Daily reminder that Windows is a piece of fucking shit

Daily reminder that Windows is a piece of fucking shit.

>Be me
>Using fresh install of Wangcucks 10 Pro
>Running on a fucking i7 6700k, 850 Pro SSD, 16 GB of RAM at 3200Mhz and a fucking GTX 1080
>Try to run Spotify and a virus scan at the same
>Finally get task manager to open after GUI has frozen for the millionth fucking time
>RAM usage goes up to %100 all of a sudden
>Everything freezes

I'm done with Microsoft and all of this shit. I'll selling my Want blows machines and getting Apple stuff and start using Linux as well. Literally the only reasons people use his garbage is for LMAO 360 LE NOSCOPE GAYMER bullshit and stupid Microshaft office garbage.

>Tl;dr Windows is curry nigger shit and the only real operating systems are Mac OS and Linux

Works on my machine

>>be me

That originated here on Sup Forums you fucking newfag nigger

Nice hyperbole faggot go back to X is broken

>virus scan
could it be that you are actually retarded?

>Hurr I use COMMON SENSE 2017 cus in my retarded neckbeard manchild mind I think I'm Linus Torvalds

Get fucked, Timmy

>program has encountered an error. Close program or search for a solution?
>Close program
>Windows is searching for a solution before closing the program
Until this shit is fixed windows will always be trash. Just make it do what I tell it to do.

>Fresh install
>Needing to run a virus scan

> Skylake has a critical flaw (hyperthreading issue) where some short loops may cause unpredictable system behavior. The issue can be fixed if the motherboard manufacturer releases a BIOS update with the fix.[56]

It was a fresh install but I looked at some porn so I ran a virus scan

>didn't install an ad blocker before doing anything online
You're retarded. Of course, that's obvious from your first post.

You didn't install Windows correctly

calm down retard, just use 7.


opengl is better than directx

>getting Apple stuff
Woah, dude. No reason to choose to be homosexual. Just use Linux on your existing hardware happily for the next 10 years.

>He thinks adblockers make you bulletproof

Sounds like YOU are the one who is fucking retarded. And yeah dumbass I already had an adblocker installed.

Sounds like you have a hardware issue.

>Close program or search for a solution?
>Close program and search for a solution

Adblockers do more to stop you getting malware than any Antivirus does.
Once you get the malware you are already fucked.

Did you try turning the router off for 10 minutes then powering the router back on again?

That usually fixes most computer stuff.

t.pajeet tech support

>be op
>be fucking retarded

Works fine here

Can virus scan and plays games and watch a movie without a problem.

I take it that you don't care much for the Indians in the software development field.

>people ITT actually take OP seriously

Linux has already enough retards in the Ubuntu and Arch communities, let him buy a Mac and keep away from Linux.

I'm thinking default Windows drivers too.

>I can't find whats wrong with my computer so clearly the OS sucks

are you ok? my ltsb install with as little proprietary snake oil as possible sure runs fine on my intel (r) i5-4690k (4c/4t)!

congratz you are too stupid to use a operating system made for people with sub 90 IQ who buy their pcs from walmart
i would suggest osx normally but i think you lack the brainpower to understand even that

Works on my machine.

I have never, and i mean ever, even at the very beginning, had a problem with Windows 10.

Guess it helps not being autistic.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Wangcucks 10 Pro
Found your problem.

Damn Sup Forums sure falls for some pathetic bait.

Not that guy but you are a literal dipshit

And Adobe Photoshit

what the hell are you doing, i run win10pro on a i5 x220 like a charm.

I run win10 on an i5 3210m, a fucking midrange notebook cpu from 2012. And it works perfectly.

You're just retarded, OP.

>be me
>install windows 10
>change a couple of settings based on my own preferences
>everything just works

You know shitposting is against the rules, cunt?

Downeys need to stay away from technology.

This old man has a surprisingly good hairline. Certainly better than my 23 year old friend, Tom's hairline. Fucking Tom.

it takes a special kind of retard to fail at using windows of all things

So did ragecomics, you going to post those too?

Install fucking Windows 7 or 8.1

Pic related

daily reminder that the sad shits posting daily reminders have nothing better to do in life

He's probably running a chink pirated version.

im going to call you an idiot, you have been warned


Just install Linux on the computer you already have, idiot

>getting a virus due to not having an adblocker

there you have it, another reason windows is a terrible operating system

>quad core CPU
>attempting to run more than one program at a time

Found your problem.



Is that the number of responsive programs you have when trying to multitask on a quad core?

fucking kek'd

this post is certified reddit

Confirmed fucktard who fell for the moar cores meme

and reddit took the shit out of it
now go back

Confirmed goy who fell for the moar clock speed meme.

we can't have a proper bait thread until someone says "reddit." never change, Sup Forums

that's odd, I rarely have any issues

>Windows is searching for a solution before closing the program
My biggest issue with this is the fact that they have literally never found a solution to anything. That feature is completely useless.

i don't know why you are all hating against windows in general. i admit w10 is a broken curry nigger OS. But w7 runs smooth af

>implying clock speed doesn't matter
Get out tech illiterate

>implying more coars don't matter
They don't in many cases, especialy not if the clock speed is abysmal, tl;dr Ryzen clock speeds

Of course

When the fuck do you think you are, 2006?

>pajeetware dingdongs good day sir


>what it takes to add a dropdown
So there's a .cpp file that defines the behaviour and a .xaml file that defines the look of the UI.
If you want to add a new dropdown of course you're going to just copy the piece of xaml that defines it elsewhere and simply change the entries.
Same for the callback, it's mostly the same for every dropdown just with different ids.
String resources are required for localization. The only issue is the sequential id requirement.

There is absolutely nothing wrong or unusual about this process.
If you've ever worked with Android you'll know that it works exactly the same except that it generates resource ids for you.
The green guy is just retarded.

Back to Sup Forums, child.

We've gone full circle. The oldfag is now the plebbit, the plebbit is now the oldfag

All this street shitter salt, glorious.

How can a baby die from getting shit on?

I just flipped one of my laptops (Inspiron 1121) from Win10 to CentOS 7 (Wife's old laptop, she got one of those Dell convertible laptop/tablet thingys). I have an identical laptop dual booting between Win7 and CentOS 7.

With a fresh Install of Win10 the laptop constantly runs hot. Opening any browser will cause it to overheat within 10-15 minutes causing a thermal shutdown. Mind you, this is an *empty* browser pointing to about:home. Opening the browser with any amount of content can cause a shutdown faster. There's an external fan under it blowing cool air directly into the laptop fan and that still doesn't mitigate the problem. The only way to cool it off is to stick it in the freezer for a few minutes or close the browser window. Watching a video on Youtube will cause it to overheat in a minute or less.

Same laptop with CentOS 7 on it and the overheating problem is not nearly an issue like it was. Youtube vids will cause it to overheat, but at least I can watch several before it happens. I left it up overnight with Firefox open with about a dozen tabs open to various sites and it's still running with the temps sitting at 64C/62C.

The identical laptop I have runs Win7 and CentOS 7. Under Win7 I can play some older 3D games like Quake3, UT99, etc for a good while before CoreTemps starts flashing, telling me I've hit 90C. CentOS7 on that laptop is the same as the other one.

In short, Win10 runs your machines HARD for no goddamned reason.

Be me
Install Windows 10
Flip a few switches and change some registries.
Be aware that microsoft is still spying on me
Not a fan of that but would rather use a working os and now have to fix things every day.

Clean the laptop you fucking retard.

cleaned and reapplied thermal paste. Overheating an issue with this specific model. We have 4 of them in the house, my two youngest kids have 'em along with my wife's and mine (well, they're both mine now). All 4 of them have the exact same problem. Using external fans helps to varying degrees. I've cleaned each one and reapplied thermal paste to all of them and the problem is still there.

windows was a mistake
a mistake that must be fixed
use linux today, because if you use Mac, it'll only end up like Windows, they'll get fatter, and richer, and lazier, and hire pajeets just like microsoft did.

sorry for your woes

have you tried an earlier version? (7 maybe)

if you quit windows I wouldn't blame you

>his pc cant multitask with a quad-core

you must be using a shit operating system like windows


>>be me
kys dumb redditor

>using anything newer than a Core2
enjoy your literal botnet

As a GNU/Linux user, I totally agree with Apple being superior to Microsoft products.

ANYTHING is better than Wangblows.

8.1? Are you a fucking psychotic cuck?