You browse this board with poorfags that can't afford the last iPhone and MacBook

>You browse this board with poorfags that can't afford the last iPhone and MacBook

>you make this thread every day to get the same responses
Shoo shoo shill.


Sup Forums has always been anti-apple.

>my friend keeps buying whatever Sup Forums and youtube say is good
>my friend keeps using his credit card to buy new mechanical keyboards and expensive headphones while having a shitty i3
>my friend has no job so her mother pays for everything because she would rather see him being a neet than having to work for his stuff

> you browse this board with faggots who think buying an iphone makes them better than others

>I browse this board with frogposters
I want all of you normalfag shitters out now.

>you browse this board with people that make posts like these
sigh, I don't even know why I bother coming here anymore.

dumb frog poster

being anti-apple is the default state. it costs more, so naturally people buy the cheaper option with wider adoption. but once you get over "muh shekels" state of mind, and seek out the most quality technology money can buy. you find that apple's vertically integrated business provides a zen like experience with its technology products that windows and linux stacks can't compete with. apple strives for perfection, and you can feel it, and it rubs off on you as a user. i'm a proud member of the church of apple

announcing sage isn't allowed bye loser

>You browse this board with poorfags who can't afford a five million dollar Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita
>You browse this board with poorfags who can't afford an 12/10 model trophy wife and $300,000/night hookers by the dozen on the side whenever you want
>You browse this board with poorfags who can't afford a $20 billion dollar palace on their own private island.


>Browses Sup Forums
>Can't even watch webms

>tfw your RAM costs more than an iPhone and a macBook combined

Private islands don't even cost a bil let alone 20 bil.

>payed premium

you browse this board with poor people who are still broke from buying the last iToys.

>tfw im still on 4s

Would I still be considered poor if I wouldn't take one for free..?

>paying more for something when there are better or roughly-peforming-at-the-same-level alternatives for less than half the price
>calling others poorfags for going the objectively better option in both price and performance

shoo shoo, shill

>you browse this board with macfags

>You browse this board with Sup Forumsermin who use Windows and privileged Mac faggots who got so much money from their parents they ignored their education.

I wouldn't mind them being the "last" apple products though.

>i browse a board with people who have such a lack of dignity and self respect that they think that dropping cash on a device with a locked bootloader that makes you jump through loops and loops to get root on, and who unironically use a device that doubles as a skillet and is fucked if you get a drop of liquid on it makes them superior
I don't know why I do.

>buying a shitty island


Who the fuck posts like this even. Obvious shill is obvious.

are you enjoying fukushima

what is better, iOS10 or LinOS14.1
I dont like any of them
what do
maybe iOS11 will be a game changer

>when you post threads and start mocking people just to get some replies

>you need to be rich to own Apple products
Can this meme die already?

if you're paying $3k for a laptop youre dumb no matter the logo on it

No, Sup Forums has always been anti-linux. Sup Forums always loved apple till the linux shills arrived with their broken OS.

Reminder that every nigger on food stamps has an iPhone

I cant browse this board without running into a 100 shovels of fucking buyers guilt
>hurr you recommended this I bought something else
>oh you dont have a mac
>you arent using this
>you are using this

go cry over your wasted shekels somewhere else you jobless fags

>not being able to afford Apple
Even poor students run around with Apple products en masse, I seriously doubt that in most cases where people don't have Apple stuff it's because they can't afford it

Aww why did you have to go and do this? I was going to help with your bait thread until you shit on my NOT broken OS GRRRRRR MAD


I don't have a Mac because I can't afford it. But it looks nicer than these shitty chink plastic laptops I use. I would probably buy one if I had money to waste.

Well, I said the majority of cases


S7e + XPS 15 are superior

Got ATH M50s with as present from my mother

Pic related

so you are buying it because it's expensive ?



No Sup Forums has always known Apple is the most profitable company on the planet by ripping of its customes and overcharging by fucktons.

Shill elsewere.