Why are we not rewriting everything in Rust?

Why are we not rewriting everything in Rust?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it's a shit language developed by shitty people.

>Because it's a shit language


using rust is harder in comparison to c++

This is the real reason. Most people on Sup Forums talk shit about Rust because they're too stupid to learn it.

Because they constantly eschew established terminology because "it's racist/sexist/transphobic/etc"

rust? more like dust lmao. throw it in the trash.

Rc Cell Ref Box wtf?

you have to do better than that

You Rust shills, all two of you, need to stop. Rust is an obscure language of zero value. Harping about it on a Belgian Steelworking forum will accomplish nothing.

Rust is a language.
Everyone who uses it is a cunt but the language is good.


It's too much work

I don't mind GC for most of what I do, so I use OCaml and Erlang.


You know there's documentation for these and you'll seldom use any of them except Box occasionally?

Then what's the "best", most useful language now and into the foreseeable future?

Why do you keep rewriting this thread?


> It's shit
> Why?
> It's shit cuz i need to suck Sup Forums dick

>Because it's a shit language developed by shitty people.
That's a weaselly way to put it. Let's face it, most of those who complain about Rust on Sup Forums have no meaning technical criticism to offer. Sure, if you asked them, they could come up with something on the spot, but it would be a post hoc kind of thing. To accurately capture their actual line of thought we need to change the above quote around just a little bit.
>It's a shit language because it is developed by shitty people.
There you go. But this is obviously a non sequitor. Rust could have been created by an alien species intent on killing every last human through a combination of space napalm and anal probing, and it still would have been a noteworthy language whose type system should be studied. You may choose to not use it because you do not want to support the maintainers or to avoid contact with the community, and that's fair enough, but there is no need to pretend like it is about the technical issues. It's because of what you perceive to be, probably accurately, an SJW climate around the project.

>SJW climate
Plus the shilling.

>Why are we not rewriting everything in Rust?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Unless you're a consultant.

>Belgian Steelworking forum
How Eurocentric.


because most of us aren't on the spectrum

>install rust
>slip on pink panties
>bounce on a nice thick dildo every successful compilation
>throat fuck yourself for every compiler error
>become system programming expert

because C is better

well as long as that works for you

story of my life 2bh

top kek

post thigh high pics

i hate this board so much

Name 3 times this happened.



So this is the power of RUST.

Why are we still fighting useless wars?

That's why.

I hold Rust with as much contempt as the next smart person but these retards exist in every community. The Mozilla flag just happens to enable them.

>The Mozilla flag just happens to enable them.
And that's why rust is a problem.
Rust embraces them with open arms.

>seldom used
>use shortest name available to save typing

do not compute.

Admit it, rust is pure shit.