So how accurate is this show from an infosec standpoint?

So how accurate is this show from an infosec standpoint?

I mean, some of the parts seem legit from what little I know

rami malek

I see you're running GNOME.


Most of the hacking comes from him simply having ridiculous luck and guessing people's passwords by looking at their social media accounts. It's not unthinkable, and a lot of people use shitty passwords, but it's ultimately an unrealistic amount of luck.

did someone call me?

AFAIK he was cracking them with dictionary attacks

not unrealistic depending on how the passwords are stored, whether they're salted, etc

Brute forcing passwords of compsec admins working for not-microsoft is even more unrealistic

Not accurate. But is good at using technical terms in non-ridiculous ways

AFAIK He doesn't ever do that. He actually tries to hack the CTO of not-Microsoft and can't manage to do it.
He only brute forces passwords made by regular people. Off the top of my head, I remember him doing it for his best friend, his druggie gf, her shithead dealer, his psychiatrist, his psychiatrist's bf, his best friend's bf, his bumbling manager, and anyone else he has a friendship/relationship with.
I will grant that the Steel Mountain arc was some bullshit.
>Yeah let me just edit this Wikipedia page to use your face real quick
>"Oh, sir? I know I just rejected giving you a tour because I've never heard of you, but this Wikipedia page says you're famous!"

Bruteforcing and dictionary attack are 2 different things. He did dictionary attack after adding all the personal words he could find about the guy/gal in the wordlist

>expected a neat over the top hacker show
>its mentally ill nutjob extravaganza

season 2 with the gooks was just fucking retarded

Also threw in info he had. Dog's name, birthday, that kind of stuff.

Quite literally the most true to live piece of media ever, visually anyway. They hired experts to oversee almost every part of the hacking stuff to make sure it was accurate.

elon musk was pretty good in this movie. will watch the sequel

true to life*

Accurate Linux terminal typing but still shitty second season. "This show is a slow burn made for feggets like me and you."

Show is often edgy for the sake of being edgy

I like this show a lot. I like the fact that it was properly taken care of and everything in the show was legitimate but had a crazy maniac from second 1 in it.

I like this thread too. People who understand the crap in the show was legit, actually appreciate it and then there's the retarded Terry Crews lovers who claim it's all impossible bullshit over and over and over.

>seeing a 10h+ dictionary attack just for the sake of accuracy.

season 3 when

Agreed. The show lost a considerable amount my interest* once I found out his Mr. Robot is his split personality who looks like his father. I still finished season two and I will probably watch season three, but I seriously hope it stops being super lame.

*Except the part where it turns out he was in prison the whole time he was in that shitty neighborhood.

Also, I don't give a fuck about spoilers. This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.


Meh. I personally liked the split personality especially at the end of season two with tyrell

I liked it more when it was about a plausible hackers-vs-the-world story, instead of a "what a tweeeeeeest/fightclub and for our second season a whole box of nothing!" story


it was an interesting take on what a hybrid anonymous/lulzsec/occupy wall street group could've been like but then it kept trying to outdo itself with le crazy plot twists

The second season sucked a lot because based KDE man wasn't in it a lot

This. I stopped watching when they tried to pull off that pretentious mindfuck.

It's as accurate as you can get while still being entertaining and legal enough for TV. The writer of that show had a panel at defcon where he talked about why and how they do their hacking scenes.

Pretty accurate

well that is a big part of it, if you are going after ie sm accounts. Making a dictionary fitting their shit. Pets, kids, wife birthdays etc
If that fails you move to a small dict, then a bigger one and then a bigger one [....] then you have to brute if all fails

I just realized a dictionary attack would never work on me

He would be better off with a key logger or some shit



It's pseudo-realistic. Closer to reality then anything else you'll see on TV.

The real problem with it is that tried to rip off fight club by doing the whole split personality thing and now have dragged out way too long.

split personality garbage was dumb, dropped after that

The scene where mudslime and fatty hack each other is cringeworthy