Power Adapter for 2nd PC on other side of apt)
TP-Link AV500 Nano Powerline Adapter Starter Kit, up to 500Mbps [$33 on amazon]

Would this be viable for 2 PC's to be able to game and stream at the same time without lag?

If not what would you suggest?

I'm trying to keep my budget under or around $200.

can i connect two computers with an ethernet cable? Can i transfer files from one to the other? Am i still limited to the hard drive's transfer speeds? Will it go faster if point A and point B are SSD's?

Thanks in advance

How do i apply a pixelated effect within ffmpeg?
How do i apply an overlay/watermark within ffmpeg

The following do not work

avconv -i input.mp4 -i watermark.png -filter_complex 'overlay=x=main_w-overlay_w-10:y=main_h-overlay_h-10' output.mp4

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:v frei0r=pixeliz0r=0.02:0.02 output.mp4

>not just buying a 5-port $20 network switch and having everything via ethernets

How the fuck do I setup a server that has all my media files on and use VLC as a thin client to consume it?

I don't want to run a laptop 24/7 with a publicly accessible port, and I assume streaming video, music from an AWS EC2 instance would cost a fuckton.

Is there a cost-effective way of doing this?

With awk, instead of only printing the match, how could I print everything and colorize the match?

awk 'NR==2 { print "\033[1;31m" $0 "\033[0m" }'

>a laptop 24/7 with a publicly accessible port,
Then what exactly do you expect to accomplish here if you dont want your media to be avalible 24/7 or outside of your network?

>can i connect two computers with an ethernet cable?
yes, but you'll have to manually enter network settings usually
>Can i transfer files from one to the other?
>Am i still limited to the hard drive's transfer speeds?
>Will it go faster if point A and point B are SSD's?

to host it somewhere for cheap

>ethernet cable
No,you need a patch cable if you are attaching them directly.

Unrelated to the other user, how the fuck do you learn how to use awk; it seems like a completely different language.

>media server
Unless you 320p videos its going to get expensive fast.

Yeah but I can't run an ethernet port across the apt to my roommates room from modem in my room. I'm on one end, he is on the other, its 1200 sq ft, we have a dog, and another 2 roomates that live and walk around that would fuck up the 40+ foot ethernet from the switch.

Wouldn't a power adaptor running through the outlets be sufficient if we have 100 mbps?

Fucking neat. Thanks.

Can I block through host files the facebook news feed page but still keep access to the messenger ?

Will a freesync monitor work with a Nvidia GPU?

Getting a 1080 and I really don't see any good competition from AMD at that price range.

What's your favorite android keyboard? Google keyboard keeps crashing on me.

sharing files across sub-nets
how easy/hard is it?

Can PC1 and PC2 share files with each other?

swiftkey keyboard

ping it and find out

well of course I cant ping it, its on different subnet

wait, I am a moron
I can ping it... what now?

How can I connect a dGPU to my thinkpad X220 using the express card slot?

start up your FTP/SMB/whatever service and connect to it
literally that easy


>How do i apply a pixelated effect within ffmpeg?
just downscale, then upscale with nearest filtering
for example (see -vf)
ffmpeg -i *NCOP* -vf "scale=iw/4:ih/4,scale=iw*4:ih*4:flags=neighbor" -map 0:v:0 -c:v libvpx -pix_fmt yuv420p -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -deadline good -cpu-used 1 -g 7200 -qmin 5 -qmax 30 -fs 3M -y /tmp/a.webm

I want to add a pixelated effect to part of the video,such as pixelated censoring or masking someones face

oh, haven't messed with filtering anything but whole videos/clips like that before

Any way out of xySubfilter crashing when you load external subs which are located in the directory holding the video? this is driving me up the wall.

alright i am a moron
I can ping it from linux PC2
I went to PC1 and of course I cant ping it from there
its blocked by firewall
will look in to allowing it in, but I doubt it be as easy

I need a home server for a task that is not CPU intensive. All it really needs is 1TB disk+ and 8gb RAM.. Others can be pretty basic, and graphic card cheapest possible.

I hate building my own PCs (I just don't enjoy the process, I'm lazy), but I do know how to do it and built many PCs successfully. - So this time I'm thinking of getting a refurbished Dell OptiPlex or something like that instead... worth it? Or better to build PC again?

I haven't built one in a long time... any recommendation on what's a good budget CPU? good HDD ? are the pre-builts silent ?

What's a great home theater stereo system? I would need one that has as many fucking inputs as possible, mostly component, composite, and HDMI, and also be able to output all inputs through HDMI (i.e. can take a composite input and output it through HDMI)

I bought this from aliexpress
works very nicely
has position for single ram stick
single msata ssd
single 2.5" hdd
and wifi card

they have models from celerons to i5


Just buy old high-fi equipment and some splitters.

I don't need outputs though, I need lots of inputs. I just want to be able to output everything through one HDMI.

I have a shitton of consoles that I want to hookup to one unit without constantly relying on a bunch of switches and cable switching.

Would it be possible to have more than one wireless connection on a computer and either share them or split traffic among them?

If you have several wireless interfaces

>share them
with some other interfaces on that PC?

>split traffic among them
probably no if you dont turn that device in to load balancer

How would I add a 1tb+ drive to it? external gdd?

why can't I access the files on my phone over usb?

then use the opposite of splitters

install drivers manually, also google it. then when you get nothing, google what drivers you need

you buy 1TB 2.5" hdd and put it in


Why does my penis smell like a penis?

i3 7100 or fx 8350?

because you've gone a short while without shoving it up an asshole

because berries smell like spider eyes

this pic might make it clearer

I used this

What is this mostly used for, routers?
I'd use it for something crypto-currency related (not mining, but running multiple wallets at once)
Can't decide if it will be good enough

Thank you for your answers btw, very helpful


where can I get photoshop 15

>What is this mostly used for, routers?
I think so, the intel 4x rj45 ports is what makes it great for routers like pfsense or sophos
and space only for notebook hdd does not make it great for NAS or such
but it comes preloaded with win7 ultimate lol so for general use it would be fine too

it has low power notebook dual cores CPUs, so its awesome that whole PC that sits there eats less than 10W
passive cooling, so no dust or fan noise.
power supply is classic brick that can be replaced if it fails... it whole feels high quality metal build

>Can't decide if it will be good enough
In respect to cpu power? Its above level of most notebooks, I think it should really breeze through some hashes on thousands of valets a minute

Scroll down to see subscription plans for Creative Cloud

my laptop only has one space for a hdd/ssd, but yesterday I was looking at the BIOS, and it said there were 4 other sata connectors not used. Are these just connectors that exist on the chipset, or is there a chance they are physically there to be used, but the laptop isn't built to take advantage of them. I'm asking because I want a cheap low power RAID storage device, and my laptop fits the bill

i have a really low budget mVIII

what's a good cpu? i cant afford a new i5 because i live in a third world shithole

will a new i3 work well with a 1060? 6gig one ofc

gpu would be an eventual update, right now im rocking an asus gtx 950


>cheap low power RAID storage device
Son you dont even

dvd rom can be removed, replaced with caddy with another drive inside

What about this guy's build:



ok, could you please explain? Is it just a lack of processing power, or because there's only 1Gb lan connection?

I managed to hack something together, but is there a less ridiculous way of doing this?

awk '{printf "\033[1;32m%s \033[00m\033[1;33m%s \033[00m\033[1;34m%s \033[00m\033[1;35m%s \033[00m\033[1;36m%s \033[00m\033[1;31m%s \033[00m\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6;}' colorize.txt | column -t | echo -e $(sed -r "3s/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[JKmsu]//g" | sed -e "3s/^/\\\\033[38;5;3m\\\\033[48;5;4m/g" | sed -e "3s/ $/\\\\033[00m/g")

>1Gb lan connection
You're so far off on this shit.

Tell me what you are potentially trying to do, cause you got some weird ass views on it

looks good, but you should really find out how much cpu power you need
g4560 is currently extremely popular pentium, desktop cpu
its i3 performance for $80, it has hyperthreading enabled so 2 cores but 4 threads, like i3


cuz $200 of that $400 is for the cpu...

with such build you also gain option to repurpose it more easily or to replace mobo it goes to shit it few years

I thought auto-crossover has been a feature for quite a while.

>Are these just connectors that exist on the chipset

>low power
>intel anything

How vulnerable is PHP compared to Java?

Why is modern vidya so big? Hollow Knight, a fun indie game with sprite-based graphics, is over 8GB. And the PC remasters of Final Fantasy X+X2 are over 37GB, which is over 3x the size of the PS2 originals (1 DVD disc each, so at most they'd be less than 10GB - and they probably didn't fill the disc). Meanwhile, FFIV 3D is 777 MB, which is neat - but the DS original is 10% of this! And FFVI on PC is almost 1 GB, when the original game is the size of a MP3! It's madness. Not trying to complain, just wondering how it got like this.

What's the fastest, most secure operating system out there?


i changed my birth date on google acc - dont ask why.
now google blocked my acc and want me to send them my ID card, passport or driving license to confirm my birth day.
google you fuck.

whats mail should I use to not let situation like this ever happend?


no, I'm looking for a legitimate older version
not a brand new one

thank you user! you're extremely helpful

Thanks, I'll try it

G4560 is close in performance to the i3s and quite a bit cheaper usually.

What CPU are you using now?

have a bunch of hard drives plugged into my laptop, and use some open source software to turn it into NAS, because it only uses 35W, and that can be reduced with a different cpu

windows 10

with no memory and no disk it costs around ~200€
you add 1TB disk and it jumps to ~250€
which is same as buying 2.5" hdd
same goes with ram

just the core PC device is relatively cheap for what it is, but not really suspiciously if you look at it and compare against some zotac zbox or gigabyte brix

Not gunna happen. A laptop is ever going to be a raid/nas host.There is no space in it for needed drives.And having 5 external usb drives is retarded and problem causing.

When I use cinnamon with debian 9 my mouse speed is halved, when I use gnome it's fine.
How can I fix this?

Go surfboard for your modem, they're the most reliable. The cheaper powerline adapters are more dependant on how good/compatible your house's wiring is. I'd try straight wifi first before going powerline.

This has not been true on any computer made in the last 5+ years.

What's so terrible about external?

Used laptops make a perfectly fine NAS if you don't need a shitload of storage. Low power, pretty cheap.

Which is better
x = array.length
for i = 0; i < x; i++


for i=0; i

If there's no () it's not a function.

When we will see cheap used Haswell CPUs at C2D prices?

That's why I was asking if the SATA connectors are real or not. I can just make a new bigger case for the laptop mobo and shit, and hook up some HDD using SATA connectors. But due to answer, I guess it's not possible, unless I use USB to connect them, which, like you said, seems like a stupid hassle. There's a reason I asked in this thread after all.

Definitely within the next 5 years.

what happen to the callisto threads

Just get a nas case or a mini atx/itx and throw how many hdds you need in it, get a mini/itx/atx mobo and an ssd to boot from

Should i bite the bullet and spend $200 to upgrade my I5-4460 to a I7-4790k?

That depends on what you're trying to do.

This a fair price Canadian to setup my phone for car travel?
I tried Google's drive app and it's fucking great, problem is that my phone is a battery hog and dash chargers are expensive.

Get a CPU that wont bottleneck a GTX 1070.

Is there any difference between uninstalling and deleting app data (on android) besides the obvious still having the app?

On android 6.0 I can go Settings> Storage> Used Space> Apps, and after selecting an app can see how much "Data" it uses in hardware space. I feel a game I play on android may have some junk in "Data" due to updates, and my save is linked to my Google Play but I'm still worried I might accidentally lose it if I delete app data due to the "All of this application's data will be deleted permanently. This includes all files, settings, accounts, databses etc." warning confirmation when you try.

Sorry for the messy post, second paragraph was just giving context, so if you know what deleting app data is it's unnecessary to read...


That generation of i7 does bottle neck the 1070

Cheers. I'm about to go through with it (after ensuring I'm still synced to Google Play in the game), and if the game behaves anything but like a fresh install I'll reply again saying nightmares have happened...

Are you bottlenecking it now? That shit's gonna depend heavily on what games you're playing,

i7-4770k here.
Even with a massive overclock I bottleneck the 1070 in most modern games.

67XX might be what you need.