>There are "people" on Sup Forums right now who prefer windows over linux
Are we being raided by reddit?
There are "people" on Sup Forums right now who prefer windows over linux
I would say so. I see a Mr robot thread and a paid VPN shill
dumb frogposter
It's a known fact that macOS is the superior OS anyway.
no games
/r/loonix user detected
>tfw i made that mr robot thread and i prefer linux
i just love windows for gaming, other than that its a complete piece of shit os
this desu
no one cares about your operating system/timesink of choice, dumb frogposter
if there was a linux distro that supported all my games with performance even vaguely close to windows i would switch without hesitation
Is your day so empty that you have to post bait in order to find some kind of joy? Is this what you consider social interaction? You will never get a girlfriend, anons. You are too bitter. You all may think you are socially acceptable but you are just normies. Loving everything bad does not make you any less of a normie, it just makes you a contrarian. Nobody likes you, not even your mum. She wants you dead. Your dad pretended that you died in a fire 7 years ago. Go shitposting on Sup Forums and some youtube videos of your fake friends. You will still be here in 10 years. Still a virgin, just fatter and totally bald. Good day.
>Windows and OSX
>Not reddit
you're the bait
who let the autistic kid on the computer again?
>n-no u
Now tell me which one is more active.
You just meme'd yourself.
>not reddit
good pasta
The Reddit raid stared at least a year ago.
> Are we being raided by reddit?
Implying Sup Forums is in ANY way better than reddit lmao
r/windows is more active.
>Buttblasted winbabbies: The thread
>Hating linux
>Not autistic
if you don't use Windows I'm afraid you're not a real computer guy. cold hard truth
CPU designer here (on a high level, only do FPGA work, the fabrication and real layout is not me), hate me some windows.
>CPU design
I get using FPGAs for making simple SoCs, but for a CPU itself...