/mpv/ - The Open Source and Cross Platform Video Player

Last thread Installation:



User Scripts(including opengl shaders):

Migrating from MPC-HC?


Vulkan(Linux only for now):

Test vulkan and post logs if it gives you any kind of problems.

For better playback quality paste this in your mpv.conf file:

Check your settings for compatibility errors by running mpv in command line or with


. Search the log for "dumb" anything or for [e].


Other urls found in this thread:


Ah, the new shill thread is up. Why do you feel the need to shill this video player 24/7?

Just downloaded stats.lua and paste it inside the mpv folder but it doesn't work.
I'm new to this.

needs a scripts subfolder

It has to be inside the `scripts` folder, read this:


I'm assuming you're on windows, your mpv folder should look like this:
├── scripts/
│ └── stats.lua
├── lua-settings/
│ └── stats.conf
├── mpv/
│ ├── mpv.conf
│ └── input.conf
├── mpv.exe
├── mpv.com
├── youtube-dl.exe
└── manual.pdf

(lua-settings is optional)

Hey guys, I'm trying to change the volume, what script do I need to compile to achieve this?

Pulled the latest commit,now its bitching about shaders folder path.The path exists(i can open the files) and im using the colon as the seperator.Did i miss something?

Have a Maki

move your mouse over the volume icon and scroll up and down :)

You can use 9 and 0 to lower and raise the volume. If you have the lastest version, you can also scroll on the volume icon in the UI.

Thanks have another Maki

Hi, having bit of a technical problem with mpv wonder if someone could help. I keep clicking on these threads and it's making me angry? How do I remedy this?

I suggest reading the start of mpv.io/manual/master/

It goes over the basic keybindings, including volume control. hth

I downloaded a shader but I have no idea where to put it.

Do I put it in the scripts folder or do I have to make a new folder named "shaders"?

Also, how do I add the shader to my conf file?

I would recommend you to find an obscure feature in the matroska specification and dedicate your life to it.

Click on the “[Settings]” button at the top right, go down to the filters section, and add a filter for “mpv” in the subject.


It doesn't really matter where you put shaders, since you have to manually specify what shaders to load using the --opengl-shader option

So for example if you move your shader to ~/.mpv/shaders/foo.glsl then you can use --opengl-shader=~~/shaders/foo.glsl to load it.

Or if you use a dir structure like then it would be inside a `shaders` subfolder.

>matroska specification
good one

Create a folder inside the mpv one and name it shaders, in your conf file you write:

Hey guys, I'm a loser with no accomplishments and am looking to become a fanboy of something to fill the gaping hole in my life. I was thinking of either AMD or the XBox, but I'm hearing that mpv is now the choice of many? Could you give me some pointers on how this video player could become my entire identity?

Cool thanks. How will I know if it loaded correctly? Will it give me a prompt?

Also I'm using SSim shader, should I go into my conf file and delete any other settings that might clash with the shader or leave it as is?

Current settings







>Cool thanks. How will I know if it loaded correctly? Will it give me a prompt?
If you use stats.lua you can use the “detailed pass view” (i.e. press ‘i’ followed by ‘2’) to introspect the currently active passes, which includes all user shaders

Use stats.lua to see if the shaders are working correctly, press shift+i while playing a video and then press 2.
Should look like pic related.

Why? It defaults to yes.

What happened to the user with the really complex encoding script?

The one for creating webms?, he said he was not going to publish it but I don't remember why.

Hes being a selfish hoarder and not sharing it with us cause of his ocd about it

I press 1 and get the basic information and when I press 2 nothing happens, the graphs to show up.

Ok that sucks. How do I make webms until then?

With the way he was power tripping off the whole “I can withhold code because it gives me power over the users” he probably got mad with power and ended up becoming consumed from the corruption :^)

Use the encode script in the repo.it works ok but you will need to add additional switches on it to make it great

Update your stats.lua, the feature was implemented a couple of weeks ago.


There are a few other scripts iirc, one of which I use from time to time. You can also just use ffmpeg from the command line

I don't understand. With the latest version of mpv and stats.lua you should at least see some output when you switch into detailed view.

Oh I got it working after downloading the new updated version. Thanks.

I wasn't able to load the shader though. Going to troubleshoot it and see what the problem is.

Ok I will looks, thanks.

load mpv from the command line and it will show any errors

This site is 18+

They're right tho, I was on the thread were he said he didn't want to share it.

>no NGU
Into the trash it goes.

He said he wanted to work on it himself. That's his right. Insulting him because he won't give it to you in its current state isn't going to make him more likely to give it to you. I'd never release it to you after showing what greedy self-entitled twats you are.

Why post it or even mention it in the threads then?

I tried this. Kept putting in different dir and it still wouldn't load. I'm Windows 10 btw.

I don't know what's wrong. I give up. Thanks though.

Do you have 'non-conventional' keybindings?

I'm looking for useful extra keybindings, I only have
# Download current video with youtube-dl
Ctrl+s run youtube-dl "-o" "/home/user/mpv/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "${path}"

Try other opengl-backend.

>why post the tech your working on on a technology board?

I have n af toggle pan=1:[0.5,0.5]
It toggles downmixing from stereo to mono, useful if the audio was poorly mixed.

is this any different to cycle-values audio-channels "mono" "stereo"

But if you never intend on releasing it why post it why not keep it to your self as you intend to do?

How exactly do I create a profile?
I mean I want certain filters to only apply to 720p videos, is there a way to do it?

Here's the typical FOSStard scenario:

Hey, this feature that is very basic and important doesn't work.

Then fork it

I don't know how to code

tough luck

Don't you want this program to be what you claim it to be? That is, better than the program you trash talk for being closed source because you whine that if the developer stops developing said program the whole thing gets lost while FOSS can survive through people further developing it?

Not my problem, deal with it or code it yourself

Okay, I learned how to code, and also got what I wanted to work, as well as features I saw others had problems with, but since I now know how to code I suddenly became an elitist FOSStard that rather keep my code to myself instead of sharing it... I mean spoonfeeding it. It's totally different to the whole closed source where the dev stops developing it and the code is lost because it's not FOSS. Totally no the same, not at all.

How did you fix it, because I can't find any documents on github, please help

I didn't put it there, it's on my machine and it's gonna stay there forever, deal with it oldfagFOSStard, I'll make my own player and it'll work well because I now know how to make the whole program work and it's already working better than your FOSS program, and I also get money for doing it, and I hired a bunch of guys to develop branching features.

There you have it.
The difference between open source and closed source.



e.g. profile-desc=cond:get('height',0)

See the reminder in the OP btw.

>not 1(ONE) FOSSkek can refute this
how can Sup Forums recover?

post it a 4th time for good measure

cycling that doesn't seem to change anything for me, so I don't know.

DUBS don't LIE

I use it on the occasional shitty youtube video that only has audio on one side and it works fine.


He said he was planning on it when he was finished. He was just showing off where he was. And you freetards had to badger him and insult him when he wouldn't give you what you wanted right now.

Im not a freetard,i dont follow RMS and his 4 commandments.
I use proprotary software

>post cool thing you're making
>people get interested and start asking for it
>go on an autistic rant about why you don't want to share it, replying to every single post with a wall of text
like, if he didn't want to share until it was finished, saying "i will post when it's finished" once is enough. also,
>getting mad at insults on Sup Forums

>you have to be this autistically oblivious to be an mpv shill
Why am I not surprised?

>wm4 - which is why I think a native D3D11 backend could be nice
Vulkan and OpenGL are shits, they finally understood.

I don't want his shitty script, I just started poking fun at his hilarious attitude

go to bed foozoor

Okay, so when I enable video-sync=display-resample my frametimes go to shit but my CPU usage is only at 10-15% across all cores. How do I get this shit to use my CPU more and play smoothly? Note that the video is being decoded in software despite hwdec being enabled because it's a 10-bit video. I also have my monitor at 120Hz for that sweet multiple of 24, 30, and 60 which may have something to do with it.

Video settings in mpv.conf:

Who is foozoor?

>I also have my monitor at 120Hz for that sweet multiple of 24, 30, and 60
Then why even enable display resample?

Instead of sounding like an ass why don't you just say how he should get it to work.

why even use display resample doesn't explain shit.

I don't fucking know. There might be some slight difference between 23.796x5 and my actual refresh rate. Does mpv take care of that without display-resample?

Ok... so everything that has been said here has either been wrong or might work on Linux, but not on windows.

Some say to make a scripts folder and some say to make a shaders folder, yet my shaders worked ONLY when I put them outside the shaders folder and in the portable_config folder.

This inconsistency is why nobody listens to FOSS stuff.

Do I need to enable something to use radio:// protocol?

mpv --list-protocols
if it's not there it wasn't compiled with support for it

You dont know shit about paths kiddo.

Ohohohooo, a dumb retard eh?
Explain then how a glsl file that's meant to be in shaders work when it's in
but not in


It depends on where \portable_config\file.glsl and \mpv\shaders\file.glsl are in the grand scheme of your PATH.Your mpv folder is not in the PATH.

mpv uses the GPU for rendering, not the CPU

If you want to improve frame times, you could try by identifying which passes are slow for you

eh, PATH has nothing to do with it

~~/ invokes your path.

C:\Program Files\MPV\portable_config
But that doesn't matter.
The PATH to the mpv folder has nothing to do with anything since it shouldn't care where mpv is placed.
thing is mpv changes the way it needs files to be in if it have a portable_config folder.

If mpv was made correct it'd read the file correctly if it was in
C:\Program Files\MPV\portable_config\shaders
But it doesn't.
You where saying?
Why is the PATH before the \mpv important again?

Bottomline, mpv is inconsistent in it's behavior.

You arent telling it to use the shaders folder here retard.
Im assuming Prog files is still in the path so....

Would be what you need to put in the configs.
>Why is the PATH before the \mpv important again?
You cant just call ~~ and then not follow it correctly.Please go learn what PATH is and how to use it before you post again.We will be able to tell if you actually know what PATH is if you dont

Is there a way to make the seek bar slightly smaller and further down or at least show it further down?
I have the script that puts a seek bar at the bottom as well, but an OSD one that isn't in your face would be great.
I could just use osd-level=0, but I kinda like having one.

Modify to your needs
osd-font='Fira Sans'

does using mpv + youtube-dl on youtube.com give a view to the video? Or is it like an embed?

what do you think youtube-dl does?


downloads the video, to ram if with mpv, am not sure if it counts as a view because I'm not using the JS and HTML5 player.

>~~/ invokes your path.
No it doesn't.. it translates to any of the paths to the mpv config dirs

So I assume you mean it does give the view?

>Bottomline, mpv is inconsistent in it's behavior.
Dude I don't know what you're smoking, it's entirely consistent because all of this code uses the exact same fucking function in the source code to look up paths. It also works fine for me and apparently everybody else.

You should really read mpv.io/manual/master/#configuration-files


Not the guy you are arguing with but I was curious about the ~~/ as well. Thanks.

Almost surely not, because google uses lots of javascript spyware to try and prevent fake views

If generating a fake view was as simple as running the `mpv` binary, fake view sellers would be all over it

Try disabling the OSD and using mpv-progressbar. It's pretty sexy

I'm a noob at everything. Just installed mpv and didn't modify anything. So far it's playing what I want to watch. But why the fuck is the audio at 100% everytime it starts? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea? And how do I change that?

Because you have your system audio at a good volume for you. You want your individual programs to be outputting at 100% so you can control the loudness with your system volume.

I'm using it, but for some reason osd-level=0 doesn't disable the white default one...

That makes good sense. Thank you.