Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~

Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~


>neo-Sup Forums won't recognize this

>watch kino about westeros
>Shape of You starts playing


fuck off whores from yuri cuck shows

>tfw to intelligent for shit anime




This is literally my favorite thread on Sup Forums


Fuck off

Fuck off cancerous Sup Forumsfag and stop spamming your shit opinions on Sup Forums about yuri

animation in yuru yuri is pretty bad

This board is called Sup Forums


I love you Akarin but you shouldn't keep posting this. This is a technology board.

Some Sup Forumsfag on Sup Forums won't shut up abut "yuricucks" and how it's degeneracy

Yuri is a disgusting fetish for self-hating "men". I don't even post on Sup Forums anymore because there hasn't been a decent anime since NNB 2.

stop being so tsuntsun

That's /u/, not yuri as a whole. I hate the t/u/mblr board a lot, but I don't take out on yuri as a whole.

>"hurr durr girl on girl is a weird gay fetish"
ur a faget

He's talking about the male loathing cancer that make up /u/.

that's not me, I don't go to Sup Forums because everyone has shit taste but I'm glad there's someone with common sense
where do you self-insert with 2 girls you fucking retard

Does this board have a -tan?
