Can we make a coalburner registry? We can partner with Sup Forums, and it will be Sup Forums's first successful project

Can we make a coalburner registry? We can partner with Sup Forums, and it will be Sup Forums's first successful project.

As soon as it starts picking up, we will all realize just how many their are in ratio to non-coalburners and we will all probably kill ourselves
Lets do it

i'll be the ideas guy

Install Gentoo

i'll make the logo

I'LL make the ACTUAL logo, because this guy's is trash.

Do we define coal burners as only nig nogs or what about those who have respectable black men with jobs and also have dated white men with jobs. Can we also allow wiggers to count

Don't attain yourself to such details now. Just implement a protoype. Apply filters later.

We should have a rating system next to the coalburners as well
Its a rank from 1-10, .5 being like dated one nignog and hated it, 1-3 being dated (fucked) a single nignog and liked it, and everything above that basically going into only fucking black men and 10 being like regularly gangbangs black guys

We should also have a system like hentai@home so the platform is distributed so if (((they)) try to take it down there will always be a copy out there

I'll make the logo

Fuck off 3DPD loving normalfag

>Implying your waifu won't show up in the registry

wew lads this sounds like an awesome project. so which language we use?

Fuck off normalfag, this cancer will attract other worthless normalscum. 3DPD are completely worthless.

It will only highlight how bad 3DPD are, so why do you hate it?
Are you afraid someone will take your waifu?

It will attract others who have girlfriends or wives.

We will look for an offshore bullet proof host. It wont be taken down

race mixing is bad from biological perspective too, not just because of social politics. if you fuck someone outside your genetic group you're a race traitor, as simple as that. the socio economic status of the partners is irrelevant.

Sounds like a job for Microsoft excel

> biological perspective
> race traitor
That ain't true, it doesn't even make sense. Also, there is more genetic variation within Africa (but they all the same race, right?) than between whites and blacks in America.

Should we listen to OP?

After all they are just an airhead.

The pivot tables could be pretty interesting. We'll need more data too. I want to know if there is a correlation between say, socioeconomic situations and coal burning. Maybe we can crack to code (((they))) are putting in society.