U got fukkin memes coming here

u got fukkin memes coming here

seems pretty fuckin cool

transportation-based blockchain currency when

for 6.25 minutes of head ill invest

I thought this said chandrive for a second and got really excited

the future is now.

uber is a bunch of foreigners

can you get head from your chaindrive driver without being sued????

i dont see why not

nice file name

>> naming ur files not shitniggafamshit

>based on this page and the fact that it requires nonfree js makes it seem that they are oblivious to free software
>claims to be decentralized, yet it seems to be very centraliezd, and does nothing to back this claim up
>claims to cut out the middleman but you stlil have to use their app
I mean, come on, you are giving THEM etherium
Nobody is falling for this meme, right?

>missed EOS ICO 5000% gains
>New ICO
Looks shady but fuck it

Does it even matter if the product doesn't work anymore? I mean look at EOS
>Claims to "decentralize everything"
>Tokens literally don't do anything
>Raised hundreds of millions

>obvious b8 m8
take all my money

cum to my house bois

this is nut technology if it hasnt even been inveted niggggaaaaaa

Uber is a great way to get mugged

but what if i like being mugged

fuck u uber

how bout ya'll invest in my new toy instead

ill invest in my cock anyday.

>>Fuck off towlhead

>>is arabian
>>mom is doctor
>>fails as doctor
>>kills 9 innocents
>>islam is fucked
>>middle east known as terrorist nation
>>twin towers fall down
>>samir born
>>trys startup
>>definitely not a scheme


>not yet even prototyped
>no whitepaper
>asking for over $1M--in CRYPTOCURRENCY, so no liability
>the app will probably be proprietary
>having its own cryptocurrency when it's not necessary
>if you claim that you will revolutionize an industry, you probably won't revolutionize an industry

>will probably get $1M in funding then vanish
>invests anyway


The fuck does this even mean

>Crypto currency meets ride sharing

Fuck you. Fuck you in your fucking ass.

it means it's not centralised

When will you faggots learn that the most privacy respecting way to get a ride is to just get a cab and pay with cash?

communism, ((they)) want to decentralize your wealth

>implying this would be worse than the state or another entity owning your wealth

>There are 15 competing standards.

I never used uber before. Is it better than taking the bus?

As is Skip the Dishes for that matter.

>people will find a way to hook up their mining rigs to their cars while ridesharing
>they will think that riding on the freeway will increase the gainz
>they will constantly exceed speed limits
>more car accidents
>more deadly car accidents

it's literally a problem that solves itself, user

nobody would use a decentralized rape service

I use Lyft

Literally nowhere on the internet is this mentioned

This is you shilling a fake crypto currency trying to get ethereum

You're a piece of shit OP


Of course there are no kidnappers, right? you retard.

>tfw this will never support my country lol