Terminal window appears for a split second then disappears


>he doesn't disable the terminal
Really faggot?

>hear beep
>computer isn't even on

>computer explodes

I hate when that happens

This has happened to me once or twice in the last few months but my AV shows nothing. Should I Boot N Nuke?

>put windows™ to sleep
>go to bed
>windows wakes up

this it happen twice this week very scary lah

>typing text
>popup dialogue appears suddenly and steals focus
>press return

ah beng gtfo


>swear you see the mouse move
>I didn't bump it
>did I?
>Maybe I'm imagining things
>Swear it happens again

spooky, but it happens on GNU/Linux too, sometimes.

>tfw have amphetamine psychosis and still see things out the corner of my eyes that I think are bugs

uh... no?

Awww, is the little RMS dick-rider triggered? There there, it'll all be okay, just keep spouting your mouth like the dumb cunt you are.

>bs bs bs bs bs i have no proof bs bs bs bs bs

Jesus Christ. You okay man?

>proof of an incredibly rare occurance
show proof you have a penis

It's up to you to disprove it.

Then by that logic it's up to you to disprove the mouse doesn't automatically move on GNU/Linux on a very rare occasion. (once every fortnight)


well, been using gahnuu for a good while now with both x and wayland and most of the de/wm s out there and have never seen anything like this so i can safely assume you're just making stuff up or your mouse is fugged

Suck a dick RMS. I know you're cramming spyware up my ass.

Assuming is not proving. I can safely assume you have no penis.

the prooving lies on you

Then it lies on you to prove you have a dick. And no, the one up your ass doesn't count.

>in bed just reading shit from my phone before i sleep
>cozy and quiet
>laptop starts blaring loud music
>little bit of pee leaks out of peepee
>turn off laptop and put it in my backpack
>change underwear and try to go to sleep

>change subject / slide topic / offend
>because i have no proof

>does the exact same thing

You bent nigger

you first then i'll show you my benis that you crave so much
>because you're such a dirty little faggot

But you said it's up to me to prove you have a dick, so it's on you to prove the random-mouse-input phenomenon. Stupid nigger.

>using a windows mouse under gnu+Linux

twist this more in your anus stupid nigger. it's up to you prove your claims YOU were first, stop sliding the subject

Guess you're preparing for prostate exams haha

and the penis crap was again made by YOU

Go fuck yourself

Worth the ban


Naw son


>enter room from shower
>usb plug in sound