So is this any good? Been thinking about cutting myself off from Google for good.
So is this any good? Been thinking about cutting myself off from Google for good
Other urls found in this thread:
it's better than google. not even trolling, been using it for years now and every 2-3 months when i get shit results looking for something obscure or regional, i try google just for comparison. i'm yet to get better results from google.
Considering you can prefix your searches with !g to get Google results via DDG, there's really no reason not to try.
Also, it doesn't sell your your info to ads desu
most obvious samefag ever
DDG is shit, there's no actual alternative to Google because having huge botnet is good for making a search engine
also, where do you live? i used to get furious at google giving me search results for poland instead for searching globally. DDG made it a thing off the past.
>DDG is shit,
it not but its not jewgle either
DDG is my default
I have it on my phone too
I rarely need google, but it's a !g away if I do
why dont you just try it you dumb ass
>doesn't even have reverse image search
I've been using it for the past 2 years, and have yet to go back to Google.
no, use searx run by yourself or someone you trust
ddg isn't a friend to privacy anymore
but I'm not OP or any of the other anons desu
google has begun exluding copyrighted material from it's google image search, so it's become useless anyway
You can still use google without the bullshit. Startpage acts as a proxy and queries google for you so you get the same results without the botnet.
Set it as default rn
Looks like absolute ass.
tineye and iqdb
DDG has ads though.
>DDG has ads though.
You dont even need an adblocker to permanently disable them, though.
>Run own instance of searx
>!go to search just google
>Now the botnet has your search and IP
someone post that ddg image pls
Startpage > DDG for privacy. And still a good search engine in its own right.
I use startpage and I'm a fan of it.
Same here, switched to startpage and haven't looked back.
There are different themes you can choose if you don't like the aesthetic.
It's ok, Google still gives better results, but I keep it because I find bangs to be a short hand way to get all search engines.
Don't even try again fucking shill
Too bad I don't have the screencap which explain in detail how and why Cuckcuckgo is a botnet that no one should use
Use startpage, Qwant, Searx or even google but by all means stay fucking away from Duckduckgo
It's not better than google but more ethical than google, and also google used to be better.
Just saying.
>like most of the Internet
that doesn't seem to stop you from posting on a swiss patisserie forum
Ixquick or startpage, preferably startpage.
how is startpage or any of the dogpile-esque search engines any less botnet if it uses google results? literally everything is a botnet; at least duckduckgo has a layout that doesnt make my eyes bleed and it allows me to use a proxy to search, unlike google which just blocks me now. i couldnt care less about ddg using aggregate anonymous data from my search queries
>literally trusting a jew who's previous job was to sell user data
You're a quack.
i explicitly stated i dont give a shit
startpage > *
it lags and sometimes doesn't give search results
over a year of use, not even once. fix your internet
This is disinfo. DDG is perfectly fine. What everyone here keeps referencing about the "selling user data" is purely a meme designed to discourage people from using DDG. What happened is the guy who made DDG had, a long time ago, made one of those class mate finder sites, so this was a place where people willingly provided their personal details, and then at a later date the site was sold to another business. That's all that happened. And any retard who gave data to a classmate website was a fucking retard to begin with that probably didn't give two shits about privacy. This jew/user data selling meme needs to die once and for all. Fuck all of you disinfo spreaders and take your antisemitism back to Sup Forums
use startpage, searx, or qwant instead
DuckDuckGos ownership is untrustworthy I use searx.
ddg is as good as google if you put !g in front of you're search terms.
go to :
'ncr' stands for 'no country redirect'
it will set a cookie and will always use
>Using chrome
I prefer Searx.
Let's wait 3 minutes for my unrelevant search results to load!
>So is this any good?
It's meh
>Been thinking about cutting myself off from Google for good.
DDG what you're looking for user.
You'rebetter off just running yacy.
Mods stop b@ ing me for weird shit that I didn't please.
Shilling in full force
I am still amazed by the number of people who don't know about bangs. Add a ! to your search, and it automatically takes you to the first link. Add a !g to your search, and it takes you to an encrypted google search of the terms. Add !cpp, and it searches the C++ reference. Add !am, and it searches Amazon. Etc.
DDG is great. If you don't like its results, just add a bang and you'll get another engine's results without the tracking.
>So is this any good? Been thinking about cutting myself off from Google for good.
Use startpage, or yandex. dont' use DDG. it's run by a spammer joo.
0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account.
The amount of paranoia here lately is amazing. Is it unusual to vouch for things you like?
Ixquick or startpage allow you to search some other engines by proxy and also choose US, European or Asian servers, so it is more powerful than it looks. Protected by strict EU privacy laws so no death by ads.
If you fear for your privacy, you can try qwant
What about qwant?
>requires javascript to function
How bout no
No? I use uMatrix witch blocks all java scripts... Works fine.
i searched the website on,
Click the link
and was presented with a blank page.
I enabled scripting and the page loaded.
I then disabled scripting again and the page did not load
As you see here, I needed to turn off java sctipt filter to be able to use 4pleb
And here, quwant works just fine with it on.
>not using 4chanx
>not using javascript at all
NIgga,you see that "SCRIPT" column?
enabled in this case means enabled protection... I mean... it's u-BLOCK... So...
And try it... 4pleb won't run if you enable block of all java scripts...
GREEN is enabled
RED is disabled
The script column heder is RED,but the column is GREEN.
You need javascript ON(GREEN) to acces
>fuck that shit
Use 4chanx
I use
pretty much anonymized google
Yet to see anyone present a counter-rebuttal to this. The anti-DDG shills in this thread have not presented one piece of evidence.
Read right here friendo
This. I bet most of the retards in this thread don't even have a librebooted Thinkpad and are getting raped every single day by the backdoors in their Intel/AMD CPU and BIOS, their closed source router, their smartphones, their ISP, and many of the sites they visit. Unless you have full control over your computer and encrypted your internet traffic, you have absolutely no right to whine about DDG. Your privacy has been compromised 1000x more than DDG could ever potentially do to you from a simple search.
>pol-tier "infographic" with no sources and downright lies and misinfo
kys, friendo
I use pic related.
Take your shitty memes and go to hell.
What is this shitty shilling pic? Not the first time I am seeing it.
>pretty safe in our opinion
Your point?
>hurrr it uses nginx
Are you shitting me? Nginx is the most popular foss http server.
>it shows me my user agent if I ask for it!
What is wrong with that exactly?
>It shows me my ip address and location if I ask for it
What is wrong with this exactly?
Gee, no wonder who is behind this post.
4plebs was an archive, stop using names randomly
i used this for everything now, bangs are the best part obviously, after you memorise some of the non-intuitive ones, especially good if you have a slower system/device, plus theres a non-javascript version
but the google results are a problem in themselves
ads, bias, etc
one problem i can think of rn
in case ddg workers started this thread
the sub categories that appear dynamically can't be triggered manually very easy, also it's not obvious how many there are
>uses Startpage to put a proxy wall between him and Google's datasniffing
>uses Chrome
I miss that goofy motherfucker in the /cyb/ threads.
Will I get better results when I try and search for occult shit in jt
>enhanced by google
>slow as fuck
into the trash it goes
This. Startpage is ridiculously slow for me.
Chromium you dumb fucks. Chrome just takes the open source browser Chromium and adds a bunch of bullshit to it. It's essentially the same thing minus the proprietary botnet. Get the fuck off of Sup Forums retards.
Everyone knows chromium phones home to the botnet. Also the screenshot clearly showed the chome logo.
kys and enjoy your cucked browser :^)
>being this new
you know chromium still sends info to google right?
>no other option to google
Then use startpage
So? I deem all of these things helpful and ungoogled chromium exists if I didn't.
If you like Google algorithms better, you can always just precede your duckduckgo search with !Google
Returns an encrypted Google search
>posting on a swiss patisserie forum
Now this is something I'd actually like to do. Thanks for the idea user.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
>"hur durr chromium is not a botnet you stupid retard!!!!!"
>chromium is actually a botnet
>"hurr durr so?? i d-dont care a-anyway!"
go back to Sup Forums
lmao just as bad as the jewgle botnet
>dropping one botnet for another botnet.
Duckduckgo is alright. Its clear a lot of technical people use it because especially regarding technical questions its very good. The only thing that isn't as great as elsewhere is the image search - I sometimes use Startpage or even Yandex in the worst case for that.
I tend to find better results than google on DDG.
Its not paranoia, its just big corporation shills.
so what the fuck is there left to use?